Saturday, August 31, 2019
Divide by Two †Short Story Essay
They have set down a line of adobe blocks, three blocks wide and two blocksdeep, across the lawn between their cottage and ours, Belle said.â€Å"Yes, I know,†I said. I walked into the window and stood there, looking over attheir cottage. The piano music from the cottage came strong and clear. â€Å"I was here thismorning when he brought those blocks home.†I peeled my shirt; it was soggy withsweat. â€Å"He carried the blocks in the baggage compartment of their car. It took him allthree trips. He had three boys with him to help.†I shook my shirt in the cooling air andwalked in my room. â€Å"And I know where he got those blocks, too. There is aconstruction going on right now at engineering school. They have a pile of adobe blocksthere as high as the Cheops. You can’t miss it. You see it from the busline everytime.†In my room, the strains of piano music didn’t reach sustainedly.Belle had followed me into my room. â€Å"They have marked off boundaries,†shesaid. â€Å"They have defined limits.†I folded my shirt about the back of the armchair. â€Å"So they have,†I said. â€Å"So theyhave.†My undershirt was wet, too. I yanked it off.â€Å"It is all as if they have put up a fence,†Belle said.â€Å"Fences make good neighbors,†I said. I whipped the apple-green towel off the T- bar and rubbed myself briskly.â€Å"It might as well be the great wall of China,†Belle said.â€Å"Well, no, not really,†I said. â€Å"It is not as bad as that.†I returned the towel to thecrossbar. I looked around for a dry undershirt but did not find any. I went to the bedroom where my clothes-closet was. Belle followed me. There was no light in thecloset. The bulb hadn’t been changed since it went bad shortly after we moved into thecottage. I fumbled in the dark feeling with my fingers. In the darkness in the closet thestrains of the piano came steadily, strong and clear.â€Å"She is no Turk but she keeps playing the Turkish March,†Belle said.I knew where my undershirts would be and it didn’t take me long to find themwith my hands. I pulled one out and was putting it on while I walked back to the sala.â€Å"It is unkind, inconsiderate, not neighborly, not nice,†Belle said. I stopped beneath the light in the narrow passage from the bedroom to the sala between the book-closets and the bathroom, one arm through one armhole, half out of thesando shirt the neck of which I held open with my hands. I looked at Belle. â€Å"Comeagain, Belle?†I asked.Belle said again the denunciatory words.I got my head through the armhole, got into the shirt. I walked on to the sala. Ididn’t know how tired I was until I fell back on the lounging chair.Belle picked up the foot stool, brought it near my chair and sat down. â€Å"The leastthing they could have done was to tell us first about it.†I felt very tired and shut my eyes and didn’t say anything.â€Å"Don’t you think they owed it to us?†Belle asked. â€Å"Out of regards for our feelings shouldn’t they have asked us how we feel about the fence?†The piano music threaded through the words like leitmotif. â€Å"How is that again,Belle?†I asked.â€Å"They have no regard for us,†Belle said. â€Å"They don’t care what we think. Theydon’t mind what we feel. As far as they are concerned, we are not human.†The piano came jubilantly threading through the words.â€Å"Is that right, Belle?†I asked.â€Å"Don’t you think they should at least have gone to us and said: Look here, you!We are putting up this boundary, see? You keep to your side of these markers and wewill keep to ours, understand?†Belle asked.â€Å"Do you really think that?†I asked.â€Å"Yes, I do,†Belle said. â€Å"Distinctly, don’t you?†â€Å"I don’t know.†I said. â€Å"I haven’t thought about it.†â€Å"Well, then,†Belle said, â€Å"think about it. You can start thinking about it now.†I wondered why now the words kept ringing clear to me. Then I felt and sensedthat the piano had been stilled. Suddenly the night was silent, suddenly the air was still.I rose from the lounging chair. I walked to the globe-traveler near the wall outlet, plugged the cord in and snapped the lid open. Belle followed me. I was playing therange disk for music when Belled leaned forward and snapped the lid shut. â€Å"What’s the matter, Belle? I asked.â€Å"There’s nothing the matter.†Belle said.â€Å"Well, then get off,†I said. â€Å"Get off them and get off me.†Belle was silent for a moment. Then: â€Å"It is she,†she said.â€Å"What about her?†I asked.â€Å"I don’t think she likes me,†Belle said.â€Å"She doesn’t like anyone,†I said. â€Å"What makes you think so?†â€Å"I have given her things.†Belle said. â€Å"They don’t seem to make an impression onher. I gave her cheese on her last birthday. She didn’t even thank me.†â€Å"Why do you have to go around giving people things for?†I asked. â€Å"Maybe shedoesn’t like cheese. Maybe the cheese wasn’t such a good idea.†â€Å"She doesn’t like me.†Belle said. â€Å"And she doesn’t like anyone to like me†¦when he gave me flowers from her garden, I don’t think she liked that.†â€Å"Who would?†I asked. â€Å"Maybe the flowers weren’t such a good idea either.†â€Å"He was only being friendly as I was,†Belle said.â€Å"Oh, yes,†I said.â€Å"He was only being neighborly as I believe in being,†Belle said.â€Å"Sure, sure,†I said.â€Å"But she doesn’t like to be and I don’t think she believes in being,†Belle said.â€Å"And I don’t think she wants him to be either.†â€Å"Oh, well, Belle,†I said. â€Å"I don’t really know them. It is you they really know.†â€Å"Oh, you do, too,†Belle said. â€Å"You ride with them too sometimes.†â€Å"I did that only once,†I said. â€Å"I rode with them on the front seat. She tapped himon the thigh when she got off at Pavilion 2. That was the last time.â⠂¬ â€Å"Did that bother you?†Belle asked. â€Å"Not that in itself,†I said. â€Å"Only the demonstrativeness: as if to show that she ishis and he is hers.†â€Å"What about the demonstrativeness of puttering about her garden in very shortshorts?†Belle asked.â€Å"When you visited the area for the first time to see the cottages, was he looking atthe cottages too-and the third time?†I asked.â€Å"He was going to look at the cottages himself,†Belle said. â€Å"He was only beingfriendly.†â€Å"And the second time you looked at the cottages, he was looking at the cottagestoo-and the third time?†I asked.â€Å"That was for our going to be neighbors,†Belle said.â€Å"There are forty cottages in this area,†I said. â€Å"Why did we have to pick up thisone right next to theirs?†â€Å"It was as much your choice as it was mine,†Belle said.â€Å"So it was,†I said. â€Å"So it can’t be helped.†â€Å"No, it can’t,†Belle s aid.â€Å"All right, then. Get off. Get off them and get off me,†I said. â€Å"But you must do something,†Belle said.â€Å"What about?†I asked.â€Å"They didn’t set the adobe markers right,†Belle said. â€Å"They have been laidnearer our cottage than theirs. Their half of the lawn is bigger than ours.†â€Å"Is that right?†I asked. I walked to the window. It wasn’t too dark to see theadobe markers gleaming in the ghostly light. I saw the flowers, too-the roses, the zinnias,the dahlias, the African daisies-swaying like specters in the night. Walking back to mychair, I looked up at the clock. It was getting on a quarter to nine. The clock began tochime just as I got to the lounging chair. I sat down and put my feet up on the stool.â€Å"Their half of the lawn is bigger than ours,†Belle said.â€Å"Maybe they need all the lawn they can get so she can plant them all to flowers,†Isaid. â€Å"They haven’t divided the lawn fairly,†Belle said.â€Å"You mean the halves are not equal? The halves are not halves? I asked.â€Å"What’s the matter with you?†Belle said.â€Å"What’s the matter with him?†I asked. â€Å"Isn’t he a doctor of mathematics or something? A fine doctor of mathematics he’s turned out to be if he can’t even divide bytwo!†â€Å"What’s eating you?†Belle asked.â€Å"Maybe he should have brought a survey team with him and used a transit, a plumbline, and a pole,†I said. â€Å"Maybe he could divide by two then. Maybe he couldeven divide by ten.†â€Å"Don’t tell me,†Belle said, â€Å"Tell him. Tell them.†â€Å"For crying out loud.†I said.â€Å"Go ahead,†Belle said. â€Å"Go over. Tell them off. Tell them where to get off.†â€Å"Get off, Belle,†I said. â€Å"Get off them.†â€Å"If you won’t, I shall,†Belle said.â€Å"Get off me,†I said.â€Å"If you don’t, I shall,†Belle said. â€Å"I shall right now.†She started for the door.â€Å"For crying out loud, Belle,†I said. â€Å"I don’t know them well enough to speak tothem. I shall write them a note.†â€Å"All right,†Belle said.The portable typewriter was in the case under my bed. I set it up at the head of the dining table. When I pulled my hands away from lifting the case, they were coveredwith dust. I removed the lid but didn’t take the machine off its base. The inside cornersof the lid were spun with cobwebs. There were webs between the machine and the ridgeof the base. I couldn’t find any white paper anywhere so I decided to use one sheet fromthe legal size pad of rules yellow paper.I didn’t date the note. I made it short and to the point. It was fascinating to watchthe keys falling forward and then back leaving the black marks on the yellow sheet. As Ityped I heard the opening bars of Marriage of Figaro from the high fidelity radio- phonograph next door. (â€Å"Mathematics and Mozart,†I said. â€Å"Mozart and Mathematics.†)I typed on my name but didn’t sign it. When I saw that I had not quite filled half the sheet, I folded it once and tore it in half. I fed the clean half back to the machine andhanded the other half to Belle. â€Å"There you are.†I said. â€Å"Short and sweet: I hope helikes it.†Belle read the note. After she finished, she didn’t say a word. â€Å"Is it all right?†Iasked.â€Å"Yes,†Belle said. â€Å"Then send it off,†I said.â€Å"All right,†Belle said. She called Nata and had the note delivered at once.I didn’t get to hear Mozart to the end of the night. About halfway through theopera (that would be after Face I of the long playing record), the player was snapped off.Then I saw him leave their cottage.I sat up erect in my chair and watched him head bob up and down as he walkedout to Finchshafen road. When he turned up the road and I knew where he was going, Istood up. I walked up to the screen door and watched him walk up the concrete walk tothe porch steps. He stopped at the foot of the stairs. I looked down through thewirescreen at his upturned face.â€Å"Yes?†I asked.â€Å"Can I see you for a minute?†he asked.â€Å"Me?†I asked.â€Å"Yes, you,†he said.â€Å"Won’t you come up?†I asked.â€Å"No,†he said. â€Å"I’d much rather talk to you on the street.†â€Å"All right,†I said. â€Å"If that’s the way you feel about it.†I joined him at the foot of the porch steps. We walked down the cement walk together. As we went past the shelter of the cottage, a blast of the cold night air struck my face. I felt my left cheek twitching.â€Å"Yes?†I asked. â€Å"What’s on your mind?†We walked down Finchshafen road. He didn’t say anything for a long time. Ilooked at him. I had never spoken to him before. He considered a long time, longenough for me to be able to look back at the house to see if Belle was at the windowwatching.When he spoke, his first words were: â€Å"Have you and Belle been fighting?†Itwas not only words, it was also the way he said them: my left cheek was twitching so badly it was almost spastic. He had spoken so softly and in such a low-pitched voice I barely heard him. It was as if he didn’t wish either his house or my house to hear; as if we were conspirators both and we were plotting a conspiracy together.â€Å"Fighting?†I asked. â€Å"What about? What for? What are you talking about?†Isought his face for the guilt that could only be the mirror of the guilt in my own. We stood in Finchshafen road halway between out cottages; we were waiting tocatch the guilt upon our faces which nonetheless we were mortally afraid to see? I stoodon the upper slope of the road towards our house and he stood on the lower slope in thedirection of his.â€Å"Your note wasn’t very friendly,†he said. â€Å"It wasn’t very neighborly.†â€Å"Why should it be?†I added. â€Å"It wasn’t meant to be.†â€Å"Oh, so,†he said. â€Å"It wasn’t meant to be.†â€Å"You bet your life it wasn’t,†I said.â€Å"Well, if that’s the way you feel about it,†he said.â€Å"How else did you expect me to feel?†I asked.â€Å"In that case then,†he said. â€Å"You can appeal to authority and I shall not move theadobe blocks an inch.†â€Å"For Christ sake,†I said. â€Å"Who is talking about authority? Who is talking aboutadobe blocks?†â€Å"Don’t raise you r voice,†he said.â€Å"Why shouldn’t I raise my voice?†I asked.â€Å"Don’t shout at me,†he said.â€Å"I shall shout at you if you please,†I said. It was a cool clear lovely night. The sky was clear and cool and full of stars. Thesky and the stars seemed very far away but the air was clear and you could see all theway up to the sky and the stars and it seemed a long, long way. There was a very palemoon and a very cool wind was sweeping the pale moon and the white clouds before itall the way across the sky.Across and up and down Finchshafen road in the cottages, people were comingout of their porches to listen and to watch. I looked back at out house to see if Belle wasthere standing behind the window wirescreen and I looked at their house too.â€Å"A plague on both our houses,†I said.Belle wasn’t on our porch when I looked; I didn’t hear her go down the porchsteps, down the concrete walk, out to and down Finchshafen road.â€Å"I shouldn’t even be talking to you; this is pestilence,†I said.I didn’t feel Belle around until I heard her voice rising shrill and clear and abovethe snarl of our voices. She was standing beside me and before him and shouting in hisface.â€Å"For Christ sake, Belle,†I said. â€Å"Let go. This is man’s work.†She couldn’t hear me.Her voice rose clear and passionate, piercing and shrill in the inviolate night. I pulled at her arm to make her turn to me. I thrust my face savagely before her.â€Å"For Christ sake, Belle,†I said. â€Å"Get off. This is my fight and the adversary ismine.†Belle couldn’t see me for the fury that possessed her purely.I sought her face but couldn’t look there long. Even as I turned away I had afleeting glimpse of my declared adversary’s face: the shock there was not more than theshock of mine.â€Å"For Christ sake, Belle, let go. This is man’s work. I have met the enemy and heis mine. Let go, get off. This is my fight, not yours. The enemy is mine,†I said as I pulled her and dragged her bodily away.
News Updates on “Tree man†Essay
On January 19, Shurmer (2010), a writer for the Comment News website wrote an article updating the site readers on the ongoing struggles of Richard Pennicuik, better known as â€Å"Tree man. †Since early December of the previous year, Tree man had been living in a gum tree near his house in Hume Road, in the City of Gosnells, as a form of protest and to save the tree from the city council plans to clear the street of any and all mature trees that may cause harm by dropping large limbs. As of the writing of the article, he had been in the tree for 43 days and was experiencing physical difficulties on top of his legal issues as there was a severe heatwave and the high temperatures were causing him discomfort. Entitled â€Å"‘Tree man’ loses hope,†the article chronicled Tree man’s fading optimism caused by heat-induced headaches; the council fining him $5000, as it deemed the platforms that served as his makeshift treehouse were illegal, and forcing him to remove these structures; and the abandonment of an adjacent gum tree by a rotating team who had occupied it for the same cause. A couple of months later on March 13th, a Staff Writer (2010) for Perthnow a local subsidiary of The Sunday Times, wrote a relatively more recent update piece on the Tree man. Asking â€Å"Tree man Richard Pennicuik for mayor? †the report comes on the heels of a stand-off the previous day wherein he still refused to come down from the tree even after policemen and tree-cutting machinery had arrived. Apparently, despite the previous report on his morale and health problems, he had stayed on the tree for another 53 days. The title of the article comes from a comment Tree man had made, saying he had intentions of running for city mayor as the current council he was battling was â€Å"laughable and unworkable. †An analytical comparison of these two Tree man news article updates will be discussed. The first, most noticeable, difference between the two news articles is their marked difference in length, with the first article much longer than the second. Although quantity does not necessarily denote substance, it can be observed that the Comment News article contains relatively more actual facts about the situation than the PerthNow article. In addition, on a related note, it can also be noticed that the former article has more content related to the actual subject, as denoted by the article title, than the latter. As an example to support both of these observations, although Comment News does not include a quote wherein Tree man explicitly stated that he was â€Å"losing hope,†it does mention why this would be the case by including a quote where he said he â€Å"didn’t cope well†with the heatwave headaches and how the $5000 fine would â€Å"ruin his family. †The PerthNow article, on the other hand, only justifies the title mentioning Tree man’s mayoral aspirations with the quote: â€Å"The current regime is laughable and unworkable and I want to get in there, if I have enough supporters, to run the council the way it should be run. †The rest of the article, however, does not mention the issue again and only contains a brief summary of the previous day’s stand-off and another quote from Tree man where he reasserts his stance. The Comment News article does seem to slightly force the â€Å"losing hope†theme though, by briefly mentioning that the street was desolate due to the abandonment of the adjacent gum tree, although Tree man is not mentioned as having an opinion on this. However, this observation still contributes to the discussion of the main subject. Coherence to a specific topic is somewhat of a requirement for any formal article, especially one that is professionally written. The briefness and lack of coherence in the case of the latter article can, however, can be attributed to the writer expecting the reades to already know the details as the situation was already months-long, and there was a climactic update the day before. Both articles do, however, paint Tree man as both a dedicated activist from his acts of defiance, and also a novelty character as the tones of his quotes in the first article are slightly rattled and dramatic and in the second, noticeably vague.He was also described as remaining â€Å"defiantly aloft†despite legal and physical danger, and his lawyer’s protests. References hurmer, J. (2010, January 19). ‘Tree man’ loses hope. Comment News. Retrieved from http://southern. inmycommunity. com. au/news-and-views/local-news/Tree-man-loses-hope/7546357/ Staff Writer. (2010, March 13) Tree man Richard Pennicuik for mayor? PerthNow. com. The Sunday Times. Retrieved from http://www. perthnow. com. au/news/tree-man-richard-pennicuik-for-mayor/story-e6frg12c-1225840398316
Friday, August 30, 2019
Murray Syllabus Spring
It is impossible to comprehensively cover every aspect of SCM in just one semester. Nonetheless, the overarching course objective is to develop an understanding of integrative managerial issues and challenges related to developing and implementing a firm's Supply Chain and Operations Management Strategy. Attention is directed to the supply chain mission confronted by varied types of business organizations. Supply Chain Management is an increasingly strategic function and value-adding process hat achieves time and place synchronization of demand stimulation and operations fulfillment.Executed properly, Supply Chain Management can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage. Emphasis will be placed on challenges related to providing logistical support for development of customer service standards, sourcing, manufacturing, market-distribution and after-sales activities. The topics studied will span supply chain strategy, segmental positioning, service provider relationship developm ent and maintenance, value-added services, forecasting and collaborative planning, rouging strategy, order management, transportation, inventory, warehousing and materials handling and change management.The course will conclude with emphasis on future challenges in the supply chain arena, strategies such as global sourcing trends as well as global logistics issues. Another course objective is to give the student the opportunity to consider Supply Chain Management as a career. Historically, organizations devoted their â€Å"best and brightest†to manage internal operations. Today, leading companies are scrambling to grow in house Supply Chain Management talent ND ensure all general managers have at least a working knowledge of SCM.The class will focus on discussion focused on critical thinking regarding assigned topics. Lecture will be used primarily to reinforce class discussions. Advanced preparation will be essential for effective class participation and overall success. Fi nally, hopefully have some fun along the way as we learn about this dynamic topic! Supplemental Course Materials Several articles have been selected which align with the course objectives and focus topics in the textbook. The content from these readings will serve as a inundation for the class discussions.In addition to these assigned readings, you're also encouraged to read industry publications such as Supply Chain Brain, Logistics Management, Audiologist's and Supply Chain Management Review (all are available online) to learn about breaking news and developments in the field. If you read something in these magazines or Other publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Economist or Business Week, which relates to a class topic, share it with the class. As time permits, we'll spend a few minutes at the beginning of class discussing current news and developments.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Ch.12 - Book - America's Courts and the Criminal Justice System by Essay
Ch.12 - Book - America's Courts and the Criminal Justice System by David W. Neubauer, Henry F. Fradella - Essay Example This effect of the criminal rules of justice is apparent since the rules limit the nature or kind of evidence that courts may accept and the purpose for which the evidence may be used. Criminal rules of evidence also have the effect of broadly defining relevance of facts while relaxing the common-law prohibitions on witness competency. There are rules that require courts to exclude relevant facts merely because of their propensity to prejudice, confusion, delays and to mislead (Neubauer & Fradella 454). For instance, evidences of other crimes committed cannot be used to show conformity to the crime behavior under review while such evidences can prove motive. Despite their perceived power-reduction effects, there are criminal rules of evidence that actually empower the courts. For instance, there are rules of evidence, which empowers judges and courts to eliminate evidences that are prejudiced, repetitive, and inflammatory or that are highly likely to waste the courts resources and
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Personal Application Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Personal Application Assignment - Essay Example I had very confusing experience in the sense that I felt that my colleagues at other departments were actually creating issues which were hindering in achievement of my objectives. I tried hard to meet my targets on time and worked closely with my customers to understand their actual requirements and as to how my organization can actually support them. However, whenever I used to forward my recommendations to other departments basically responsible for ensuring that the customers receive what they want started to create problems for me. I was specially a target because of my ability to achieve my targets and compete aggressively with my colleagues in order to develop a better career for myself and ensure a quick progression on the organizational ladder. I however, felt that my colleagues did not liked the way I started to progress in our organization. Looking back at this experience, I often feel that I should not have been involved in the overall organizational politics as it hindered my progress on a career which I liked much. I was under the impression that the individuals within an organization often support their fellow workers in order to help them to achieve the organizational objectives and in the process also allow individuals to fulfill their own objectives. However, I believe I was wrong because I failed to recognize the importance of informal networks and how they can actually affect an individual’s performance and career progression. I also believe that other departments were also struggling to meet their own targets and fulfill their own part of the responsibility. However, due to the lack of organizational attention and negligence by higher management have probably resulted into the culmination of an attitude which de-motivated them and they were hardly contributing positively towards the achievement of
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Comunication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Comunication - Essay Example It is also advisable for one to look people directly in the eye when communicating. Eye contacts in communication convey truth as well as honor. It is also good to ask questions before ending a conversation so as to clarify on some points that were not clear. Writing things down is also part of communication; writing helps one to remember a lot. Additionally, it is advisable for one to read whole messages or mails in order to avoid concluding things in the wrong way. Health care environment is associated with diverse communication between health care practitioners and patients as well as patients and nurses. As a result of this, effective communication is crucial. Team collaboration is also paramount to all activities that take place within a health-center. In most occasions, lack of communication results to medical errors; unfortunately, medical errors are a pervasive problem in many health care organizations (Finkelman, 2012). The errors are also the main causing agents for the deaths in healthcare organizations. Since medical education advocates error-free practices, it is crucial for health care professionals to be good in communication as well as to have good communication
Monday, August 26, 2019
How Online Technologies Have Changed People Experience Life In The Essay
How Online Technologies Have Changed People Experience Life In The Digital Age - Essay Example They are more likely to be distracted by new events. This can in some ways make those individuals less productive than individuals who concentrate on single tasks. Multi-tasking was a term that was created for PC units that are capable of completing multiple tasks simultaneously. Unfortunately for humans, our brains do not function in a manner that allows us to multi-task. The author provided an example of attempting to check your email and search the web at the same time. One does not surf the web while checking their email, rather they check their email, then surf the web, then check their email again, and back to surfing the web. This is the empirical proof that individuals do not multitask, but rapidly task switch. Peter Suderman explains that we have transitioned from a world where the internet would merely engage in passive marketing techniques to a world of push marketing. There is no where an individuals can hide on the internet from some form of marketing. It is inevitable t hat whatever form of advertisement will find its way directly to the desktop of an individual. Such a vast sea of data has conditioned the minds of the readers and now as humans we find it impossible to break out of the habits that the digital age has conditioned us into. Suderman explains how reading in such environment causes humans to only take in small fragments of information as their eyes jump all around the screen on computers taking in small bits of data. He further explains the implications in his life as he finds it harder to concentrate on reading a book because his eyes have been conditioned to move all around the page just as it was reading from a computer screen. Rosen furthers this analysis by indicating that humans take in small fragments of information and are most intrigued by the information that is specific to their lives and the information that they created. While this has allowed individuals to more quickly consume information it has failed to make humans more empathetic for one another. The problem then arises in our ability to sense the feelings of our fellow man. While a website can inform humans about a genocide occurring on the other side of the world, we now only process it as just that, information. We don’t empathize with the humans who are in constant danger. Cowen seemingly breaks into this analysis and indicates how the internet is in fact lengthening our attention span. This is because our life is dictated by the narratives in which we have access to through personal contact, but rather we are able to seek access to any particular narrative we find interesting via the internet. This is important because individuals are able follow singular stories for extended periods of time. This is important because all information is merely at your fingertips. While individuals are not able to multi-task due to the limitations of attention, the internet has allowed tasking for individuals to become increasingly effective. While som e may argue that the fast paced structure of the web overloads the mind with data, others indicate that this infrastructure allows humans to quickly sift through undesirable data and focus on that which is most important to them. In the digital age it is becoming information is becoming more and more rapid, while some of the community contends that individuals are becoming less and less empathetic, others conclude humans have always showed selective attention and chose
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Relevant Information for Decision Making case assignment 3 accounting Essay
Relevant Information for Decision Making case assignment 3 accounting - Essay Example Firstly because similar to the first situation, this is also a future cash flow. Again here the amount should be considered, however the lost profits should definitely not be finalised as this is not a sure value, but is merely an approximation. c) In the third situation, ‘The loss of $2.1 million on the "Without Basinger" film’, the lost profit value needs to be revised. This is mainly because it is the duty of Main Line to reduce its losses by law and this is referred to as the ‘Doctrine for Avoidable Consequences’ (Slovenko). When the company is aware of the possible loss, there is no chance that the company would enter into making the movie after having a clear view of the possible losses, i.e. $2.1 million. Here it is also essential to note that Basinger will not be held responsible for the losses as these are based on the expected sales versus the budgeted costs for Main Line. a) The $3 million salary drawn by Basinger for the final analysis is irrelevant to the determination of lost profits for Main Line. The main reason being that this is an opportunity cost for Basinger, for the course of action adopted by her. However in the case of lack of alternatives, Basinger will be able to contract her services at $1 million and the $3 million will prove to be a compensation for her services. Hence this is in no way relevant to the lost profits of Main Line (Cushman and Carter). b) In the case of ‘The comparison of revenues for Basinger films with revenues for Fenn films’, this again will not be relevant. Basinger is known for the historical success however there is a lack of predictability to determine the possible impact of Basinger’s participation in the current or future films and the revenues of the films. This can be based on the views of Lilliston that movies with big stars do not mean big revenues. The movie by Whoopi Homer and Eddie Bruce also provided complete support to this argument. Hence based on
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Compare between the story ( A long way gone) and the movie (Hotel Essay
Compare between the story ( A long way gone) and the movie (Hotel Rwanda) - Essay Example Life takes us all through many ups and downs. What one does with the experience is what makes the difference. At the age of twelve, this soldier boy, kind, loving and sweat at heart, realized that he was capable of evil acts. It was not his fault however. At such a young age, he was picked up by the government to fight in a war on his way to a talent show. He was very talented, singing and doing rap songs with his brother and friend. However, he realized something was not right when he attempted to get home to his family. He waited until it was the right time and eventually learns that the only safe way out is to join the war. How was he to know what this entailed? Nevertheless, he found out sooner than later as he started doing things which made the insides of his body cringe and his inner soul cry out. He could not understand what truly was happening. He was fighting in a war and he was being asked to be the murderer. Beah’s story is different. It is not often that a soldier boy survives and lives to tell his story. His story is unique and an inspiration to all. He gives a literary voice to a tragedy that happens leaving, all readers breathless and wanting to know more of not just his survival, but also the details of the war itself. Even though he experienced ghastly behaviors and mortally lucid sights, somehow, he comes out with his mind intact. The violent and graphic things he was forced to do and see only made him a stronger person. Reading the accounts of his loss brings people to tears, his account of him surviving and being rehabilitated, brings his readers to their knees and feet as they praise and thank the higher power that has his hand on this boy. Now, a 26 year old boy is able to stand tall and tell the story of his life from orphan to soldier and then to leader and conqueror. Hotel Rwanda is a story about mass genocide and political unrest. This story, unlike Beah’s is a story that is based on true events that happened back in 199 4. The main character attempts to save his fellow citizens from the Rwandan Genocide. As Paul Rusesabagina tries to save his family and many others, he allows the citizens who are running from the horrible acts of violence to stay at his hotel for safety. The story exemplifies intense political corruptions and attempts to confront the repercussions of the violence, which is at hand. The story is extremely intense and drives one to experience, vicariously, the life of these people as they run from one burial ground to the next. As many plead for their lives, they realize that there is little hope. The issue of race, and gender leads one to feel more power over the other, eventually leading to mass murder and the wiping out of an entire generation. War breaks out in both stories. The difference in both of these wars, though is that they are both set in Africa, one of the stories is told from his own perspective as he lives, breathes and resided in the terrors of war. He experienced, s aw and felt his brothers and sisters as they slipped away into utter darkness. He cried with them, and then in many cases, had to do away with them himself. Hotel Rwanda is slightly different. Though many children were affected by such horrors, the main character in the story was a grown man who attempts to save others. Beah could not save others as he was one of those who caused so
Friday, August 23, 2019
Lean Production System-(JIT) Just In Time Inventory Research Paper
Lean Production System-(JIT) Just In Time Inventory - Research Paper Example n.d., par. 1). In HMC’s situation, therefore, JIT inventory is perceived to be a crucial part of the lean production system whereby the identified goals contain the need to focus on maximizing the use of the most appropriate inventory levels which are consistent with the strategies used. Explanation on How JIT would Help HMC’s Subassembly Area The current situation at HMC’s subassembly area is as follows: (1) an increase in outsourcing brought greater demands for assembly operations; (2) management was reported to have been experiencing difficulties in allotting space for assembly operations; (3) there was no permanent and enough space for assembly operations as case facts indicate that management often located the assembly areas in any location where there was open floor space; (4) with anticipated demands for increased assembly operations, HMC finds itself experiencing extreme cases of excess materials or the need to expedite materials from suppliers at the ver y last minute to prevent from missing a customer’s deadline; (5) the original plant layout did not include a space of assembly operations; thereby current assembly layout causes inefficiencies and increases costs and wastes in production time and resources. The JIT would definitely help the sub-assembly area by recommending strategies that would improve sourcing, delivery and level (as well as costs) of inventories and improving the lay-out for production, among others. As emphasized, â€Å"JIT applies primarily to repetitive manufacturing processes in which the same products and components are produced over and over again. The general idea is to establish flow processes (even when the facility uses a jobbing or batch process layout) by linking work centers so that there is an even, balanced flow of materials throughout the entire production process, similar to that found in an assembly line. To accomplish this, an attempt is made to reach the goals of driving all inventory buffers toward zero and achieving the ideal lot size of one unit†(Just-In-Time (JIT) Production, n.d., par. 2). By eliminating the need to movement of people and materials (layout); observing and calculating the most effective inventory level; as well as observing the goals of JIT partnerships (â€Å"elimination of unnecessary activities; elimination of in-plant inventory; elimination of in-transit inventory; and elimination of poor suppliers) (Ahmadi, n.d., p. 13), JIT would have helped HMC in improving the subassembly area. Explanation of Impact These Actions on the Objectives Established As one has explained, the JIT goals are consistent with the goals that were established by HMC, to wit:
Women and Stress at the Workplace. Why Do Women Face More Workplace Research Paper
Women and Stress at the Workplace. Why Do Women Face More Workplace Stress Than Men - Research Paper Example Therefore, work-related stress takes place when there is a disparity between the demands of the job and the potentials of an individual to meet those demands (Blaug, Kenyon and Lekhi, 2007). This paper seeks to illustrate the difference between stress faced by female and male managers as well as address the consequences of stress. The paper will also examine the role played by gender in stress at the workplace. The effects of work-related stress on healthy individuals are felt at most levels of a being such as physiological, cognitive, emotional and behavioural. There exist clear links between work-related stress and a variety of physical and mental disorders, which illustrate how one’s health can deteriorate in the presence of strain. In 2010, women in corporate boards of 100 companies constituted 12.5%, which was a 9.4% increase, and per the American Psychological Association, 69% of employees reported work as a significant source of stress, with some indicating being less p roductive at work because of stress (American Psychological Association, 2010). ... Married women are more likely to report higher levels of stress compared to single women; with 56% of them indicating an increase in stress levels over the past 5 years compared to 41% of single women. Research indicates suggest that both genders, women and men, handle stress in a different manner all together. Response to stress by men is characterized by the fight -flight notion while in women; response leans towards tend-and-befriend. It is for this difference that creates different professional interactions, which defines how they function both at home and in the workplace. Consequently, gender makes a great deal of difference in life and business. Unfortunately, men seem not to be persuaded by the tend-and-befriend approach, thus arises a conflict that exerts pressure on women, which contributes to work-related stress. When faced with a stressing situation, a man’s response is strategic and will assess how best the situation can be salvaged while doubts crop up to questio n his capacity to handle the situation. The response to his doubts is normally influenced by personal confidence and knowledge. On the hand, women are naturally more communal in their thinking and often involve others to assist in solving a stressing situation. Women tend to build a community around them from which they seek advice, social support, and alliances that their safety is dependent on. The cause of stress at workplaces may be attributed to the workload present. The workload in the public sector is considered greater than that in the private sector, and all is dependent on the work being done. Some stressors are based on the work itself, with those that pose a significant risk being achievement, overload, and downsizing. Other sources of stress can be categorized as the role and
Thursday, August 22, 2019
An Assignment on the Linguistic Acquisition Device Essay Example for Free
An Assignment on the Linguistic Acquisition Device Essay In linguistics, language acquisition is the process through which human beings obtain the capability to comprehend and perceive language as well as produce sentences and words and utilize them to communicate. According to Chomsky, his Linguistic Acquisition Device (LAD) encompassed a device that children were born that could be defined as the inborn ability to comprehend the language principles. This LAD fits his innateness Hypothesis of language acquisition because he believed that once a child was exposed to language, the LAD would enable him or her to learn language in an outstanding pace as also elucidated under his critical period hypothesis Question Two According to Noam Chomsky’s critical period hypothesis, human speech encompassed a genetically programmed ability that had a critical age threshold. This is because like a variety of other human behaviors, an individual’s ability to acquire language is based on critical periods that are defined as the limited time span during which the individual is sensitive to the language acquisition external stimuli that enables him or her to acquire language. Once this time is surpassed the individual has minimum chances of acquiring language. This critical period in language acquisition was adolescence to Chomsky. Question Three Genie was discovered in Los Angeles on November 4, 1970. She was discovered by a social worker in Temple City, California when she accompanied her mother as she sought for disability benefits due to near blindness. The social worker had initially sensed that something was wrong with Genie and she got so shocked when she greeted them and discovered that Genie was actually 13 years old though the social worker had estimated that she was autistic and half that age. The social worker contacted her supervisor, who after questioning Genie’s mother contacted the police. Genie’s parents were later arrested and she was made the ward of the court and later transferred to the Children’s Hospital Lost Angeles. She was unable to acquire a language within a critical period due to the severe child abuse she went through under the hands of her father. Question Four The symptoms she displayed of this failure after she was discovered were here severe undersize regardless of her advanced age of 13 years. She had no understanding of grammar she could only comprehend 15-20 words. Two short phrases were what consisted of her active vocabulary and hence she had complete lack of speech, not because she was selectively mute but because she lacked any type of language. Though she had considerable memories of her past she lacked a way to communicate them. Question Five The forbidden experiment was the language deprivation experiment under which infants were isolated from any normal utilization of signed or spoken language as an attempt to discover the origin or language or human nature’s fundamental characteristics. Viktor became a model of this experiment because before his discovery he had lived in a forest like a wild animal and had been unable to understand or speak any language. After being placed under the care of Dr Jean Marc Gaspard Itard, he acquired the language rudiments and became socialized. Question Six She began to use the two-word phrases when she started to understand about 200 vocabulary words. Her speech began to improve after settling in her ne surrounding though it continued to exhibit latency. With time she started using negative forms with not rather than the prefix un. By October 1973 she could easily comprehend complex negation forms. By October 1971 she could listen to people talking and even contribute to the conversations. By November f the same year her speech and grammar could be equated to that of an 18 or 20 month old baby. By 1972 she could use complex noun phrases and regular plurals as well as understand interrogative words. By 1973 she was using determiners, definite articles, possessives and imperative sentences. She however did not acquire automatic speech. Question Seven The ethical implications of the language deprivation experiment are that it encompassed an inhuman experiment that would deprive the infants of their language acquisition abilities. Regardless of this Viktor benefited from this experiment because he was later able to acquire language rudiments and be socialized. The ethical implications of the experiments on Genie were linked to the fact that they subjected her to additional child abuse rather than help her because the researchers were more focused on the results of their results rather than hoe the research could benefit Jeanie. To some extent Jeanie benefited from the experiments because her language abilities improved but the researchers used her to acquire fame.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Strategic Marketing at Coca Cola
Strategic Marketing at Coca Cola 1.0 Introduction Background: Coca Cola Company is one of the leading manufacturers of sort drink in the whole World. Coca Cola was launched in May 1986 by Dr. John S. Pemberton in Atlanta Georgia. The name Coca Cola was suggested by Dr. Pembertons bookkeeper, frank Robinson. He reserved the name Coca Cola in the flowing script that is well-known today. The Coca Cola is most important manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, company in the World, which are used to produce nearly 500 beverage brands that make up for its wide portfolio. The market which I shall be investigating is the soft drink market in the UK, although I think its important that I consider the whole market including soft drinks and energy drinks. This is because soft drinks and Energy drinks are competing with other alcoholic mixer, (2008). This report will focus on a product part of this market and I have chosen the market leader for stimulant drinks, Coca Cola. I shall be examining marketing planning process, and its activities and justifications. Also, marketing environment is included, Internal audit, External audit, macro environment, and looking at the product with PESTLE, SWOT Analysis (Internal strengths and weaknesses). Furthermore, It Includes Porters five forces and Ansoffs Matrix, BCG Matrix and other tools and techniques. At the end, I have given three marketing options and recommended approach after these bibliography. 2.0 Strategic Marketing Planning Process: Strategic marketing is a process in which to develop a strategy to cope with competitors, identify market opportunities, develop and commercialize new products and services, allocate resources among marketing activities and design an appropriate organisational structure to ensure the performance desired is achieved. Corporate strategy is a process in which approach to future that involves examination of the current and anticipated factors associated with customers and competitors and the firm itself, aligning policies, practices, and resources to realize that vision, (2010). Planning and plans are two very different concepts. Planning refers to the process of developing a coherent plan, while the plan is the output from the process. A successful marketing campaign must incorporate strategic marketing planning. Strategic marketing planning is the process of researching a market and its environment to determine the target market. It involves determining what the target market wants and the types of messages that resonate with that audience. Marketing is one of the key elements in addition to other functions without which the company cannot get success. Therefore, marketing planning is a set of document in which details of action is given to achieve the objects set by the management for a period of one or up to five year. It could be based on selling of any kind of product. Its very important to have a very aggressive plan if you are not an introducer of new product and still you want to grab the market, (2010). 2.1 Marketing Planning Benefits: Marketing plan comes through a long process, it starts from a single department and ends up to management decision, plan must be always like easy to understand for management to approved it and realize the facts of market strategies for what they want from customer. Coca Cola always makes a attractive marketing plan which always looks different from others, for now this marketing plan which is very supportive for the organisation is just because it meets the need of customer in a very smart way like they introduced a new Cherry Coke flavour which is they want to be market the product by new style which a customer attract and also get some benefited for an organisation. If the plan is according to organisation and customer then it is easy to take decision for management. Plan should be compressed and productive for organization. Plan should be not so long time process and not to be very costly. Plan should be as per new techniques and 3D type as per new generation like Plan should be process after research Plan should be shows new market prices, long life and skill full. If the plan is according to companies favour so there is no any chance that it could be rejected. Always approach will be positive to make the plan competitive and advance. Coca Cola always looks in those matter which are highly skilled, attractive and sincere with the organisation, to gain the agreement for strategic plan for organization is a very important role for marketing department to extent their plans which are still are in favour of organisation and as before management like the approach to get always new marketing styles, the best approach for management is that to produced their best efforts to capture the market because now a days there are so many competitors in the market if they lack in the advertisement or promotion or introducing in new products then it could be easy for other competitors to overcome, (2010). Marketing Planning Process: There are ten stages of the Strategic Marketing Planning Process which are given bellow in tables. Table 1: The Marketing Planning Process Stages Description Stage 1 Mission Statement At this stage the board establish a long-term vision for the company. This entails communicating a memorable statement easily understood by employees and other key stakeholders. Stage 2 Corporate Objectives At Corporate Objectives the organisation setup the desired level of profitability, business boundaries, such as products/markets, facilities and size of labour force and other corporate objectives, such as social responsibility, corporate image, stock market image, employer image, etc. Stage 3 Marketing Audit Marketing Audit is a structured review of your current marketing activities. It is a systematic review of all the external and internal factors that have affected a companys commercial performance over a defined period. Stage 4 SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an organisation and its environment. It is the first stage of planning and helps marketers to focus on key issues. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors. Stage 5 Assumptions At this stage assumptions are made on the basis of marketing audit and swot analysis. Marketing manager must keep in mind it should not too broad. Stage 6 Marketing Objectives and Strategies In this stage the objectives and strategies relate to the companies products/services and brands and to the markets you currently/ propose to operate in. Objectives are about deciding what you are offering (selling) and to whom. Strategies are about how you are going to achieve these things. Stage 7 Estimate Expected Results At this stage to employ judgement, analogous experience, field tests and so on. Also, to test out the feasibility of the objectives and strategies in terms of market share, costs, profits and so on. Stage 8 Identify Alternative Plans and Mixes In a strategic marketing plan, It is normally at this stage board identifies alternative plans and mixes are considered. Stage 9 Budget The budget is the process of documenting the expected costs of the proposed marketing plan. To justify all marketing expenditures from a zero base each year against the task that you wish to accomplish. In reality budgets are often incremental, that is, they are based on what was spent in the previous year. Stage 10 First Year Detailed Implementation Programme This may involve spending money on advertising, launching new products, interacting with potential new customers, opening new retail outlets etc. Its major function is to determine where the company is, where its wanted to go and how it can get there. It should be used as an aid to effective management, (McDonald 2006, p. 379-393). I have described all activities and justification in the Marketing Planning Process which are given bellow in table. Table 2: Activities and Justification in the Marketing Planning Process: Stage Activities Justification Stage 1 Mission Statement Board meetings Objectives discussion Target of the company Motivate employees and customers Lack of motivation and output It gives the direction to the company Stage 2 Corporate Objectives Financial forecast Provide long-term stability Profitability of the products Predict financial forecasting Overall company operations It gives review policies and desired level of profitability Stage 3 Marketing Audit Marketing environment objectives Perform STEEPLE Analysis Competition and Market share Competitive advantages Examine internal and external information and procedures Life cycles for major products and for market segments Policies and competitive advantages of other organisation Stage 4 SWOT Analysis Trend in the market Knowledge of the business Value added by competitors Setting objectives and strategies Data Collection Focusing internal and external key factors such as, internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. A summary of reasons for good and bad performance Stage 5 Assumptions Government policies Economic data Major competitors Price competition It is made on planning environment Pick the right market and sell the right products It emphasises on success factors Stage 6 Marketing Objectives and Strategies Sales promotion objectives Marketing objectives Pricing objectives Advertising objectives Social responsibility Marketing objectives and Strategies are made on marketing plan Advertising, pricing and promotion service levels Highlight sales value, sales volume, percentage penetration of outlets Stage 7 Estimate Expected Results Employ judgment Analogous experience Field test Gap analysis on actual and desired results To test out the viability of market share At this level managers set the expected results Stage 8 Identify Alternative Plans and Mixes Motivate alternative strategies Promote mixes Manage the business Choose the best tactics Understand what market works and what doesnt work From alternative plans managers select best suitable plan Stage 9 Budget Advertising cost and expensive Zero base Emphasis on yearly marketing budget Spend their budget more efficiently and effectively Get smart about market every year they are in business Budget prepare by board of director and marketing managers. Stage 10 First Year Detailed Implementation Programme Customer plans Sales promotion plans Goals are divided into sub goals. Market plans (McDonald 2006, p. 379-393) Target their primary customer Focus on achieving specific objectives In sub goals include pricing plans product plans, promotional plans and market plans with objectives The External Market Audit and External Environment (Macro) Analysis: In this section of the report, I have used some data, of tools and techniques that are relevant to Coca Colas current situation relevant examples. External environment is important to marketing decision making. Initially, I have shown data on market share and growth of UKs soft drink markets. 3.1 External Audit: For scanning external audit and external (macro) environment of Coca Cola I have used Porters five forces. In this part of report to scanning soft drink position in the UKs soft drink market two tables are given. Table 1: Market share in UK soft drink market in 2010 Name of Brand % of market share Coca Cola 44 Pepsi 23 Cadbury 16 Fruit Juice 9.4 Other Drinks 8 From the above table of UK soft drink market share in 2010, it is clear that Coca Cola is the market leader among competitors. Coca Cola hold 44% of soft drink market share whereas Pepsi is in the second position by holding only 23% (2010). Table 2: market growth in UK soft drink market between 2009 to 2010: Name of Brand 2009 (% of market share) 2010 (% of market share) % of growth Coca Cola 43 44 1 Pepsi 24 23 -1 Cadbury 15 16 1 Fruit Juice 9 9.4 0.04 Other Drinks 9 8 -1 From the above table we can see Coca Cola and Cadbury have the most significant growth rate by 1% in the last year and Pepsi and other drinks lose their share by -1%. Fruit Juice has only 0.04% growth in last year. For analysing external market in this part, I have given Porters (1985) five forces model which is given below: Barriers to Entry: It involves; Importance of economy of scale, for example, a new Coca Cola drinks. Challenging with established brands, for example, Coca Cola, Diet Coke. High upfront capital costs or legal requirements, for example, intellectual property protection, factories etc. UKs soft drink market is established by some well known brands, such as, Pepsi, Cadbury, Fruit juice etc. It is very difficult to enter in this market by other competitors. Coca Cola has a long history of heavy advertising and this has made it enormous amount of brand equity and loyal customers entire over the world. Substitutes: It contains; Large numbers of substitutes, for example, coffee, beer, juices, water etc are available in the market for customers but it is countered by brand equity, huge advertising, and making their product easily available for customers. Coca Cola expand its business in the UK by offering substitutes it selves to protect Coca Cola from competition. Its products and services can be easily substituted with another type of product and service such as public transport being used instead of private transport. Buyer Power: It consists of; Large amount of buyers, for example, Wal-Mart or Tesco. Undifferentiated brands and low switching costs. As there are many soft drinks in the UK, so the bargaining power of buyer is extremely very high. Buyers ability to walk away or get an alternative, if buyer does not satisfied with our products or services he can get an alternative products or services. Supplier Power: It includes; Supplier does not depend on one or a small amount of buyers. Supplier product is necessary to buyer. In the UK, soft drinks bargaining power of supplier is low, as the market size is large so suppliers always want to keep contracts by providing low price. A large number of buyers but a small number of suppliers. Most of the times raw materials needed to create concentrate are basic commodities, for example, colour, flavour, additives, sugar etc. Basically, these are the main commodities. Existing Competitors: It computes the degree of competition between existing competitors. Rivalry will be higher if; In the UK, there are a huge amount of similar sized companies, for example, Pepsi, Robina, Red bull etc. Competitors can lead to a dynamic periods of aggressive pricing and promotion in war for customers. Products and services are supposed as a commodity by consumers and resulting in low switching cost for consumers. 3.2 External (macro) Environment Analysis: PESTEL Analysis for external (macro) environment of Coca Cola. PESTEL Analysis undertaken to understand local, global factors influencing business and potential opportunity and threats. Here PESTEL analysis given bellow in a table: Table 1: PESTEL Analysis: Political Economical National Government Regulatory bodies Trade Associates Government Stability Newly Industrialised Employment Law Critical Global Market Important Political Events Market Structure Government Policy Taxation Interest Rates Personal Saving Rates Money Supply Inflation Disposal Income Social-Cultural Technological Population Demographics Culture Attitudes to Work and Leisure Current Issues Income Distribution Social Mobility Lifestyle Changes Level of Education Products Materials / Components Processes Distribution / Spending on Research Marketing/Administration Rates of Obsolescence New Discoveries / Developments / Product Innovations Legal Environmental Competition Law Health and Safety Employment Law National and World Legislation Trading Policies Regulatory Bodies Global Warming Environmental Issues Local and National Issues Current and Future Environmental Legislative Changes Recycling Considerations Source: Political Factors: Coca Cola operates globally and their performance is influenced by the political stability and instability of these countries. There is currently political stability in the UK and Coca Cola business is flourishing, (2010). Economical Factors: High inflation in any of the counties will cause the price of Coca Cola to rise and consumption of Coca Cola may fall. The UK economy is recovering from recession and employment level is rising people will consume more Coca Cola products, (2010). Social Factors: Consumers in the different counties will have different taste and perception about Coca Cola. In the UK the brand is known for quality products and marketing it will be easier, (2010). Technological Factors: The present environment is technological driven and the need for dynamic development. Coca Cola has got experienced research and development (RD) team who find out new technologies to improve productivity, (2010). Legal Factors: The Coca Cola Company gets all the rights applicable in the nature of their business and every invention and product developments are always going into the copyright process, (2010). Environmental Factors: According to the data of the Coca Cola Company, all the services are strictly approved according to the environmental laws inflicted by the government, (2010). 3.3 Changes in the External (Macro) Environment: The Coca Cola Company has faced many changes in the external environment that have changed the management of the company. During the World War II, the Coca Cola was able to continue the position of the company, at the same time. The Coca Cola was able to enter fresh markets despite of the environment. The company turned out to be more aggressive through supplying free drinks for the GIs in the World War II. During this the corporation was able to hit two birds at one stone. First, because the carbonated drinks sent by the company, it became a loyal symbol by the United States soldiers in which guided to consumer loyalty. Second, the Coca Cola was able to get benefit of the situation and determined the product in newly occupied countries by the Helper forces and due to the company created plants in different locations in the whole World paving the method for its post war expansion. Another thing is that, the external environment is the change of flavour and believes of the consumers. In the mid-1980s where the Americans favoured the sweet flavour of the competitor product, the company made its complement but it turned into a commercial failure. Coca Cola changed its management strategy and restored the old formula, and just changed its name, such as, Coca Cola Classic. After that Coca Cola got its position again and it released latest versions of Coke that address the needs of these kinds of customers, These products are included by Diet Coke and Coca Cola Zero. According to Bool, (2008) companies, for example, Coca Cola is necessary to change due to trends that have a huge impact on its business; another trend is health and fitness. Many people are spending extra money on their health; In addition, Coca Cola launched its new products which are a calorie burning soft drinks, such as, Enviga, Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, and Coke. Furthermore, Coca Cola is working together with the Swiss company Nestle. Coca Cola is contracting with innovation and change. For the duration of the Asian Financial Crisis, Coca Cola was also prompted to change its courses of management in that specific region. The responses and reactions of Coca Cola with the external environment are its internal changes. Organisational Change Management: This theory presents a general process for managing the change in the side of the people at an organisational level (Kotter, 1996). According to Hiatt and Creasey, the organisational change management is contains three stages, which are, preparing for change, managing change and reinforcing change. The theory of organisational change management was efficiently used by Coca Cola. Various managers in different branches of the World have operated organisational change management in order to address the matters that the Coca Cola faced. According to the current stage, the main emphasis of the Coca-Cola is to get the needs of their consumers with outstanding product developing and product distribution. Coca Colas change management is very weak since Coca Cola forecasted that there are a number of marketing challenges in the near future that they have to face. 3.4 Internal Audit (SWOT Analysis: Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis of Coca Cola): This part of report provides information about current and previous years profit and loss account data, market share data, performance graph which have indicated internal or operational strengths and weaknesses of current marketing strategy and BCG Matrix. Table 1 Profit and Loss Account: Year ended 31, December 2010(Â £millions) 2009(Â £millions) 2008(Â £millions) Net operating revenues 21,959 ($35,119) 19,377 ($30,990) 19,974 ($31,944) Gross profit 14,022 ($22,426) 12,011 ($19,209) 12,862 ($20,570) Operating income 5,283 ($8,449) 5,146 ($8,231) 5,281 ($8,446) Income before taxes 8,906 ($14,243) 5,593 ($8,946) 4,693 ($7,506) Profit after tax 7,415 ($11,859) 4,318 ($6,906) 3,673 ($5,874) Source: Profit and loss account indicates operational excellence of current marketing strengths. We see a consistent growth in the profit margin. In 2009 profit after tax was 4,318 and in 2010 it became 7,415. It is increased by 3,097 million pounds in a year. Market share of UKs soft drinks: Analysing market share of UK soft drinks, it is clear that Coca Cola is the market leader by getting 44% of total market.ÂÂ The comparative positioning of Coca Colas market share with respect to other leading players in the market has been illustrated as follows, (2010). Figure 1: Coca Cola and other competitors Market Share Performance Graph: Performance graph of Coca Cola and Pepsi over the last five years can be summarised with the help of growth in following key indicators, (2010). Figure 2: Coca Cola Last Five Years Market Growth This graph clearly shows that Coca Cola in 2006, it was slight increase in profit margin but in 2007 it was slightly decrease. From 2008 to 2010 market growth of Coca Cola was increase year by year. Internal Strengths of Current Marketing Strategy: Coca-Cola has been an intricate part of American culture for over a century. The products image is laden with sentimentality, and this is an image many people have taken deeply to heart. Coca Cola is a very recognizable firm. Its products/brands are available everywhere in the World. Its popularity is one of greater strength is virtuallyÂÂ incomparable. Coca Cola deals with huge amounts of money every year. Similarly, whole businesses they have had their ups and downs monetarily, but Coca Cola has done very well in this section and Coca Cola will go on to do well and make better than its competitors (Pepsi). The money they are earning, it is significantly better than most beverage companies (competitors), they use into their own company so that they can get well, (2010). Everybody is knownÂÂ very well Coca Cola in the World. Its image is displayed on hats, collectible memorabilia and t-shirts. There is no doubt,ÂÂ no beverage firm (competitor) compares to Coca Colas social popularity status. And this extremely recognizable branding is one of Coca-Colas greatest strengths, (2010). Even though, Coca Cola controls almost 44% of the whole drinks market, the changing health-consciousness attitude of the market could have a serious effect on Coca Cola. In addition, according to Bettman (1998), Coca-Colas bottling system is one of their greatest strengths. It allows them to conduct business on a global scale while at the same time maintain a local approach. The bottling companies are locally owned and managed by independent business people who are authorized to sell products of the Coca-Cola Company. Because, Coke does not have outright ownership of its bottling network, its main source of revenue is the sale of concentrate to its bottlers, (2010). Internal Weaknesses of Current Marketing Strategy: Coca Cola has many weaknesses; they need to be finished these weaknesses, if they want to increase the next level. Now a days, constant shift to health products, some products could probably lose customers. This fresh focus on weight and health might be a problem for the item that is labelled detrimental to your health, (2010). Coca-Cola has recently reported some declines in unit case volumes in Indonesia and Thailand due to reduced consumer purchasing power. According to an article in (Fortune magazine), in Japan, unit case sales fell 3% in the second quarter scary because of Japan produces around 5% of worldwide volume, it contributes three times as much to profits. Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Japan account for about 35% of Cokes volume and none of these markets are performing to expectation (Mclean, 1998). Word of mouth unluckily is something that is very difficult to control. Although, people would have their views, Coca Cola has to try to control their negative views. If bad views are extinguish to people who have yet to try Coca Cola products, after that could create lost of customers which shows why word of mouth is a weakness, (2010). Coca Cola produces many drinks, some are very popular such as, Coke, Diet Coke and Sprite but Coca Cola has approximately made 500 different types of brands, such as, carbonates, energy drinks, sports drinks, fruit juices, water etc. Most of them unknown and rarely seen for available purchase. These drinks do not mostly taste bad, but are rather a result of low profile or nonexistent advertising, (2010). As we know, health is a significant matter in 21st century. Coke have high level of sugar and caffeine content. Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG Matrix): The BCG matrix method is the theory to determine list of priorities that should be given in the product portfolio of a business unit. There are two dimensions should be analyzed in the implementation of this method; market share and market growth. There are four characters in this diagram represent four categories of products in companys portfolio, which are given bellow. Stars: It represents the products that have a high market growth and high market share. Products in this class usually need a fairly high cost in the process of development. For example, Coca Colas bottled water (Dasani). Question Marks: It represents the products that have a high market growth and low market share. In this category, products have the worst cash characteristics because they have high level of the demand but low returns because of their low market share. For example, Coca Colas energy drink brand (Full Throttle). Cash Cows: Cash cows represent the products that have low market growth and high market share. In this class products should have huge level of profits and cash generation. In order to achieve that result, company should keep their level of investment low because the market growth for these products also low. Such as, namesakes soft drink (Coca-Cola). Dogs: Dogs represent the products that have low market growth as well as market share. Products in this category will absorb a lot of cash but low level of returns because low provided market share and weak market growth. For example, sweetened juice drinks (Hi-C), (2010). Coca Cola would use income from Coke to invest their primarily in Dasani and Full Throttle, whereas, looking to sell off Hi-C to some private equity fund with huge amount of cash on its hands. It is able to standard product life cycle tends to have five stages which are given bellow. Development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline As a result, Coca-Cola is presently in the maturity stage, which is evidenced mainly by the fact that they have a large, loyal group of stable consumers. In addition, cost management, product differentiation and marketing contain more important as growth slows and market share becomes the key determinant of profitability. In international markets the product life cycle is in more of a growth trend Cokes advantage in this section is primarily due to its establishment strong branding and it is now able to use this part of stable profitability to support financially the domestic Cola Wars, (2010). 4.0 Ansoffs Matrix: This Matrix was developed by Igor Ansoff; it is one of the most well known frameworks for deciding upon strategies for growth. It is a tool that helps the company to decide their product and market growth strategy. It is determined by two scopes of option which are products and markets. It consists of market penetration, product development, market development and diversification. Market Penetration: Selling more of an existing product to an existing market. It is going deeper into a market, such as, coke and diet coke. Coca Cola in UK is doing market penetration through the selling its products to the business buyers and retailers who are huge multinational organizations like Tesco, Asda, McDonalds, Subway, KFC and many more. Market Development: Selling an existing product in a new market, for example, taking out various bottle sizes to attract different buyers. It is called market development. Many flavours of Coca Cola are not being sold in every shop, retailer market and other business buyers. Coca Cola can develop a new market if they introduce those flavours in their market. Product Development: Selling a new product to an existing mark
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Occupational Health Psychology (OHP): Benefits and Uses
Occupational Health Psychology (OHP): Benefits and Uses Occupational health psychology (OHP) is a branch of psychology that focuses on studying the health, safety and well-being of employees with respect to psychosocial factors and health hazards in the work environment. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) defines OHP as â€Å"concerning the application of psychology to improving the quality of life, and to protecting and promoting the safety, health and well-being of workers.†Examples of topics studied in OHP include stress, burnout, interpersonal conflict, workplace violence, harassment, mistreatment and other work related safety, employment and health issues. According to Leka (2010) The main contributing fields which led to the development OHP are the applied psychology disciplines of health psychology and industrial-organizational psychology, whilst various other disciplines, such as economics, public health, sociology, industrial engineering, occupational health, and preventive medicine also pro vides knowledge towards OHP. The spiritual history of OHP can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century, although the term â€Å"Occupation Health Psychology†itself did not appear until the end of the same century. The Industrial Revolution proved to be a breeding ground for thought provoking ideas, such Marx’s Theory of Alienation (1984), which examined the effects of work on the masses. Further work down the decades such as Taylors Principles of Scientific Management (1911), Mayo’s research on workers at an electric plant (1933), Trist and Bamforth’s study on UK coal miners (1951), Kornhauser’s research on Michigan car manufacturers (1965) and Gardell’s research on Swedish paper mill workers (1971) steadily built up and consolidated the subject of work related effect on workers and focused the prevention of the detrimental effects as a important topic of discussion within the field of psychology. The term Occupational Health Psychology and similar phrases started to appear in psychological literature around late 1980s, during the same period journals focused specific to this field, such as Work Stress, first published in 1987, were established. According to Leka Houdmont (2010), the term OHP was coined in Psychology doctoral training in work and heath by Raymond et al. (1990), which suggested that doctoral-level psychologists should undertake interdisciplinary OHP training. It was during this time the discipline of OHP was established and recognised. The discipline developed rapidly and several influential works emerged. More specifically, works by Quick et al. (1997) and Cox et al. (2000) have greatly influenced the defining characteristics of OHP, these include recognition that OHP is an applied, multi-disciplinary science driven by evidence often collected through subject participation, and that it is focused towards practical problem solving and intervention. The emergence and rapid development of OHP as a discipline is a direct consequence of the increasing concern and awareness over work related injury and stress, especially in intrinsically or hazardous or stressful occupations, such deep tunnel miners and fire fighters. Cardiovascular diseases are common results from such working conditions (Sharp.1988). The negative impacts of hazardous or stressful working condition include decreased efficiency, decreased productivity, increased operational cost and increased staff turnover rate for the organisation; and reduced health, motivation, happiness and creativity for the individual workers. Overall the result is an unhealthy workforce and unhappy workplace. Through the development of OHP, the typical risks associated with work and the negative impacts they exert on physical and psychological health are established. It is crucial to examine closely the potential factors that can affect the well-being of workers. As mentioned in Leka (2010), the practice of OHP allows an organisation to be able to identify, manipulate, prevent and anticipate the most influential detrimental factors so that the negative effects can be reduced, removed, or turned into a beneficial effect. The process of dealing with both physical risks factors and mental risk factors are similar in the sense that the risk factors have to be identified first before they can be dealt with. For example, physical hazards such as slippery stairs have to be identified before they can be treated to prevent accidents; the result is an overall increase in the physical well-being of workers. Likewise, the negative impacts caused by mental pressures have also to be identified first; h owever unlike physical risks, the mental risks are not quite as clear and straight forward to recognize. In OHP, these mental risk factors are known as stressors. In order to identify and tackle the most common and important stressors, several theoretical models have emerged that tries to describe why the people often feel stress during work. The initial main development came from Karasek’s Demand-Control model (1979), which focuses on the characteristics of job demands and job control. Karasek’s research revealed that workers who have high levels of job demand but at the same time low job control were disproportionately more likely to suffer from fatigue, burn-out, depression and cardiovascular disease. It also showed, perhaps un-intuitively, that workers with highest control and lowest demand did not have the lowest levels of illness; rather the healthiest groups of individuals were the ones with moderate or even high demands, but also high levels of control. Another stress model is Warr’s Vitamin Model (1987) which suggests that some job characteristics have a linear effect on mental health in the way analogous to how v itamins affect the body. That is specific job characteristics can produce beneficial effects up to a certain threshold, after which increased quality or quantity will have no further effects. Examples of such job characteristics include salary, security, and task significance (Buunk et al. 1998). Alternately, other job characteristics such as job demands, social support and autonomy exhibit a curvilinear effect, where intermediate levels provide the most benefits to health, while high and low levels affect health negatively (van Veldhoven et al. 2002). In the nineties, Siegrist’s Effort-reward Imbalance model (1996) provided a new perspective that focus on a worker’s effort and reward ratio. People are more likely to become stressed if they put in more effort but do not see the expected results or rewards. The Effort-reward Imbalance model contains transactional features, and expands on the Demand-Control model in several areas. These theoretical models of stress allow organizations to quickly identify the not so apparent causes of work-related stress and take the appropriate measures to prevent the problems in both employee and employer (Griffiths, 1999). By applying one or more of the models, organisations are able to set up a framework of procedures that can: anticipate potential sources of stress and minimise or eliminate them through primary intervention; deal with employees’ response to stress and control the negative impact through secondary intervention; and treat the symptoms of stress and rehabilitate those who are suffering through tertiary intervention. A well-constructed and maintained health and safety programme can achieve all of the above and provide great benefits to both the individual workers and the organisation as a whole. In conclusion, occupational health psychology allows organisations to be as effective as possible by identifying the main sources of hazards and stress, taking the appropriate preventive measures, and setting up well-managed health and safety programmes(,). OHP aims to protect employees’ health and well-being through practical management of their health and safety issues(). Procedures such as primary intervention and medical support have extensive benefits to the organisation as well as individual employees. The benefits to the organisation includes: increased profit and productivity, conforming to legal framework therefore reducing the risk and cost of potential lawsuits; improved staff attendance, motivation and performance; better worker retention thus reducing worker turnover rate; better public image and company profile making it more attractive as an employer; preventing disabling illness/disease and reduce potential for litigation; and ability to identify causes, trends and patterns of low attendance and productivity within individual divisions and departments, providing the opportunity to take preventative measure and corrective action. Whilst the benefits to employees include: safer, healthier working environment; better interpersonal relations and cooperation; greater happiness, productivity, creativity and morale; improved life-outlook, general health and job satisfaction; enhanced self-esteem and self-worth, reduced risk of injury, stress, conflict and burn-out. References Buunk, B. P., de Jonge, J., Ybema, J.F., de Wolff, C.J. (1991). Psychosocial Aspects of Occupational Stress. In P.J.D. Drenth, H. Thierry Wolff (Eds.), Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology,145-182 Cox, T., Baldursson, E., Rial-Gonzalez, E. (2000). Occupational health psychology. Gardell, B. (1971). Alienation and mental health in the modern industrial environment. In L. Levi (Ed.),Society, stress and disease(Vol. 1, pp. 148-180). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Griffiths, A. Organizational interventions: facing the limits of the natural science paradigm 1999 Karasek Jr, Robert A. Job demands, job decision latitude, and mental strain: Implications for job redesign 1979 Kornhauser, A. (1965).Mental health of the industrial worker.New York: Wiley. Leka, S. Houdmont, J. (Eds.) (2010).Occupational health psychology. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Marx, K. (1967/1845). The German ideology. In L.D. Easton K.H.L. Guddat (Eds. and Trans.),Writings of the young Marx on philosophy and society. Garden City, NY: Doubleday. Mayo, E. (1933)The human problems of an industrial civilization. New York: MacMillan. Quick, James C., Camara, Wayne J., Hurrell Jr, Joseph J., et al. Introduction and historical overview. 1997 Raymond, J.S., Wood, D., Patrick, W.K. (1990). Psychology doctoral training in work and health.American Psychologist, 45(10), 1159-1161. Sharp, D. S., Osterloh, J., Becker, C. E., et al. Blood pressure and blood lead concentration in bus drivers 1988 Siegrist, J. (1996). Adverse health effects of high-effort/low-reward conditions, Journal of ccupational Health Psychology, 1, 27-41 Taylor, F.W. (1911).The principles of scientific management. Norwood, MA: The Plimpton Press. Trist, E.L., Bamforth, K.W. (1951). Some social and psychological consequences of the longwall method of coal getting.Human Relations, 14(1), 3-38. Van Veldhoven, M., de Jonge, J., Broersen, S., Kompier, M. Meijman,T. (2002). Specific relationships between psychosocial job conditions and job-related stress: A three level analytical approach, Work Stress, 16, 207-228. Warr, P. (1987a). Work, unemployment, and mental health. Oxford: Clarendon Press
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay --
The Triangle of Death, The Limbo of the Lost, The Twilight Zone, The Port of Missing Ships, The Devil’s Triangle, The Hoodoo Sea, The Deadly Triangle. These and many more are names for the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle has been a huge mystery to many since the early 1900's. The Triangle is an area located in the western Atlantic Ocean, where supposedly many ships, people, planes, and other objects disappear unexplainably. The three points of location that connect the triangle are Miami, Florida, Bermuda, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The triangle covers about five hundred thousand square miles of ocean. However, there is no official boundaries or markers for the triangle, just recognized linings. Over the past five centuries, more than a thousand ships and planes have disappeared inside of the triangle boundaries, and still to this day continue to do so. There are many theories behind these happenings. However, no one has yet found the real truth behind it. One of the most famous, or well-known happenings of the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of Flight 19. This happened in December, 1945 during a US Navy training exercise. Fourteen crew members on a route mission disappeared after sending out many radio messages, and when two Martin Mariner rescue planes came to search for them, only one came back while the other strangely could not be found. It is still not fully known what went wrong here. Many wrecked parts from Flight 19 have never been recovered. More famous incidents of the Bermuda Triangle are: The USS Cyclops and three hundred and nine crew members went missing in 1918, the Douglas DC-3 plane with thirty-two people that went missing in 1958 (no trace of aircraft was ever found), and a yacht that was... ...iangle disappearance is no more logical than trying to find a common cause for every automobile accident in Arizona.†Neither maritime insurance leader Lloyd’s of London, or the U.S. Coast Guard, do not see the Bermuda Triangle as an especially dangerous place. They say, â€Å"In a review of many aircraft and vessel losses in the area over the years, there has been nothing discovered that would indicate that casualties were the result of anything other than physical causes. No extraordinary factors have ever been identified.†So it is ultimately up to you to decide what you believe in when it comes to the Bermuda triangle. While it has become very popular to link the Bermuda Triangle to paranormal activity, most investigations claim they happen from bad weather and human error. With all the hundreds of theories, still today, the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle remains.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
In this essay I would like to reflect what I have personally learn more about Thai culture from my intercultural interaction with a Thai person as well as through my in depth reading about Thai culture and history. Thai culture characteristics, behaviors, and values share many similarities and differences with my Taiwanese culture. The person who I interviewed with had given me a great insight into Thai way of thinking and ways of life. Although I have been living in Thai for so many years, but with my Taiwanese upbringing culture I have learn some of the prominent Thai culture, believes, values, and characteristics to be too difficult to understand. In this essay, you will find discussion and examples of Thai prominent cultures, values, believe and Thai historical events and people who had played a great role in changing Thais ways of life. Next, follow by the discussion of Taiwanese culture and Thai culture in comparison and contrast. In the end of the essay, I will propose some of the ways I believe can help to cope with some of Thais cultural shocks. When looking at a broad picture of Thai nation, one can easily identified that Thai is a agricultural society. Rice is what Thai people eat on the daily basis. Yet, Thailand is one of the world biggest exporters in rice product. There is also a saying in Thailand that, â€Å"Farmer is the backbone of the nation.†Here, farmers is not actually the ‘backbone’ or the physical backbone of Thai nation, but backbone in this phrase metaphor the crucial organ in the person body to survive. This shows that Thailand rely heavily on agriculture product and activities. Believe and activities in relation to the agricultural background of Thais, including worshiping â€Å"Pra-mae-po-sop†(Goddess of R... ...s to show friendliness. It is as though strangers are accepted as member of the kin group. Since I am a Taiwanese living in Thailand for so many year, I know some of the ways to cope with these cultural shocks. Here, I would like to suggest you can handle cultural shock in Thai culture. People of different culture may had experience frustration, confusion, tension, or even embarrassment when encounter with another culture. There are two choices you can to can choose from: one is try to observe, listen, inquire which can result in understanding . Another is criticize, rationalize, and withdraw which can result in alienation and isolation. However, some may choose other alternatives such as by gathering information and learn about new culture as much as possible. Second, is to make socio-cultural adjustments. And third is adapting , sharing, experiencing and enjoy.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Practicum Report
PRACTICUM REPORT In partial fulfillment Of the requirement in Accounting 330a Presented to: Prof. Teresita Crucero Dean College of Business and Accountancy Central Philippine University Jaro, Iloilo City Presented by: Mary Ann Christi M. Espinosa Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting October 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pageâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Table of Contentsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Narrative Reportâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Analysis Reportâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Introduction Letterâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Practicum Ratingâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Daily Time Recordâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Exam Permitsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Attendance Slipsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Application Form for Practicumâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Parental Consent Formâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Log Book/Daily Diariesâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ INTRODUCTION NARRATIVE Internship or on the job training or practicum is one way by which we students are given an opportunity to apply the theories and computations that we have learned from school. It also helps us to obtain applicable knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting. College and Universities require their students to undergo such training within a specific number of hours as part of the curriculum. For us students, a practicum or internship program provides opportunities to go through the actual methodologies of a specific job using the real tools, equipments and documents. In effect the workplace becomes a development venue for us student trainee to learn more about our chosen field and practice what we have learned from the university. On the other hand, a valuable OJT/Practicum program also profits the companies who accept trainees. First trainee provides extra manpower for a significant labor cost than a regular employee. Most of them are eager to learn the ropes so chances are high that they will cooperate. Employers can use this internship strategy as method of recruiting employees. Since the trainer or supervisor can follow the trainees’ progress, he can gauge based on performance, behavior and attitude if the trainee will make good recruit after the completion of his internship. We trainees can bring fresh ideas in the organization. Given the opportunity to converse our minds freely and without fear, we may be able to contribute significantly in the brainstorming or research and eventually help improve the organizations productivity. While training the interns, employers are in fact teaching their employees to guide the trainees by stretching their patience, develop teaching skills and make them more sensitive to the needs and mindset of the younger generation. The course of supervision also teaches them how to share what they know and be receptive to questions. Hence, the internship also becomes an avenue in training for future managers of the company. Accepting on the job trainees can truly be beneficial not only to the trainees but also to the companies that provide opportunities for this type of learning. There is wisdom in the front lines. Such training can be investment that will be valuable to the company later on. This is also why us trainees should take our internship seriously as it can be a powerful tool and possibly even a source of recommendation when they take that big lift from being students to career professionals. Every day, man learns something. It is in his system to learn and discover. Man was born for this. It is an instinct to search for answers in order to satisfy their questions. Save it to their memory and use it in their daily lives. I am on my last semester as a Management Accounting student, I take pride for what I have achieved at this time of my life plus the fact that it’s not easy to maintain a cut-off grade in most of my Accounting subjects in order for me to stay and graduate as a bachelor in Management Accounting. With regards to my off campus practicum, our school sends us to different offices to put our theoretical learning into practical applications. PUDADERA ACCOUNTING OFFICE is located in Arguelles Street, Jaro Iloilo City. It is a ten minute walk from the 6th gate of Central Philippine University. The two-storied building was built in a subdivision with the calm atmosphere of the community and its landscape. The appearance of the building is well harmonized with the surroundings. However, it gives guests the impression of dignity and openness. Directly inside the main entrance, Pudadera Accounting Office has a small but welcoming lobby with a natural concrete floor, stylish but difficult to walk on heels. There are several chairs arranged against the wall and a side table which are placed the company’s newspapers and other publications. The receptionist’s desk is facing the entrance door, and behind it sits two friendly women. Passing through the receptionists’ area which is directly leads to the main office. The area is small but it is well arranged to welcome the clients as well as guests. The receiving area has a big square table in the middle with a large window overlooking the exterior. The remainder of the office space is segmented with partitioning walls, forming a sort cubicle. The office starts its operation from 9am to 6pm from Mondays to Friday and 9am to 12nn during Saturdays. The office is closed on Sundays and during Holidays. To grow and create value, the company must have the trust of its clients, lenders and investors. The office assists their clients in the proper applications of accounting principles that will become effective. They also assist in completing certain requirements under existing rules and regulations of regulatory bodies such as the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) and others. The office reviews financial information based on agreed-upon procedures, assisting acquirers/investors in determining factors affecting the price and post-acquisition financial issues and providing integrated support throughout the acquisition process. They also provide advice and assistance with the registration and reporting requirements of government agencies relating to tax and/ or investment incentives granted under various investment laws and regulations as administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of Trade and Industry, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Local Government and etc. It also can provide assistance in determining a company’s tax liabilities, preparing related returns and remitting these taxes to regulatory agencies within the prescribed deadlines. Some of the clients also ask the office to do the payroll and also provides assistance in Social Security System and Philippine Health Insurance application and payments on their own employees. As I stepped in to the accounting office, the first task I did was to update the books of the firm’s clients. Bookkeeping is the process of recording and classifying business financial transactions, or to put it another way, the process of maintaining the records of a business’s financial activities. The objective in bookkeeping is to create a useable summary of financial transactions, which provides a snapshot of the business’s financial stability. The most basic form of accounting is the single-entry system. In this system, you record each transaction only once, as either a deposit or as an expense. This system is generally used to determine the profit/loss of a business. However, the preferred system is the double-entry system. The double-entry system is more accurate, and has built-in checks and balances. In this system, each transaction is recorded twice, in each â€Å"account†it affects. This is a more thorough method of keeping a business’s financial transaction in order. Bookkeeping; As part of the business science of accounting, it represents the daily tasks of tracking its financial transaction of a business and recording it correctly. This includes a sale, purchase of equipment and supplies, investment income for the month, or internal transfer of funds. As a bookkeeper, I have the access to all the daily transaction data for a particular client. Amongst the books that I have updated, the office uses single-entry method of bookkeeping. The approach is very streamlined, tracking only accounts associated directly with money coming in and money being spent by the business which many new businesses and sole proprietors accustomed to. All of this data is then rolled up regularly into a report based on a cash flow structure, showing starting balance, how much new money was earned, how much was spent, and finally a remaining net balance for the period. There are three basic elements of bookkeeping: assets, liabilities, and net assets. Assets are all items used in the operation or investment activities of a business. This category includes all property, or items of value, owned by a business. Examples include cash, buildings, land, vehicles, tools, inventory, office supplies, furniture, investments, and accounts receivable (any funds owed to the business). Increases in assets are called debits. Decreases in assets are called credits. Generally, various assets are referred to as debit accounts. Liabilities are claims by creditors to the assets of a business, or debts owed by the business to others. Types of liabilities include loans, notes payable, and lines of credit. Net assets are the equity earned by the business. Net assets are the value of the business once all liabilities have been paid. It can also be called owner’s equity, capital, net worth, profit, or proprietorship. There are also several other things to keep in mind when considering a company’s net assets: †¢ Revenue is the increase in net worth resulting from the operations and other activities of the business. Revenue includes income earned through the business’s services, interest earned on investments, and contributions from individuals or foundations. Although net assets are considered to be credit accounts, sources of revenue are actually considered to be debit accounts. Expenses are the costs of doing business. This includes the cost of goods, fixed assets, and services/supplies used in the business’s operations. Examples of expenses include salaries, rent, travel expenses, and the costs of supplies and utilities. Expenses are credit accounts. †¢ Net assets are calculated by subtracting tot al expenses from total revenue, on a yearly basis. Whenever revenue is received, net assets increase. Whenever expenses are paid, net assets decrease. The paper side of bookkeeping is managed through ledgers. Each account has a ledger to show each financial change that has occurred to the account. Sales account shows every sale made in a period by peso amount. It will also show corrections made to the account if there was an error or a bad posting. Eventually, for reporting, all the ledgers used are rolled into one combined report, which then tells management how money was earned and spent for the time period tracked. All business transactions result in at least two changes to the bookkeeping equation. In other words, a transaction that changes a business’s assets must also change that business’s liabilities or net assets. Some transactions increase accounts. If a business’s assets increase, then there must also be an increase in either liabilities or net assets. Other transactions can decrease accounts. If a business’s assets decrease, so must either its liabilities or its net assets. Bookkeeping goes hand in hand with taxes. Bookkeeping is the process of keeping track of business income and expenses tallying them over time. Taxes are sums that you must pay to government institutions relative to the income and expenses that you tally by means of bookkeeping process. As a practicum, it is our duty to update each of the client’s books. If we keep the books up to date, it can be relatively simple to file tax returns. Most tax returns involve transferring bookkeeping totals and multiplying them by tax rates. The office maintains a file of receipts for each of the client each month. ANALYSIS Strategizing An up-to-date bookkeeping system enables you to develop strategies to minimize the amount of tax you owe. Income tax rates increase as your income level rises. If you know that you will earn less during an upcoming calendar year, you may choose to make capital expenditures that will lower your tax burden during a year when your overall tax rate will be higher. If your bookkeeping is current and you only need to perform simple calculations to file taxes, you are less likely to accrue penalties and interest on late filings and payments. Running a business means being vigilant about your bookkeeping so that you always know where you stand. If you have a small business, or are in charge of bookkeeping for a business, then you should know some basic accounting and bookkeeping rules to make sure that you're able to run your business smoothly, with no hiccups in the financial department. Choose a System * When starting your bookkeeping, you need to choose a system for doing it. Most businesses choose a cash or accrual system. In a cash system, the bookkeeper records all cash coming in and going out as it is received. For instance, you may make a sale on Friday, but the check doesn't come until Monday, so you record it on Monday. With accrual, you record things when they happen. You would record the sale on Friday and account for the money then, even if you didn't yet receive it. Choosing your system relates mostly to how you do business, if you are vigilant about always having the funds on hand, or if you don't mind doing some of your business on credit. Choose the method that works best for your company. Maintain Your Books * As a bookkeeper or small business owner, you should be updating and maintaining your books daily. It can be easy to put off an entry until tomorrow, but to keep things organized and orderly, you should be entering things in the books as they happen. Resist the urge to leave things until another day. With books, you're dealing with numbers and money, and any small mistake can have big consequences. Make it easier on yourself by maintaining the books daily. Take a few minutes to update and assess, so you are continually in the loop of your financial situation. Leave a Paper Trail * When keeping books, it's important to always do things in order, to number checks and enter them chronologically with all of the information at hand. You should have records of every single financial move you make, through accounting slips, receipts and receiving orders. If, for some reason, you are targeted by the IRS for an audit, they'll want to see clean books with correct records. Leaving a paper trail in everything you do financially with the business is essential to bookkeeping. Practicum Report PRACTICUM REPORT In partial fulfillment Of the requirement in Accounting 330a Presented to: Prof. Teresita Crucero Dean College of Business and Accountancy Central Philippine University Jaro, Iloilo City Presented by: Mary Ann Christi M. Espinosa Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting October 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pageâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Table of Contentsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Narrative Reportâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Analysis Reportâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Introduction Letterâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Practicum Ratingâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Daily Time Recordâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Exam Permitsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Attendance Slipsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Application Form for Practicumâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Parental Consent Formâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Log Book/Daily Diariesâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ INTRODUCTION NARRATIVE Internship or on the job training or practicum is one way by which we students are given an opportunity to apply the theories and computations that we have learned from school. It also helps us to obtain applicable knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting. College and Universities require their students to undergo such training within a specific number of hours as part of the curriculum. For us students, a practicum or internship program provides opportunities to go through the actual methodologies of a specific job using the real tools, equipments and documents. In effect the workplace becomes a development venue for us student trainee to learn more about our chosen field and practice what we have learned from the university. On the other hand, a valuable OJT/Practicum program also profits the companies who accept trainees. First trainee provides extra manpower for a significant labor cost than a regular employee. Most of them are eager to learn the ropes so chances are high that they will cooperate. Employers can use this internship strategy as method of recruiting employees. Since the trainer or supervisor can follow the trainees’ progress, he can gauge based on performance, behavior and attitude if the trainee will make good recruit after the completion of his internship. We trainees can bring fresh ideas in the organization. Given the opportunity to converse our minds freely and without fear, we may be able to contribute significantly in the brainstorming or research and eventually help improve the organizations productivity. While training the interns, employers are in fact teaching their employees to guide the trainees by stretching their patience, develop teaching skills and make them more sensitive to the needs and mindset of the younger generation. The course of supervision also teaches them how to share what they know and be receptive to questions. Hence, the internship also becomes an avenue in training for future managers of the company. Accepting on the job trainees can truly be beneficial not only to the trainees but also to the companies that provide opportunities for this type of learning. There is wisdom in the front lines. Such training can be investment that will be valuable to the company later on. This is also why us trainees should take our internship seriously as it can be a powerful tool and possibly even a source of recommendation when they take that big lift from being students to career professionals. Every day, man learns something. It is in his system to learn and discover. Man was born for this. It is an instinct to search for answers in order to satisfy their questions. Save it to their memory and use it in their daily lives. I am on my last semester as a Management Accounting student, I take pride for what I have achieved at this time of my life plus the fact that it’s not easy to maintain a cut-off grade in most of my Accounting subjects in order for me to stay and graduate as a bachelor in Management Accounting. With regards to my off campus practicum, our school sends us to different offices to put our theoretical learning into practical applications. PUDADERA ACCOUNTING OFFICE is located in Arguelles Street, Jaro Iloilo City. It is a ten minute walk from the 6th gate of Central Philippine University. The two-storied building was built in a subdivision with the calm atmosphere of the community and its landscape. The appearance of the building is well harmonized with the surroundings. However, it gives guests the impression of dignity and openness. Directly inside the main entrance, Pudadera Accounting Office has a small but welcoming lobby with a natural concrete floor, stylish but difficult to walk on heels. There are several chairs arranged against the wall and a side table which are placed the company’s newspapers and other publications. The receptionist’s desk is facing the entrance door, and behind it sits two friendly women. Passing through the receptionists’ area which is directly leads to the main office. The area is small but it is well arranged to welcome the clients as well as guests. The receiving area has a big square table in the middle with a large window overlooking the exterior. The remainder of the office space is segmented with partitioning walls, forming a sort cubicle. The office starts its operation from 9am to 6pm from Mondays to Friday and 9am to 12nn during Saturdays. The office is closed on Sundays and during Holidays. To grow and create value, the company must have the trust of its clients, lenders and investors. The office assists their clients in the proper applications of accounting principles that will become effective. They also assist in completing certain requirements under existing rules and regulations of regulatory bodies such as the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) and others. The office reviews financial information based on agreed-upon procedures, assisting acquirers/investors in determining factors affecting the price and post-acquisition financial issues and providing integrated support throughout the acquisition process. They also provide advice and assistance with the registration and reporting requirements of government agencies relating to tax and/ or investment incentives granted under various investment laws and regulations as administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of Trade and Industry, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Local Government and etc. It also can provide assistance in determining a company’s tax liabilities, preparing related returns and remitting these taxes to regulatory agencies within the prescribed deadlines. Some of the clients also ask the office to do the payroll and also provides assistance in Social Security System and Philippine Health Insurance application and payments on their own employees. As I stepped in to the accounting office, the first task I did was to update the books of the firm’s clients. Bookkeeping is the process of recording and classifying business financial transactions, or to put it another way, the process of maintaining the records of a business’s financial activities. The objective in bookkeeping is to create a useable summary of financial transactions, which provides a snapshot of the business’s financial stability. The most basic form of accounting is the single-entry system. In this system, you record each transaction only once, as either a deposit or as an expense. This system is generally used to determine the profit/loss of a business. However, the preferred system is the double-entry system. The double-entry system is more accurate, and has built-in checks and balances. In this system, each transaction is recorded twice, in each â€Å"account†it affects. This is a more thorough method of keeping a business’s financial transaction in order. Bookkeeping; As part of the business science of accounting, it represents the daily tasks of tracking its financial transaction of a business and recording it correctly. This includes a sale, purchase of equipment and supplies, investment income for the month, or internal transfer of funds. As a bookkeeper, I have the access to all the daily transaction data for a particular client. Amongst the books that I have updated, the office uses single-entry method of bookkeeping. The approach is very streamlined, tracking only accounts associated directly with money coming in and money being spent by the business which many new businesses and sole proprietors accustomed to. All of this data is then rolled up regularly into a report based on a cash flow structure, showing starting balance, how much new money was earned, how much was spent, and finally a remaining net balance for the period. There are three basic elements of bookkeeping: assets, liabilities, and net assets. Assets are all items used in the operation or investment activities of a business. This category includes all property, or items of value, owned by a business. Examples include cash, buildings, land, vehicles, tools, inventory, office supplies, furniture, investments, and accounts receivable (any funds owed to the business). Increases in assets are called debits. Decreases in assets are called credits. Generally, various assets are referred to as debit accounts. Liabilities are claims by creditors to the assets of a business, or debts owed by the business to others. Types of liabilities include loans, notes payable, and lines of credit. Net assets are the equity earned by the business. Net assets are the value of the business once all liabilities have been paid. It can also be called owner’s equity, capital, net worth, profit, or proprietorship. There are also several other things to keep in mind when considering a company’s net assets: †¢ Revenue is the increase in net worth resulting from the operations and other activities of the business. Revenue includes income earned through the business’s services, interest earned on investments, and contributions from individuals or foundations. Although net assets are considered to be credit accounts, sources of revenue are actually considered to be debit accounts. Expenses are the costs of doing business. This includes the cost of goods, fixed assets, and services/supplies used in the business’s operations. Examples of expenses include salaries, rent, travel expenses, and the costs of supplies and utilities. Expenses are credit accounts. †¢ Net assets are calculated by subtracting tot al expenses from total revenue, on a yearly basis. Whenever revenue is received, net assets increase. Whenever expenses are paid, net assets decrease. The paper side of bookkeeping is managed through ledgers. Each account has a ledger to show each financial change that has occurred to the account. Sales account shows every sale made in a period by peso amount. It will also show corrections made to the account if there was an error or a bad posting. Eventually, for reporting, all the ledgers used are rolled into one combined report, which then tells management how money was earned and spent for the time period tracked. All business transactions result in at least two changes to the bookkeeping equation. In other words, a transaction that changes a business’s assets must also change that business’s liabilities or net assets. Some transactions increase accounts. If a business’s assets increase, then there must also be an increase in either liabilities or net assets. Other transactions can decrease accounts. If a business’s assets decrease, so must either its liabilities or its net assets. Bookkeeping goes hand in hand with taxes. Bookkeeping is the process of keeping track of business income and expenses tallying them over time. Taxes are sums that you must pay to government institutions relative to the income and expenses that you tally by means of bookkeeping process. As a practicum, it is our duty to update each of the client’s books. If we keep the books up to date, it can be relatively simple to file tax returns. Most tax returns involve transferring bookkeeping totals and multiplying them by tax rates. The office maintains a file of receipts for each of the client each month. ANALYSIS Strategizing An up-to-date bookkeeping system enables you to develop strategies to minimize the amount of tax you owe. Income tax rates increase as your income level rises. If you know that you will earn less during an upcoming calendar year, you may choose to make capital expenditures that will lower your tax burden during a year when your overall tax rate will be higher. If your bookkeeping is current and you only need to perform simple calculations to file taxes, you are less likely to accrue penalties and interest on late filings and payments. Running a business means being vigilant about your bookkeeping so that you always know where you stand. If you have a small business, or are in charge of bookkeeping for a business, then you should know some basic accounting and bookkeeping rules to make sure that you're able to run your business smoothly, with no hiccups in the financial department. Choose a System * When starting your bookkeeping, you need to choose a system for doing it. Most businesses choose a cash or accrual system. In a cash system, the bookkeeper records all cash coming in and going out as it is received. For instance, you may make a sale on Friday, but the check doesn't come until Monday, so you record it on Monday. With accrual, you record things when they happen. You would record the sale on Friday and account for the money then, even if you didn't yet receive it. Choosing your system relates mostly to how you do business, if you are vigilant about always having the funds on hand, or if you don't mind doing some of your business on credit. Choose the method that works best for your company. Maintain Your Books * As a bookkeeper or small business owner, you should be updating and maintaining your books daily. It can be easy to put off an entry until tomorrow, but to keep things organized and orderly, you should be entering things in the books as they happen. Resist the urge to leave things until another day. With books, you're dealing with numbers and money, and any small mistake can have big consequences. Make it easier on yourself by maintaining the books daily. Take a few minutes to update and assess, so you are continually in the loop of your financial situation. Leave a Paper Trail * When keeping books, it's important to always do things in order, to number checks and enter them chronologically with all of the information at hand. You should have records of every single financial move you make, through accounting slips, receipts and receiving orders. If, for some reason, you are targeted by the IRS for an audit, they'll want to see clean books with correct records. Leaving a paper trail in everything you do financially with the business is essential to bookkeeping. Practicum Report PRACTICUM REPORT In partial fulfillment Of the requirement in Accounting 330a Presented to: Prof. Teresita Crucero Dean College of Business and Accountancy Central Philippine University Jaro, Iloilo City Presented by: Mary Ann Christi M. Espinosa Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting October 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pageâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Table of Contentsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Narrative Reportâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Analysis Reportâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Introduction Letterâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Practicum Ratingâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Daily Time Recordâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Exam Permitsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Attendance Slipsâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Application Form for Practicumâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Parental Consent Formâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Log Book/Daily Diariesâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ INTRODUCTION NARRATIVE Internship or on the job training or practicum is one way by which we students are given an opportunity to apply the theories and computations that we have learned from school. It also helps us to obtain applicable knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting. College and Universities require their students to undergo such training within a specific number of hours as part of the curriculum. For us students, a practicum or internship program provides opportunities to go through the actual methodologies of a specific job using the real tools, equipments and documents. In effect the workplace becomes a development venue for us student trainee to learn more about our chosen field and practice what we have learned from the university. On the other hand, a valuable OJT/Practicum program also profits the companies who accept trainees. First trainee provides extra manpower for a significant labor cost than a regular employee. Most of them are eager to learn the ropes so chances are high that they will cooperate. Employers can use this internship strategy as method of recruiting employees. Since the trainer or supervisor can follow the trainees’ progress, he can gauge based on performance, behavior and attitude if the trainee will make good recruit after the completion of his internship. We trainees can bring fresh ideas in the organization. Given the opportunity to converse our minds freely and without fear, we may be able to contribute significantly in the brainstorming or research and eventually help improve the organizations productivity. While training the interns, employers are in fact teaching their employees to guide the trainees by stretching their patience, develop teaching skills and make them more sensitive to the needs and mindset of the younger generation. The course of supervision also teaches them how to share what they know and be receptive to questions. Hence, the internship also becomes an avenue in training for future managers of the company. Accepting on the job trainees can truly be beneficial not only to the trainees but also to the companies that provide opportunities for this type of learning. There is wisdom in the front lines. Such training can be investment that will be valuable to the company later on. This is also why us trainees should take our internship seriously as it can be a powerful tool and possibly even a source of recommendation when they take that big lift from being students to career professionals. Every day, man learns something. It is in his system to learn and discover. Man was born for this. It is an instinct to search for answers in order to satisfy their questions. Save it to their memory and use it in their daily lives. I am on my last semester as a Management Accounting student, I take pride for what I have achieved at this time of my life plus the fact that it’s not easy to maintain a cut-off grade in most of my Accounting subjects in order for me to stay and graduate as a bachelor in Management Accounting. With regards to my off campus practicum, our school sends us to different offices to put our theoretical learning into practical applications. PUDADERA ACCOUNTING OFFICE is located in Arguelles Street, Jaro Iloilo City. It is a ten minute walk from the 6th gate of Central Philippine University. The two-storied building was built in a subdivision with the calm atmosphere of the community and its landscape. The appearance of the building is well harmonized with the surroundings. However, it gives guests the impression of dignity and openness. Directly inside the main entrance, Pudadera Accounting Office has a small but welcoming lobby with a natural concrete floor, stylish but difficult to walk on heels. There are several chairs arranged against the wall and a side table which are placed the company’s newspapers and other publications. The receptionist’s desk is facing the entrance door, and behind it sits two friendly women. Passing through the receptionists’ area which is directly leads to the main office. The area is small but it is well arranged to welcome the clients as well as guests. The receiving area has a big square table in the middle with a large window overlooking the exterior. The remainder of the office space is segmented with partitioning walls, forming a sort cubicle. The office starts its operation from 9am to 6pm from Mondays to Friday and 9am to 12nn during Saturdays. The office is closed on Sundays and during Holidays. To grow and create value, the company must have the trust of its clients, lenders and investors. The office assists their clients in the proper applications of accounting principles that will become effective. They also assist in completing certain requirements under existing rules and regulations of regulatory bodies such as the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) and others. The office reviews financial information based on agreed-upon procedures, assisting acquirers/investors in determining factors affecting the price and post-acquisition financial issues and providing integrated support throughout the acquisition process. They also provide advice and assistance with the registration and reporting requirements of government agencies relating to tax and/ or investment incentives granted under various investment laws and regulations as administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of Trade and Industry, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Local Government and etc. It also can provide assistance in determining a company’s tax liabilities, preparing related returns and remitting these taxes to regulatory agencies within the prescribed deadlines. Some of the clients also ask the office to do the payroll and also provides assistance in Social Security System and Philippine Health Insurance application and payments on their own employees. As I stepped in to the accounting office, the first task I did was to update the books of the firm’s clients. Bookkeeping is the process of recording and classifying business financial transactions, or to put it another way, the process of maintaining the records of a business’s financial activities. The objective in bookkeeping is to create a useable summary of financial transactions, which provides a snapshot of the business’s financial stability. The most basic form of accounting is the single-entry system. In this system, you record each transaction only once, as either a deposit or as an expense. This system is generally used to determine the profit/loss of a business. However, the preferred system is the double-entry system. The double-entry system is more accurate, and has built-in checks and balances. In this system, each transaction is recorded twice, in each â€Å"account†it affects. This is a more thorough method of keeping a business’s financial transaction in order. Bookkeeping; As part of the business science of accounting, it represents the daily tasks of tracking its financial transaction of a business and recording it correctly. This includes a sale, purchase of equipment and supplies, investment income for the month, or internal transfer of funds. As a bookkeeper, I have the access to all the daily transaction data for a particular client. Amongst the books that I have updated, the office uses single-entry method of bookkeeping. The approach is very streamlined, tracking only accounts associated directly with money coming in and money being spent by the business which many new businesses and sole proprietors accustomed to. All of this data is then rolled up regularly into a report based on a cash flow structure, showing starting balance, how much new money was earned, how much was spent, and finally a remaining net balance for the period. There are three basic elements of bookkeeping: assets, liabilities, and net assets. Assets are all items used in the operation or investment activities of a business. This category includes all property, or items of value, owned by a business. Examples include cash, buildings, land, vehicles, tools, inventory, office supplies, furniture, investments, and accounts receivable (any funds owed to the business). Increases in assets are called debits. Decreases in assets are called credits. Generally, various assets are referred to as debit accounts. Liabilities are claims by creditors to the assets of a business, or debts owed by the business to others. Types of liabilities include loans, notes payable, and lines of credit. Net assets are the equity earned by the business. Net assets are the value of the business once all liabilities have been paid. It can also be called owner’s equity, capital, net worth, profit, or proprietorship. There are also several other things to keep in mind when considering a company’s net assets: †¢ Revenue is the increase in net worth resulting from the operations and other activities of the business. Revenue includes income earned through the business’s services, interest earned on investments, and contributions from individuals or foundations. Although net assets are considered to be credit accounts, sources of revenue are actually considered to be debit accounts. Expenses are the costs of doing business. This includes the cost of goods, fixed assets, and services/supplies used in the business’s operations. Examples of expenses include salaries, rent, travel expenses, and the costs of supplies and utilities. Expenses are credit accounts. †¢ Net assets are calculated by subtracting tot al expenses from total revenue, on a yearly basis. Whenever revenue is received, net assets increase. Whenever expenses are paid, net assets decrease. The paper side of bookkeeping is managed through ledgers. Each account has a ledger to show each financial change that has occurred to the account. Sales account shows every sale made in a period by peso amount. It will also show corrections made to the account if there was an error or a bad posting. Eventually, for reporting, all the ledgers used are rolled into one combined report, which then tells management how money was earned and spent for the time period tracked. All business transactions result in at least two changes to the bookkeeping equation. In other words, a transaction that changes a business’s assets must also change that business’s liabilities or net assets. Some transactions increase accounts. If a business’s assets increase, then there must also be an increase in either liabilities or net assets. Other transactions can decrease accounts. If a business’s assets decrease, so must either its liabilities or its net assets. Bookkeeping goes hand in hand with taxes. Bookkeeping is the process of keeping track of business income and expenses tallying them over time. Taxes are sums that you must pay to government institutions relative to the income and expenses that you tally by means of bookkeeping process. As a practicum, it is our duty to update each of the client’s books. If we keep the books up to date, it can be relatively simple to file tax returns. Most tax returns involve transferring bookkeeping totals and multiplying them by tax rates. The office maintains a file of receipts for each of the client each month. ANALYSIS Strategizing An up-to-date bookkeeping system enables you to develop strategies to minimize the amount of tax you owe. Income tax rates increase as your income level rises. If you know that you will earn less during an upcoming calendar year, you may choose to make capital expenditures that will lower your tax burden during a year when your overall tax rate will be higher. If your bookkeeping is current and you only need to perform simple calculations to file taxes, you are less likely to accrue penalties and interest on late filings and payments. Running a business means being vigilant about your bookkeeping so that you always know where you stand. If you have a small business, or are in charge of bookkeeping for a business, then you should know some basic accounting and bookkeeping rules to make sure that you're able to run your business smoothly, with no hiccups in the financial department. Choose a System * When starting your bookkeeping, you need to choose a system for doing it. Most businesses choose a cash or accrual system. In a cash system, the bookkeeper records all cash coming in and going out as it is received. For instance, you may make a sale on Friday, but the check doesn't come until Monday, so you record it on Monday. With accrual, you record things when they happen. You would record the sale on Friday and account for the money then, even if you didn't yet receive it. Choosing your system relates mostly to how you do business, if you are vigilant about always having the funds on hand, or if you don't mind doing some of your business on credit. Choose the method that works best for your company. Maintain Your Books * As a bookkeeper or small business owner, you should be updating and maintaining your books daily. It can be easy to put off an entry until tomorrow, but to keep things organized and orderly, you should be entering things in the books as they happen. Resist the urge to leave things until another day. With books, you're dealing with numbers and money, and any small mistake can have big consequences. Make it easier on yourself by maintaining the books daily. Take a few minutes to update and assess, so you are continually in the loop of your financial situation. Leave a Paper Trail * When keeping books, it's important to always do things in order, to number checks and enter them chronologically with all of the information at hand. You should have records of every single financial move you make, through accounting slips, receipts and receiving orders. If, for some reason, you are targeted by the IRS for an audit, they'll want to see clean books with correct records. Leaving a paper trail in everything you do financially with the business is essential to bookkeeping.
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