Friday, December 27, 2019
Kant and Utiliarianism on Sweatshops - 1475 Words
By definition a sweatshop is a â€Å"negatively connoted term for any working environment considered to be unacceptably difficult or dangerous. Sweatshop workers often work long hours for very low pay in horrible conditions, regardless of laws mandating overtime pay and or minimum wage†. Many corporations in the United States use sweatshop labor in countries over seas such as China to produce their products at a lower cost. As entailed in the letter from a man born in China, many citizens on these countries resort to factory labor to support themselves to escape other sources on income such as prostitution. Without these corporations usage of oversea sweatshops these employees would be forced to return to self-demeaning jobs such as these.†¦show more content†¦Utilitarianism argues that one should â€Å"choose the act from among your options which is best from the twin points of view of increasing human happiness and reducing human suffering†(Audi, 12). The m ain idea behind this standpoint is to act in such a way that maximizes human pleasure, and provides the least suffering to others. The complete removal of sweatshop factories from foreign countries would have a harsh affect on the lives of citizens overseas. These once factory employed people would have to return to other harsher forms of â€Å"jobs†such as prostitution. From this angle a utilitarianism would argue that these sweatshops are in fact creating a stipend of human happiness in these countries and preventing them from certain forms of suffering. However, when it comes to the horrible working conditions and low wages of sweatshops, and U.S corporations unwillingness to change these factors in exchange of profit decreases as low as 3% a utilitarianism would not see view this to be ethical. Increasing the wage of these employees by even the slightest amount could greatly increase their standard of living. Perhaps increasing a father’s wage could allow for his kindergarten age children to cut back the hours they are forced to work in the same sweatshops. On the other hand, this increase would result in a slight decrease of profit for the corporation that could easily be made up for by cutting other annual expenses.Show MoreRelatedKant and Utiliarianism on Sweatshops Essay1462 Words  | 6 PagesBy definition a sweatshop is a â€Å"negatively connoted term for any working environment considered to be unacceptably difficult or dangerous. Sweatshop workers often work long hours for very low pay in horrible conditions, regardless of laws mandating overtime pay and or minimum wage†. Many corporations in the United States use sweatshop labor in countries over seas such as China to produce their products at a lower cost. As entailed in the letter from a man born in China, many citizens on these countries
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Genesis And Development Of A Scientific Fact - 919 Words
While I was reading Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact (GDSF) (Fleck, 1935), I played close attention to the Foreword written by Thomas Kuhn. As a novice in reading about the philosophy of science, the name Kuhn sounded familiar, but I was not able to remember which situations or disciplines were Kuhn’s areas of expertise. Moreover, I was sure that his name was related to philosophy, but I did not certainly know about his contributions to the development of the philosophy of science. Through inquiring more about the connections between Kuhn and Fleck, I have found some research that has related these philosophers ways of thinking. This research claims that Fleck and Kuhn have shaped the development of science as it is recognized nowadays, and their contributions are framed into what Brorson, and Andersen (2001) have called â€Å"scientific phenomena worlds†(p.109) . Some of this research compares both thoughts (e.g. Mà ¶Ã¡ ºÅ¾ner, 2011; Stark, 2012), while other conceives Fleck as precursor of Kuhn’s thought (e.g. Babich, 2003; Pà ©rez Marà n, 2010). The possible similarities between these philosophers thoughts seem to be only superficial (Mà ¶Ã¡ ºÅ¾ner, 2011; Pà ©rez Marà n, 2010; Stark, 2012). An in-depth reading of Kuhn s reflections on Fleck s influence on his Structure of the Scientific Revolution (SSR) (1970) shows that Kuhn was certainly moved by the sociology of the sciences proposed by Fleck, but Kuhn is also cautious to overtly say that Fleck influenced his philosophyShow MoreRelatedThe Beliefs Of The World : Creationism Vs Creationism1266 Words  | 6 PagesIt’s hard to contest against the facts of science. Science tells us that the Earth was created relatively 4.5 billion years ago and life evolved from single-celled organisms. But can science really be counted on? For thousands of years science said that the universe always existed, that it never had a beginning, but now we all know how wrong t hey were. Religion had it right for thousands of years. Religion said it first, in the Christian religion in the Book of Genesis the first passage says, â€Å"In theRead MoreThe Evolution Of Creationism And Evolution1276 Words  | 6 PagesIt’s hard to contest against the facts of science. Science tells us that the Earth was created relatively 4.5 billion years ago and life evolved from single-celled organisms. But can science really be counted on? For thousands of years science said that the universe always existed, that it never had a beginning, but now we all know how wrong they were. Religion had it right for thousands of years. Religion said it first, in the Christian religion in the Book of Genesis the first passage says, â€Å"In theRead MoreThe Debate Over Evolutionary Theories And Creationism1215 Words  | 5 Pageseducation system, and even our homes. There have been countless scientists, theologians, journalists and Christians that have studied both sides o f the spectrum, that argue how the world we live in was created. Many empty statements, with little to no facts, just assertions about this particular question have been stated in many debates all over the world. So on one side we have Creationism belief that essentially argues that God is the â€Å"intelligent designer†and on the other side Evolutionary theoriesRead MoreCreationism vs. Evolutionism in Public Schools1538 Words  | 7 Pagesusually in the way described in Genesis. 2. Evolutionism - A theory of biological evolution, especially that formulated by Charles Darwin. 3. Intelligent Design- Belief that life is too complex to have evolved entirely through natural processes and that an outside force outside of traditional reasoning must have played a role in the origin and development of life 4. Scientific Theory- a statement or principle honed through scientific observation, reasoning, and experimentationRead MoreCreation Theories Essay1642 Words  | 7 Pagesbut it is known by all. Theories that have affected different religions are creation, evolution, and mythology. With 6,775,235,700 people walking the earth, every person has his/her personal opinions about the world’s existence. In the book of Genesis, Christian Scholars have described the work of God in his seven days of constructing the world. Waters, land, light, humankind, etc. were established in the days of the Spirits work. The seven days God used creating the universe, man transformed intoRead MoreBelieving in Evolution Essay1171 Words  | 5 Pageswas a fact contradicting literal interpretations of Scriptural legends of creation and that its cause, natural selection, was automatic with no room for Divine Guidance or Design. (Britannica Encyclopaedia) The traditional Christian view of the creation of the world is that God created everything after much thought, planning and design in just six days, these beliefs are based on the narrative written in the first book of the old testament, Genesis, theRead MoreThe Human Nature Of Humanity Essay1660 Words  | 7 Pagescreated by liberalism, theory of evolution, rise of scientific historical and biblical criticism. Liberalism carried forward the main ideas that humans were naturally good and free and at the source of their corruption was decadent social institutions. 19th century liberals tend to be anti-Christian and especially anti-clerical they were pushing for the separation of church and state. The theory of evolution was believed by Christians to be Genesis 1 to 11 in the telling of how God made Earth and theRead MoreEssay on Creationism vs. Evolution: How did it really happen?1163 Words  | 5 Pagesfirst publication of his observations, much debate has come about concerning the issue of how life on earth came to be. Both the Creationists and Evolutionists believe in the Big Bang theory of creation of life; however, the mechanism for the development of new life provides t he conflict. Evolutionists believe the cause of life on earth to be accidental, random atomic collisions (non-living matter), known as abiogenesis2. Creationists believe the cause to be supernatural intervention outside theRead More Creationism vs. Evolution Essay1158 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom a single one-celled organism. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;According to Genesis God created the Earth and all things in it in 7 days (actually six days and one day for a little Ramp;R). There are within the belief wide ranges of explanations for the scientific discoveries in modern times. In 2000 the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) created a committee to study the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis. What they found were 4 different views of creation days within their group. TheRead MoreAncient Aliens and Ancient Astronaut Theory1672 Words  | 7 Pagesbeen a lot of commotion lately between both the scientific and religious communities in regards to this topic. The claims of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life visiting the Earth in ancient times and profoundly affecting the development of Human civilization, is a controversial subject, at best. Suggestions of extraterrestrials (ancient aliens and ancient astronauts) visiting the Earth in the past is supposedly connected with the origins or development of human cultures, technologies and religions.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Emirates Id Card free essay sample
Emirates Identity Authority (EIA) (EIDA), that all UAE citizens (optional for diplomats) and residents are required to obtain. It will be necessary to produce your Emirates ID card to use UAE government services. Residents who have not yet applied for an Emirates ID card can wait until their residence visa expiry date and apply then (we think, if expiry is in 2012). Unknown what expats with residence visas expiring in 2013 or 2014 should do. Update 28 January 2012: it appears that this new extension applies to expats whose residence visa expires after 31 December 2012, not during 2012 The Gulf Today reported that The Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) has emphasised that the decision of the grace period for registration in the Population Register and the ID Card for the residents in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah, which was previously announced, is limited to those whose residence visas expire after Dec. 31, 2012. Residents whose Emirates ID card is due for renewal have until 31 January 2012 if in Sharjah, 31 March 2012 if in Abu Dhabi, and 31 May 2012 if in Dubai. We will write a custom essay sample on Emirates Id Card or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The extensions do not apply to expats working in government or semi-government organisations. Fines will apply to them from 01 January 2012. Emirates ID card registration costs, fees, and charges Payment is made to the typing center from mid 2010 in Abu Dhabi, and by mid-September 2010 (maybe) in other Emirates. Typing centers are only supposed to charge an additional AED 70 processing fees (or less) according to EIDA. Dr Ali Al Khoury, Acting General Manager of Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) said in a Gulf News report 08 August 2010 We have received complaints that some of the certified typing centres have been taking more service charge for the pre-registration process than the approved amount and that applicants should report typing centers that overcharge, tel 600-523432 in UAE. UAE nationals AED 100 for 5 years. Update might be AED 70 per year (GN report 02 August 2010)? UAE nationals on social security free Expatriate residents AED 100 per year or part year, validity depends on eriod remaining on residence visa e. g. if 1 year and 3 months remaining, then ID card valid for 1 year and 3 months but you have to pay for 2 years or AED 200. We think. Expatriate children under 15 years of age registration is required but free, ID card is optional and costs AED 50. The online application system will begin next month for Emiratis and will be extended to the country’s expatriates from February. Expatriates living in Dubai will need to register for their Emirates ID cards before renewing or applying for their residency visas from April, authorities said this month. Effective from April 1 2012, foreign residents across the city will need to register for an identification card before they can complete the medical tests needed for visa applications. The EIDA has faced an uphill struggle in convincing UAE residents to sign up for mandatory identification cards, despite announcing a series of deadlines for applications. The Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) has clarified that both nationals and expatriates holding their Identity Cards issued by the EIDA, can use them while crossing e-gates to travel abroad and enter the country from roads or airports.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Life After Rape free essay sample
It was Like a dog without a name or a fish without water; Its a feeling you want to go away, but sucks and sticks like glue on paper. You try to pull It off, but It Just ends up tearing. Tearing through everything that you have worked to make right. A young girl, Christine by name, walks this shadow everyday. People point and laugh as she walks down the halls, they dont see the good inside of her, and they only see her faults. They dont call her by name, but instead, thats the girl who got raped. Deep down she wants to cry but miraculously keeps her head up high, she knows hat happened and their nuisance hasnt phased her.Vanessa, her best friend, sticks by her even through the dark clouds. She knows Christine is in pain and she doesnt have to scream It out loud. We will write a custom essay sample on Life After Rape or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Christine, come with me, I want to show you something, he said. Why did I listen? she thinks everyday. Just around this corner. A little closer, a little closer. he excitedly said. l was so stupid, I should have known hed do this to me, why didnt I Just run away? The noise in the background drowned out all the shrieks. Homerun! she heard every-one scream. Another point for the team and the score was now 14 to 6.It was a well-known fact that Florence High School had the best baseball team as well as football team. This night would ruin baseball for Christine all together. She was to be cheering but would not show. The girls wondered why, but didnt stop to look; they never even called. If only they looked behind the stands In the bushes they would see a girl begging, Please, dont, please! She lay there violated and feeling helpless, like everyone was against her and they had to know this was happening to her. They Just had to know. He walked away as if it were all a game in which she had Just lost. The smile upon his face was so repugnant. Michael, wait up! She heard from afar. It was Tomato, wanting a ride to a party. She heard the footsteps walk into the distance, hoping someone would come, but for the longest time no one did. She began to cry, she couldnt move, then footsteps: she heard clunk clunk clunk. The footsteps stopped as though to hear the cries and looked behind the bushes. What he saw, he almost wishes he were blind. He knew not to touch her for It would make things worse, so he told her softly, l will get help. her off the ground. The paramedics placed her in the stretcher; they saw the bruises ND the marks of detriment. Lift her up easy boys, this ones harmed. A few weeks in the hospital, recovering from the pain, but emotional hurt like this Just doesnt wash away. Christine soon returns to school, seeing Michael and she felt like a fool. No one would talk to her, they were afraid of what they might hear, so she walked alone down the halls with tears. She didnt complain or turn him in, she even begged the man who saw her, to keep this all in. He did for awhile, but couldnt live with the weight on his shoulders and turned him in to the police. People ridiculed her and put her down. Why would she lie about such a thing, it will ruin his life. Many of nights she got lost in her thoughts, please Just let this pain go away. She wondered what it would be like if she got rid of the pain herself, but Vanessa support was the only thing that helped her stay. Christine hated herself for letting this happen, she should have fought better, then she wouldnt be in this pain. The embarrassment of everyone thinking she was lying made her quit the cheer squad. Her grades dropped and she was soon not able to run with the track team anymore. Everyone hated her and wanted her to leave. She felt like Just doing that and never to return.Everyone was right, she was an appalling human being. Michael will be going to court in late September. Christine wishes that she would feel better about him going. Part of her wants him to go to prison but the other part, the part that wants her popularity back, desires him to be okay. She thought it was not his fault, that she led him to do this to her. She walked to the court doors, feeling befuddled on what is to come next. She wished to turn away, but knew she couldnt. The Judge sentenced him to 10 years. Everyone gasped. Theres no future for him owe, his mother squabbled down the hall. You lied, he didnt touch you, you know he didnt, he would never do that evil thing to you, you are Just a bad bad person. Numb filled Christinas body. She couldnt believe he is going to prison, she ruined his life. She went home that evening, locked the door, closed the curtains and turned off the phone. Tonight was going to be the last night that she would feel this pain. She heard a knock and screamed Go away! Vanessa broke the window and climbed through, You dont really want to do this, do you? Vanessa yelled. Yes I do, I ruined his life, what else is there to do? Chris-tine screamed back. You didnt ruin his life, he ruined yours. Its not your fault what happened. There is nothing you could have done. That beast is gone and you are here and we would all love to keep it that way. Time will replace the emptiness you feel, Just give it time and you will see, every-thing will work out; please, trust in me. Dont pull that trigger, if not for yourself than at least for me, Vanessa pleaded. Christine looked at her and began to cry. She knew Vanessa was right, deep down inside. She placed the gun on the floor; Vanessa kicked it away, then reached Christinas side. L love you and please dont ever do that again. Year went by slowly after that. Some people came and apologized to Christine, but others would still not speak to her. Those were the ones that were close to Michael and would never believe hed do such a horrid thing. Vanessa did not care what they said about her best friend, it never changed her mind on who Christine was. Soon, Christine began to feel extremely ill and she couldnt figure out why. She felt ads-comfort in her stomach and began to wake up early in the morning only to find herself running towards the bathroom. l feel sick to my stomach, I Just feel weak, he told Vanessa one morn-inning.Vanessa did not want to believe what she thought it was; not Christine, shes going to be Valedictorian and go to Harvard. This could not be, Just no, she thought. They decided to take the test that would determine Christinas future. If she were prep-ant, would she keep the baby? Would she give it up? What about the life she wanted that may be taken away from one nights horror? No, this cant be happening, I want my life the way I want it, not a child to worry about. The results came back and within minutes now, she will know what her future holds in store.The pink line shows that you are pregnant, and to her, it shows the ending of the life she wanted. Vanessa held her hand as they read the results. No one was sure what they were about to see. What about Michael, should she tell him if she were pregnant? Its only fair to tell him, isnt it? But, he is the one who did this nasty thing to me; I dont want this child to know a father like that. How can I tell the baby that their father is in prison for my rape? Sooner or later it has to be brought up to, they will get old enough to understand and have the right to know. She closed her eyes and had Vanessa read her fate.Positive. Im sorry honey, Vanessa stated sadly. Christine fell upon the floor and began to cry. She didnt know how she was going to tell her mother about this. She couldnt believe this. Why? She asked, why me? They drove home in silence, Vanessa knew she didnt want to speak, she knew how hard this must be on her. Christine invited Vanessa in for a bite to eat and to help figure out the way to tell her mother. How, she didnt know. She ended up not having too. Her mother overheard them talking about it in the kitchen that evening and burst into tears. Well take care of this, no worries.That scum will not take over this baby and its fate. Carlen, Christinas mother stuttered angrily. Two months later, Christine woke up one morning with violent pains in her stomach. She didnt know what to think as she ran to the bathroom. She soon noticed there was blood all over and she could feel the pain rise in her stomach. She fell to the wooden floor and wailed out in pain. No one was home at this time; her mother was on a business trip in Florida and couldnt be reached. The phone was in the other was quiet for awhile because her body felt numb. Then a horror-doss pain came pond her and she started to scream. Hopefully someone can hear me. Mrs.. Smithy, her 32-year-old neighbor did hear and called the ambulance. The ambulance arrived soon after. The ambulance rushed her to the hospital and automatically diagnosed her with a miscarry-ridge. Christine could not believe what she had been told. Her baby passed away and she felt so alone. The hospital called Vanessa, being she was the only person Christine knew that was around and told her what had happened. Vanessa slid down to the floor and felt the emptiness Christine has felt for a long time. Her friend Just lost a part of her.She knew Christine was go-inning to need her now more than ever. But Vanessa realized that Christine wanted to be left alone. She tried to reach out to Christine, but the pain became too much for Christine to handle. She didnt want to talk to any-one, including Vanessa. She returned to school about a month later, Vanessa thought that it would be better for Christine, but noticed it only got worse. She was now afraid for Christinas life. On the one-year anniversary of her rape, Christine found herself gloomy and full of hate. She was not going to college, she hadnt been Valedictorian and she wasnt going to be a Sour-annalist.She thought she could take no more and pulled out that gun she tried to use almost one year ago. She was going to finish what she had started. This time, no one was around to stop her, which made her believe things like, No one cares and No one would notice if I did this. with this thought in mind, it made the decision easier for Christine to pull the trigger. She screamed at the top of her lungs, looked up to heaven and said, l dont belong with you God. Im a despicable human being who belongs in Hell. She closed her eyes and placed the gun at her head, pulled the trigger and there it would end.
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