Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Chronic Pancreatitis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Chronic Pancreatitis - Term Paper Example General Description Chronic Pancreatitis (CP) is a heterogeneous, progressive disorder of the pancreas characterized by a spectrum of symptoms pain, inflammation, diabetes mellitus, and pancreatic damage leading to significant loss of both endocrine and exocrine functions of the pancreas (Witt and associates, 2007; DiMagno & Dimagno, 2006). Pathology involves fibrosis in the pancreatic parenchyma that manifests irregularly. Other organs in the vicinity are also affected as consequence of the disease that may commence as an individual or a group of symptoms resulting from functional impairment of pancreas. The major clinical symptom of the disease is recurring or persistent pain within the abdomens. The chief cause of CP in the western world is alcohol abuse leading to alcoholic calcific pancreatitis (ACP). The other form of CP known as tropical calcific pancreatitis (TCP) prevalent in tropical countries is of uncertain etiology (Lee, 2011). Based on the risk factors CP is classified by the TIGAR-O (Toxic-metabolic, Idiopathic, Genetic, Autoimmune, Recurrent and severe acute, Obstructive) classification system (Nair tet al., 2007). Figure 1: Anatomy of the pancreas ( Pancreas: Normal Physiology Pancreas is a retroperitoneal structure in the upper abdomen that can broadly be divided into head, body, and tail (figure 1). A major portion of pancreatic tissue comprises of acini (80%) that are responsible for the exocrine functions of the pancreas. Groups of aciniform spherical lobules that are interspersed with connective tissue. The central ducts of each lobule in which the secretions of the surrounding acinar cells accumulate, join to extralobular ducts that finally drain into the main pancreatic duct. The main pancreatic duct carrying the secreted digestive enzymes enters the hepatopancreatic ampulla along with bile duct. At the duodenal papilla, the enzymes enter the duodenum (Adda et al., 1984). The endocrine functions of the pancreas are performed by the richly vascularized islets of Langerhans. The islets of Langerhans comprise of beta, alpha and delta cells that secrete hormones insulin, glucagon, somatostatin respectively. The most abundant beta cells (73-75%) are centrally located and are surrounded by alpha cells (18-20%) and delta cells (4-6%). The rich vascularization allows for the transfer of hormones from the islets while the specific arrangement of the alpha, beta and delta cells allows paracrine regulation of hormones. Thus high concentrations of the insulin secreted by the central beta cells inhibit glucagon release from the peripheral alpha cells. The venous blood flow from the islets of Langerhans reaches the hepatic portal vein, rendering the liver the prime target for the impact of pancreatic hormones. The rich innervations of the pancreas ensure the release of several neurotransmitters in the pancreas that regulate the release and concentrations of hormones (Case, 200 6). During normal physiology, in the basal state, the secreted pancreatic fluid is mildly alkaline comprising a few proteins. Gastric distension and acid production during eating stimulate duodenal S cells causing the release of secretin. Under the influence of the secretin, a large quantity of the bicarbonate-rich watery liquid or the hydraulic secretion is released from the ductal cells of the smaller ducts.Â
Monday, October 28, 2019
Positive Aspects of Technology Essay Example for Free
Positive Aspects of Technology Essay From man`s first invention of the wheel to modern day’s advanced computers, one can clearly see how far humans have developed with technology. Modern technology has provided mankind with numerous positive aspects; from getting to places in seconds to curing complex diseases. The most fundamental and important positive aspect of technology is that it gives humans the ability to share knowledge more effectively. Nowadays, a country is not defined by its wealth or influence, rather by its â€Å"ability to develop and advance knowledge†(Johnston 1). In the essay, The Diplomacy of Knowledge, author David Johnston states that, â€Å"information has never been so ubiquitous and so cheaply and easily shared†(1). In other words, information has never been so readily available, thanks to the fast growing Internet. The Internet allows billions of people to express their opinions and put forth their knowledge for others to see. Johnston also mentions that the foundations of the internet were laid by â€Å"300 years of discovery in math and science from Newton to Einstein†(2). Great scientists such as Newton to Einstein shared their experience and findings which have become the cause of all the ongoing technological development. For instance, the recent uprising in Libya was hugely successful due to the internet. Thousands of people posted Facebook statuses and communicated in numerous other ways. By sharing each other’s thoughts and knowledge, they were able to overcome the situation by establishing a strong and organized community. Moreover, new inventions are also greatly impacted by the sharing of knowledge and this can be evidently seen with a great discovery such as Insulin. Charles Best and Frederick Banting, a bio-chemist and a surgeon, are innovators from different fields. Both of them shared each other’s knowledge and brought forth one of the greatest discoveries of all time, insulin which saved millions of diabetic patients. In other words, today’s advancements in technology let the sharing of knowledge much more effectively, as it allows mankind to â€Å"[experience] unprecedented rates of change†(2). It also gives humanity the opportunity to undergo â€Å"rapid transformations, characterized by risk and opportunity on a global scale â€Å"(2). These changes brought through the sharing of knowledge bring an evolution in social and ethical factors within the society. In conclusion, technology has provided mankind with countless positive aspects, although the greatest aspect is the better collaboration of knowledge. From insulin to modern medicine, history has made it clear that great things can happen when everyone shares their learning with each other. As Thomas Jefferson mentions, â€Å"[by lighting] your candle with the flame of mine, my light is not diminished, it is enhanced†(2).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Creation Essay -- essays research papers
Creation The Creation Stories Did the creation of the earth and life begin by itself? Or did God create them? In the beginning, civilization started to question who created earth. There were many different views. In Genesis, Jinasena, and Buddha have their own thinking. There were some differences as well as similarities. In Genesis, it was stated that God created heaven and earth. Everything we saw is God's work. Even ourselves is come out from him. In one week, Days and Nights; Skies and seasons, land and water; living creature; And humans, were created by God. An example, "Let there be light" then light came out. Everything he thought of happened instantaneously. However, there is no stating how he accomplished all this. Furthermore, there is no evidence that God's breath gave life to a living soul to man. Genesis is in a third person type of writing. Every paragraph start with "And God said..." Overall of the story, God is powerful and perfect. He had done everything w e need. Jinasena is a Jain myth and it is called "There Is No Creator". As the title states, the myth does not believe in god. There is a line say in the myth that set states this, "...if it is complete the individual jiva (soul) is released from the cycle of rebirth to a state of isolated, eternal, and omniscient inactivity." This line is saying that everyone has a soul. However, with the end of each lifetime, another spirit will start again. In another word,...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Juvenile Delinquency Factors Pertaining to Criminal Behavior Essay
This was pounded home in this statement made by Congressman Bobby Scott who said, â€Å"Giving a 10-year mandatory minimum for a second offense fist fight is not going to reduce the chance that someone will be stabbed 16 times when you are not funding any of the programs that are desperately needed to actually reduce juvenile crime†. Juveniles are the future so it is important that we look at cause of criminal behavior within this age group. In order to provide them with outlets that influence their outlook on life and futures and this can only be done if we know what it is that has influenced their life thus far and how we can implement things into their environment that will change their outlook. The first place to look is the family because these are usually the people that the closest and usually the most influential on young people. According to David P. Farrington a Professor of Criminology research has shown that 53 percent of 1,000 adults when asked what they perceived to be the main cause of violence, they agreed it was lack of discipline. And according to Professor Farrington academic research performed in 1997 confirmed the earlier finding. Discipline in the school system was also a factor according to about 15 % of those same adults. The other factors for juvenile delinquency in this research were poverty, violence on television, broken homes as well as drugs and alcohol. This research had to then divide the family influences into six different categories. The first says that delinquent and antisocial children are usually influenced by parents and siblings that are antisocial and or criminal. The greatest influence among 400 males that research was performed on found that males between eight years old and 48 was the convicted father and 63% of those with convicted fathers ended up being convicted as well. In a akin research on families with multiple children it was seen that the older children were convicted more often than younger siblings and only 6% percent of these families ended up with all the children being convicted. What we see here is that home is often times the start of delinquency because problems at home can affect other areas in a child’s life. At times though other areas of the child’s life can affect his or her behavior and may not have anything to do with home life although family may see some differences in the child but not know what has caused the behavior or ignore it thinking this maybe something that the child would out grow. That behavior though at times can a child’s way of crying out for help or attention. Some other things that may trigger delinquency are failure or poor academic levels in school. This can cause frustration and lack of attendance, outburst that can lead to a child being expelled from school. Poor social skills leaving a child feeling unwanted or unable to blend in with his or her peers may cause the child to withdraw and not be able to ask for help or act just the opposite and act out drawing attention to their self or have violent outburst which increases the likely hood that the child will drop out of school or be expelled. Substance abuse is high risk factor for these children in a few different ways. The main thing is that drugs and alcohol tend to cause a temporary relief of the mental or even physical anguish that the child sees their self going through. This usually puts the child in contact with someone that encourages the behavior for the sake of profit but uses guile to fabricate a relationship causing the child to think that he or she is important. This person then enables the addiction to the substances and often times contribute to the illegal behaviors by encouraging the child to sell drugs for him or her. This is done by different means of trickery such as telling them they need a favor done or the main one is tempting the child with the prospect of earning money to help them or their family. This is a great attraction to the child that comes from a broken home and living in poverty for they see it as way of helping to support the family. This type of behavior is also seen in areas that are prone to gangs. They entice the younger child in because they are easier to manipulate. They make the child feel that they are a part of a bigger family and tell them they understand better than their own parents at times. The gang encourages criminal activity to help finance the gang and use violence to protect the gang. This means that the younger the child the easier it is to mold them into their way of thinking. These many times end up with the child being put in danger that may lead to injury and regrettably at times even death. Today we have some programs that help with child delinquency but at times or in some areas there are not enough resources or programs out there to provide better alternatives. This may be the lack of finances and other reasons may include fear caused by gang activity, threats and or violence.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How to Read Literature Study Questions Essay
How to Read Literature Like a Professor Summer Reading Questions 1. A Faustian bargain is more commonly known as a deal with the devil. In a Faustian bargain the protagonist is often offered something that he or she wants, but with a price: he or she must give up his or her soul. It appears constantly in literature in many different forms. Faustian bargains are present throughout One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest because of all the bets McMurphy makes. He goes into the ward knowing about the big Nurse’s power, and basically convinces the patients to follow him in her overthrow. Their price, however, is the risk of being sent to the Disturbed Ward and receiving electro shock treatment or even a lobotomy. In this way, McMurphy can be seen as a satanic figure, who convinces confused and scared patients to bargain what is left of their sanity to take over a Nurse who has ten times more control over their fate. 2. The grammar of literature is what Foster describes as the reader knowing the structure and rules of literature. He says they are a â€Å"set of conventions and patterns, codes and rules†that each reader learns and utilizes as they are reading. They recognize the structure of a paragraph and a sentence and know how to interpret what is on the page in front of them. The reader learns over time this grammar of literature, and he or she develops his or her own way to read and interpret a text. Readers learn the structure of an essay and thus can anticipate with each sentence what is coming next; it is so ingrained in their heads that it comes naturally. We know that a paragraph introduces a topic, gives examples, and then relates those examples back to the initial topic. In this way, the reader has developed a grammar of literature and reading. 3. Professors use symbols and patterns in a multitude of ways in order to interpret a text. Professors of literature, given their extensive memory and knowledge of literature itself, are bound to recognize the patterns and symbols in nearly every text and relate it to another. They read and think symbolically, meaning they recognize everything as a symbol or something of importance until they realize it’s not employed as a symbol. They constantly question everything in a text in order to find the deeper meaning. They see things as they actually exist, but then also look at the same thing to represent something more substantial. Professors are also more adapted to recognize patterns in literature, meaning they see within the detail the patterns it reveals. They are able to look beyond the actual story with the plot and the characters and see the patterns the author has implemented. They are able to recognize which elements are actually substantial enough to aid the work and the plot, and which ones are just detail. Their ability to distance themselves from the work is what makes them able to recognize the symbols and patterns that a regular reader may not recognize in a work. 4. There are five characteristics to a quest. First, there must be a quester. Next, that quester must have a place to go. Third, he or she must have a stated reason to go there. Fourth, there must be challenges and trials during the journey. Lastly, there must be a real reason to go to the place. Usually, the quester doesn’t know it is an actual â€Å"quest†. The real reason for the quest is the most important, and usually has nothing to do with the actual, stated reason. 5. The usual reason behind a quest is self-knowledge. Quests are often educational and provide the quester with a learning experience that aids their self-discovery. The reason for the quester’s youth and immaturity often has something to do with why they are on a quest, and what they end up learning. The only subject that truly matters on a quest is himself or herself. 6. Our questers: McMurphy, Doctor Spivey, and the twelve patients that join them. A place to go: The patients all leave the hospital for a lake to go on a fishing trip. A stated reason to go there: McMurphy wants to teach the boys how to fish and spend some time outdoors. Challenges and trials: The patients first face trouble when they don’t have a signed release form to be allowed to go on the boat, so the captain refuses to take them. McMurphy then takes the captain back to his office to make some phone calls to sort out the problem. While this happens, the other dock boys start heckling Candy, and the patients, not used to seeing others outside of the hospital, don’t stick up for her and defend themselves. They are not used to having enough confidence to stand up for themselves, since they have never had to, and McMurphy is the only one with enough confidence to yell at the dock boys. Next, the men struggle on the boat when trying to catch fish. None of them know how to reel in a line, and McMurphy is too busy with Candy to help them. So, they have to learn for themselves how to catch the fish and wrestle it on their own. The real reason to go: the fishing trip marks an important change in all of the patients. They come back even more bonded together than they were before, and full of confidence and personality. They come back and are confident enough to yell back at the dock boys, and even start sharing real, hearty laughs. It teaches all of them that if you try hard enough, you will get what you want. It also made them less afraid of the real world, and made them appreciate what was on the outside. 7. In the real world, breaking bread together is an act of sharing and peace, since if you’re breaking bread you’re not breaking heads†. 8. A meal scene is almost always symbolic because they are so difficult and boring to write. If a writer puts in a detailed meal scene, it must have some symbolic value since meals are almost never of real importance in a story. The writer must have a pretty good reason to include one in his or her story. The meal scene often has to deal with the relationships, good or bad, between characters, and often offer a turning point or pivotal change in the story during said meal. The typical meal scene is so mundane that for it to be included in a story and take up a lot of writing, it definitely has to have symbolic value. 9. According to Foster, eating in literature may represent a number of things. Firstly, it can represent communion, coming together, and getting along. A meal scene is written to show how characters are getting along or not getting along. It also can be used to form a bond, to find something in common between one character and another. It is a moment and a form of trust. Meal scenes that go wrong are also written for a purpose. Comradeship†at the table is important to convey in a meal scene, whether it is good or bad. The meal scene is vital in portraying the communion of life. 10. A positive communion scene occurs in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest on the last night McMurphy is in the ward. They bring in some wine and open up the drug closet, and have a good time in the ward with no one on duty. It has symbolic meaning becau se it is one of the few times the patients have an actual fun time together, they bond and realize that life is too short to not have fun. They enjoy being free of stress and restraints and for once feel like real people again. 11. A negative communion happens in Beloved when Paul D comes to visit 124. He comes and visits Sethe and Denver, both of whom he hasn’t seen in many years and wishes to reconnect with them. However, Paul D’s presence makes Denver uncomfortable and left out. Sethe and Paul D sit down for a meal, and Denver feels alienated. No one comes to their house often, and when someone she doesn’t know comes in who takes her mother’s attention away from her, she is clearly angered. On top of that, Beloved decides to frighten them even more. She suddenly shakes the house to the point where everyone has to duck and cover, and frightens Paul D. She decides to make the communion negative and show symbolically her disgust and hatred for unwelcome men. 12. There are a couple essentials to a vampire story. First, there is an older figure (typically the â€Å"vampire†) that is alluring, dangerous, and representing corrupt values. This older figure then focuses on young, beautiful, innocent women, who are often virginal. This vampire then strips away her youth, her innocence, and corrupts her. When he gets her, he himself grows younger and even more alive than before. His energy is renewed and his life continues, while hers is sucked away as she becomes more like him. Since he has taken her virtue, her death and or destruction become inevitable. And most times, the motive often has to do with sex. 13. There are a lot of things other than literal vampirism that vampires and ghosts represent in literature. They can represent selfishness, exploitation, and refusal to respect autonomy. The ghost of Hamlet’s father is there to point out a problem, rather than just be a fright. Edward Hyde represents the dark side of every man. Vampires and ghosts don’t even have to be literal to represent something. They don’t have to appear in visible forms to be considered a vampire or ghost. They are put in a story to scare, haunt, and frighten people, but also to point out problems, teach a lesson, and protect a character. In Beloved, the ghost of Sethe’s murdered daughter embodies the spirit of Beloved as if she were alive. She haunts Sethe’s home and serves as a reminder of what she did. She can be seen as allegorical, as she represents the past haunting the present as a lesson and reminder of the crime Sethe committed. The relationship between Beloved and Sethe is complicated and often an unhappy one. Beloved’s presence is often destructive to Sethe, Denver, and their home. She creates instability in their household as well as within both women of the house. Though she is dead, she is ever-present, and helps develop the characters of Sethe, Denver, and Paul D. She represents pain and misfortune, but also guidance and hope. 14. Paul Berlin, the protagonist in Going After Cacciato, embodies an author’s â€Å"creative process†in many ways. His story is compiled from many other stories, meaning that all the stories ever written all stem from one story.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Proactive Organizational Tips for Messy Student Desks
Proactive Organizational Tips for Messy Student Desks Neat desks are essential to help students build constructive study habits, organizational skills, and a clear mind for concentration. That positive feeling you get when you walk into your classroom in the morning and things are all straightened up from the afternoon before it works the same for students. When they have clean desks, they will feel good about school in general and the whole classroom has a better atmosphere for learning. Here are four organizational issues and the simple strategies that will help students keep their desks as neat and structured as possible.  1. Little Stuff is Everywhere The Solution: A plastic shoebox-size container, which can be bought at any big box store like Wal-mart or Target, is a cheap and lasting solution that keeps all of the little things together in one place. No more pencils, calculators, or crayons stuffed in the nooks and crannies of a desk. Once you buy a set of these containers, theyll last you years (and save you at least a dozen or more gray hairs!). 2. Loose Paper Explosions The Solution: If you look in your students desks and see countless loose papers flying all around, then you need a tried and true solution the Neat Folder. Its simple just give each student a folder in which to keep the loose papers that they will need again in the future. With all of the items consolidated, the inside of the desk assumes a more organized and sophisticated look. (Well, at least as sophisticated as a 30-year-old school desk can look.) Give students each color-coded folders that correlate with each subject. For example, a blue folder is for math, a red folder is for social studies, green is for science, and orange is language arts. 3. There Isnt Enough Room The Solution: If there are simply too many items in your students desks, consider keeping some of the less-used books in a common area, to be distributed only when needed. Take a critical look at what youre asking children to store in their desks. If its too much for comfort, alleviate some of the items in competition for precious storage space. Every little bit makes a difference, so try creating space on the bookshelf just for student textbooks. This will help alleviate all of that extra clutter in their desks. 4. Students Just Wont Keep Their Desks Clean The Solution: As soon as its tidied up, it transforms back into its formerly disastrous state. Some students just cant seem to keep their desks clean for any length of time. Consider implementing a program of consequences and/or rewards to motivate the student to maintain the proper standards of desk cleanliness. Maybe the student has to miss recess, maybe he or she can work towards earning a privilege. Find a plan that works for that student and stick to it. Edited by Janelle Cox
Monday, October 21, 2019
Vincent van Gogh Biography Timeline
Vincent van Gogh Biography Timeline 1853 Vincent is born on March 30 in Groot-Zundert, North Brabant, The Netherlands. His parents are Anna Cornelia Carbentus (1819-1907) and Theodorus van Gogh (1822-1885), a Dutch Reformed Church minister. 1857 Brother Theodorus (Theo) van Gogh is born on May 1. 1860 Vincents parents send him to a local elementary school. From 1861 to 1863, he was homeschooled. 1864-66 Vincent attends boarding school in Zevenbergen. 1866 Vincent attends Willem II College in Tilburg. 1869 Vincent starts working as a clerk for the art dealer Goupil Cie in The Hague through family connections. 1873 Vincent transfers to the London office of Goupil; Theo joins Goupil in Brussels. 1874 From October to December, Vincent works at the head office of Goupil in Paris, and then returns to London. 1875 Vincent is again transferred to Goupil in Paris (against his wishes). 1876 In March, Vincent is dismissed from Goupil. Theo transfers to the Goupil office in The Hague. Vincent acquires an etching of Millets Angelus and accepts a teaching post in Ramsgate, England. In December, he returns to Etten, where his family lives, in December. 1877 From January to April, Vincent works as a book clerk in Dordrecht. In May, he arrives in Amsterdam, stays with uncle, Jan van Gogh, a naval yard commander. There, he prepares for university studies for the ministry. 1878 In July, Vincent gives up his studies and returns to Etten. In August, he earns admission to a school of evangelism in Brussels, but he fails to obtain a post there. He leaves for the coal-mining area near Mons, known as Borinage, in Belgium, and teaches the Bible to the poor. 1879 He begins work as a missionary for six months in Wasmes. 1880 Vincent travels to Cuesmes, where he lives with a mining family, but then moves to Brussels to study perspective and anatomy. Theo supports him financially. 1881 April leaves Brussels to live in Etten. Vincent attempts to have a romantic relationship with his widowed cousin Kee Vos-Stricker, who spurns him. He quarrels with his family and leaves for The Hague around Christmas. 1882 Vincent studies with Anton Mauve, a cousin by marriage. He lives with Clasina Maria Hoornik (Sien). In August, his family moves to Nuen. 1883 In September, he leaves The Hague and Clasina and works alone in Drenthe. In December, Vincent returns to Nuen. 1884 Vincent begins using watercolors and studies of weavers. Vincent reads Delacroix on color. Theo joins Goupil in Paris. 1885 Vincent paints about 50 heads of peasants as studies for Potato Eaters. In November, he goes to Antwerp and acquires Japanese prints. His father dies in March. 1886 In January-March, Vincent studies art at Antwerp Academy. He moves to Paris and studies at Cormon studio. Vincent paints flowers influenced by Delacroix and Monticelli. He meets Impressionists. 1887 The Impressionists palette influences his work. He collects Japanese prints. Vincent exhibits in a working-class cafà ©. 1888 In February, Vincent goes to Arles. He lives at 2 Place Lamartine in the Yellow House. He visits Saintes Maries de la Mer in the Carmargue in June. On October 23, he was joined by Gauguin. Both artists visit Alfred Bruyas, Courbets patron, in Montpellier in December. Their relationship deteriorates. Vincent mutilates his ear on December 23. Gauguin leaves immediately. 1889 Vincent lives in mental hospital and in the Yellow House at alternate intervals. He voluntarily enters the hospital in St. Rà ©my. Paul Signac comes to visit. Theo marries Johanna Bonger on April 17. 1890 On January 31, a son Vincent Willem is born to Theo and Johanna. Albert Aurier writes an article about Vincents work. Vincent leaves the hospital in May. He briefly visits Paris. He goes to Auvers-sur-Oise, less than 17 miles from Paris, to begin care under Dr. Paul Gachet, who was recommended by Camille Pissarro. Vincent shoots himself July 27 and dies two days later at age 37. 1891 January 25, Theo dies in Utrecht of syphilis.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Llano Estacado in the U.S. and Around the World
Llano Estacado in the U.S. and Around the World Llano Estacado literally translated from Spanish-to-English means Staked Plain, and it is a region at the southern end of the American Great Plains in the southwestern United States. The Geographical Region The Llano Estacado region encompasses parts of eastern New Mexico and northwestern Texas. It is marked by large mesas at elevations of 3,000 to 5,000 feet. One of its most popular landmarks is the Caprock Escarpment in Texas. Possible Historical Reference The settling of the western United States in the 1800s was known for its land runs with settlers on foot and horseback racing to claim lands by driving a stake into the ground. Llano Estacado may be a historical nod to the stakes or posts driven into the ground in this region that were used as landmarks delineating property. Some suggest the plain was called Llano Estacado because it is surrounded by cliffs resembling palisades or stockades, which explains the definitions of palisaded plain or stockaded plain. The Caprock Escarpment is a 200-mile long cliff or palisade that delineates the border of the Llano Estacado region from the high plains. Spanish Translation Llano Estacado can be translated to mean palisaded plain, stockaded plain, or staked plain. Llano is a direct translation for the word plain or prairie. Estacado is the past participle of estacar. Estacar is the verb meaning to tie to a post. Of the three possible translations, the three have very similar meanings. Many words in English are derived from Spanish words. The English word stockade comes from the Spanish word estaca, so originally stockade and staked meant basically the same thing. The same can be said for palisade, it comes from the French word palissade, meaning stake. The word palisade is related to the Spanish word palo, meaning stick, which may be a close relation to the word stake. Non-American Spanish Speakers What does a native Spanish speaker not from the United States assume as the meaning for the term Llano Estacado? A native Spanish speaker would approach the term in the same way an English speaker would understand staked plain. As in English, it is not a common term, but it does evoke a certain meaning when you give the term some thought. The understanding of the term would likely be different for someone living in suburban Madrid than it would be for someone living on the plains of Argentina.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Ideology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ideology - Coursework Example .†( Eatwell and Wright, 17). In simple words, political ideology consists of certain notions or ideas about how the socio-political regime should function to create a certain type of social order, and concerns itself as to how the political power should be allocated and to be used to what ends. Personally my political ideology would tend be more of the conservative type. I have always believed that my country comes first, and one should consistently be ready to fight for his country, without looking at the ethical or moral side of the issue. As per my beliefs, a good, stable economic condition of a country comes from individual efforts of its citizens and a free trading order. I strongly believe that in US, especially in today’s context, the immigrants have become a huge burden, with them taking away a large share of the job market, which should in natural course have gone to the Americans. Though not overtly religious, I believe in more conservative social values, and d o not particularly endorse the concept of same sex marriage. Environmental protection certainly does not top the list of my priorities, as I feel that US has already done more than enough in this regard, and any further effort would mean job cuts and economic losses. I find private spending is more efficient than the government pattern of expenditure which is far more extravagant and inefficacious. So all these personal political ideologies put me into the bracket of what in US is known as the Conservative Republican. In regards to the government’s involvement in our lives, for better or for worse, I certainly feel that we could do without too much of interference from the government in our daily lives. Less of government certainly spells better for us. Strict trading regulations by the government tend to create problems of stagnation and a closed economy, which results in widespread poverty and destitute conditions.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Women should be advised not to consume any alcohol during their Essay
Women should be advised not to consume any alcohol during their pregnancy Discuss this statement, including relevant research evidence - Essay Example a substance which interferes with the normal development of the embryo or foetus) that readily crosses the placenta†(p.1). There is enough research evidence now to confirm that drinking alcohol during pregnancy can have many different effects physically, neurologically and mentally. The severity of these effects varies widely. According to The American Pregnancy Association these effects are categorized as ‘Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders’ (FASD). The incidence of FASD in children indicates the seriousness of the issue. Statistics presented by the British Medical Association show that 0.21 per 1000 live births in 2004 in England and Scotland, between 0.5 and 2 per 1,000 live births in the US; 4.7 per 1,000 live births in Australian aboriginal populations; 68.0- 89.2 per 1,000 children in part of South Africa and 10 in every 1,000 live births in Canada (p.2-3). The effects of alcohol on the foetus have been adequately documented. The US Surgeon sums it up in their news release when they state â€Å"Based on the current, best science available we now know the following: Alcohol consumed during pregnancy increases the risk of alcohol related birth defects, including growth deficiencies, facial abnormalities, central nervous system impairment, behavioural disorders, and impaired intellectual development†. More specific effects include disrupting cellular activity which alters the transport and utilization of glucose and th is can cause premature cell death. Normal development is therefore interfered with. This is what causes the abnormalities in the physical structure of the foetus and in the central nervous system. For the mother there are also dangerous effects such as risk of miscarriage, infertility, menstrual disorder, pre-term deliveries or even still-births. The National Institutes of Health (2007) attribute the following to prenatal alcohol
Italy History and Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Italy History and Politics - Essay Example Certainly all 4 families flex their muscles throughout Italy and beyond its borders, but the strength of corruption's grip is felt most noticeably in the South. Consider this: although a large flow of cash is continually funneled through political parties and persons in positions of power [reference Silvio Belusconi's rise, fall and subsequent rise to power as an example], Italy's underworld makes it's biggest profits from the lowest common denominator: the public sector. Hence the existence of the "tangenti" better known as the bribe or kickback. Used as a means to buy into businesses and the lucrative contracts that come with it; in areas as diverse as construction, trash removal and produce distribution to name just a few ( Moody 1 ). The rampant use of the tangenti reached epic heights during the 1980's and 1990's. Paul Ginsborg touches on the phenomenon is his epic volume Italy and It's Discontents where he briefly examines the kickback scandals inherit to the later half of the 90's as well as the murky relationship between seven-time Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti and the Mafia. Money wasn't buying power so much as it was buying position. Consider one of the most well known Italian kickback scandals of the last 20 years involving computer giant Olivetti. In a face-to-face admission with Milan prosecutors, Olivetti Chief executive officer Carlo De Benedetti confessed that his company $6.8 million in tangenti between 1988 and the end of 1991. Most of the money, he said, was funneled to the Socialist and Christian Democrat parties in return for contracts to nearly $400 million worth of computers and printers to Italy’s national postal service (Moody 4). Why the motivation to play with the bad guys? Before Olivetti involved itself in tangenti, the company's annual sales to the post office totaled just over $1 million. The next year after tangenti payments kicked in and money was delivered to the political parties Olivetti revenues soared to nearly 4150 million. A coincidence Recalled De Benedetti: When I stopped paying, we (Olivetti) didn't get any more business with the Italian post office.But what hurt more is that our business outsideof Italy suffered. It was impossible to sell any-anything to the Dutch, for instance, since we couldn't get a good reference any longer fromwithin Italy. (Moody 3) Thirty years later and same type of hardball is still played. As recently as 5 October 2005, Federal investigators were unraveling a huge kickback scandal involving the Mafia and construction companies bidding for multi-million dollar lucrative contracts to build a bridge that will link Reggio Calabria and Mesina and cut travel time in half.(La Republica, 6). In sharp contrast, it's not like Italians haven't at least tried to rebel against this type of underhandedness. Widespread state corruption, historically endemic in the country, accelerated during the 1980's and both the ruling parties were systematically involved in clientism, and stealing from the public purse. The mafia thrived thanks to collusions of the state. Key figures in Italy's various crime families did deals with politicians which guaranteed votes of immunity
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Knowledge required for decision making in Adult Nursing Essay
Knowledge required for decision making in Adult Nursing - Essay Example Gill is a 50-year-old insulin dependant Diabetic. She was admitted to the ward via Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU). Gill was found on the floor after a fall, feeling drowsy, vague and confused and complaining ÃŽ ¿f abdo pain. After nursing hand-over, a multi-disciplinary team embarked on a strategy to assess, monitor and resolve Gills issues. Multi-disciplinary working is encouraged within the NHS Plan (2000) and is concerned with professional healthcare providers working together for the well-being ÃŽ ¿f the patient. (Castledine 1996) Gill was then admitted to the ward where a full nursing assessment took place and from here a plan ÃŽ ¿f care was prescribed and implemented. Further information was obtained from previous medical records. This revealed in 1998 Gill had a cerebral vascular accident (CVA) and recovered well. She was also diagnosed with alcohol liver disease (ALD) in April 2000 and diabetes 15 years ago. Gills observations on admission where taken so to provide a basis for any later comparisons. Her blood sugar glucose reading was 32.4 millimols per litre. The normal reading should be between 4-7 mmol/l before meals rising to no higher than 10 mmol/l two hours after meals ( A ward test urine was taken which showed glucose and protein were present. 1.Maintaining a safe environment - Gill had a nurse call bell and a patient identification wrist band. She was shown around the ward but increasing confusion and previous falls made it a priority to monitor Gill closely. 11. Eating and drinking - Gill explained that she drinks a lot ÃŽ ¿f tea and cola throughout they day but is often left still trying to quench her thirst, her favourite foods are chocolate and sweets. She tries to eat regular meals but often has little appetite. After the identification ÃŽ ¿f issues a plan ÃŽ ¿f care was documented. This is a
Strategy in the Current Business Environment Research Paper
Strategy in the Current Business Environment - Research Paper Example This paper researches the business elements of Unilever extensively and compares it to one of its major competitors, Proctor and Gamble. Unilever is a British–Dutch multinational and a large-scale company offering consumer goods. The products offered by the organization include the beverages, foods, personal care products and cleaning agents. Unilever is the third-largest consumer goods company in the entire world in terms of its 2011 revenues. Procter & Gamble and Nestle follow the company with respect to their profits and sales generation. Proctor and Gamble Proctor and Gamble is a consumer goods company listed in the Fortune 500 list of the companies and is an American multinational corporation headquartered in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio. The company, according to the 2011 statistics, witnessed $82.6 billion dollars in sales. In the list of â€Å"World’s Most Admired Companies†in Fortune magazine, the company is graded sixth in 2010 and has come up to fifth pl ace in 2011. The huge sales for Proctor and Gamble come from more than 160 countries all over the globe and this amount is balanced between the domestic and international markets of the company. Proctor and Gamble market and sells over 300 brands in its product line. The company has more than 120,000 employees who are divided into three business units of the organization worldwide. These business units include P&G beauty, P&G household care, and P&G family health. The company produces a wide variety of deodorants, colognes, skin care brands, personal cleaning and other products. Business Environment The business environment of an organization refers to the micro and macro environment in which it undertakes its operational and functional activities. This might include the basic legal, social and economic environments of the business at broader levels.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Knowledge required for decision making in Adult Nursing Essay
Knowledge required for decision making in Adult Nursing - Essay Example Gill is a 50-year-old insulin dependant Diabetic. She was admitted to the ward via Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU). Gill was found on the floor after a fall, feeling drowsy, vague and confused and complaining ÃŽ ¿f abdo pain. After nursing hand-over, a multi-disciplinary team embarked on a strategy to assess, monitor and resolve Gills issues. Multi-disciplinary working is encouraged within the NHS Plan (2000) and is concerned with professional healthcare providers working together for the well-being ÃŽ ¿f the patient. (Castledine 1996) Gill was then admitted to the ward where a full nursing assessment took place and from here a plan ÃŽ ¿f care was prescribed and implemented. Further information was obtained from previous medical records. This revealed in 1998 Gill had a cerebral vascular accident (CVA) and recovered well. She was also diagnosed with alcohol liver disease (ALD) in April 2000 and diabetes 15 years ago. Gills observations on admission where taken so to provide a basis for any later comparisons. Her blood sugar glucose reading was 32.4 millimols per litre. The normal reading should be between 4-7 mmol/l before meals rising to no higher than 10 mmol/l two hours after meals ( A ward test urine was taken which showed glucose and protein were present. 1.Maintaining a safe environment - Gill had a nurse call bell and a patient identification wrist band. She was shown around the ward but increasing confusion and previous falls made it a priority to monitor Gill closely. 11. Eating and drinking - Gill explained that she drinks a lot ÃŽ ¿f tea and cola throughout they day but is often left still trying to quench her thirst, her favourite foods are chocolate and sweets. She tries to eat regular meals but often has little appetite. After the identification ÃŽ ¿f issues a plan ÃŽ ¿f care was documented. This is a
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Paraphrasing of PCR methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Paraphrasing of PCR methodology - Essay Example This was followed by further addition of one volume of phenol into the tube before centrifuging at 5000 rpm at room temperature. The phenol was obtained by saturating it with NTE of pH 8.5. The next step involved removal of the upper phase and putting into a separate microcentrifuge tube and adding one volume of chloroform:isoamyl alcohol mixed at a ratio of 24:1. The mixture was then centrifuged for 10 minutes at 5000rpm. The last three procedures were conducted (X4) making certain that no material remained at the interphase. The preparation was then removed and 2 volumes of 100% ice cold ethanol added following a previous addition of 1/20 volume of 3M sodium acetate. This was then centrifuged again at 3000 rpm for 5 minutes to obtain DNA pellets that were left to dry. Later, they were suspended in a 50Â µl TE buffer such as 10mM EDTA. This allowed for quantification and assessment of the purity of the DNA using a nanodrop spectrophometer 2000C series. The first step involved calibration of the Eppendorf and Sartorius Biohit pipettes. This was done to ensure that they provide accurate readings. The actual preparation of the mixture entailed adding 2.5ul of 10X ionic buffer, 0.5ul dNTPs, 0.75ul MgCl2, 0.5ul GAPDH forward primer, 0.5ul GAPDH reverse primer, 0.1 Taq, 18.15ul molecular water and 2ul of DNA Template designated THP1. Each 0.2ml PCR tube was filled with 25ul of the supermix. The supermix, DNA template and the primer values of the consecutive experiments 2, 3,4,5,6 and 7 will be changed to obtain the optimal condition of the PCR detection of the PTEN gene. Similarly, in the other experiments, PTEN and GAPDH will be the primers, which will use different cell lines such as HACAT, MM6, Hela, Caski and THP1. The PTEN and GAPDH primers are product of the SIGMA-ALDRRICH company, whereas the cell lines were obtained from the American type culture
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Century of the Self Essay Example for Free
The Century of the Self Essay The Century of the Self is a British documentary series in four episodes diffused by BBC four in 2002 and art house cinemas in the US. This documentary was written, realized, produced and directed by Kevin Adam Curtis, an English filmmaker, born in 1955. His work is more of a journalistic work than a director work; indeed his works are based on sociology, philosophy and political history. Adam Curtis won various awards like Golden Gate Persistence of Vision Award at the San Francisco International Film Festival in 2005 or the Alan Clarke Award for Outstanding Contribution to Television at the British Academy Television Awards but The Century of the Self is best-known work. The Century of the Self is a documentary talking about the untold and sometimes controversial story of the development of mass consumer society in Britain and the United States. It shows the evolution of the Western individual, traditional rights to the individual consumer, how that created consumer-king, by whom and for whose interests? This film examines how Freud’s theories of the unconscious shaped the development of PR and advertising; and why psychoanalysis may still appear today as a critical theory of consumerism and social conformity. The word  « consumerism  » can be defined in different ways: ? Refers to all doctrines, actions and organizations dedicated to the defense of the interests of consumers. The most common form of consumerism is the consumer association. His actions cover the areas of protection, information, education and the rights of consumers. Refers to an economic ideology. This is a consumer of goods and services that mutate according to the lifestyle of our society. This is a subtle and insidious notion that we then speak of consumer society. Consumerism is, as such, slammed since the late twentieth century, either by the environmental movement or anti- ads . The first episode of the series is devoted to the relationship between Freud and his American nephew, Edward Bernay. Bernay invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to use Freuds ideas to anipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how to make people want things they did not need by linking mass production of consumer goods to their inner desires. Bernay was one of the principal architects of persuasive techniques in mass consumption, using all the tricks of legerdemain (â€Å"every trick in the book ), from celebrity endorsement and public relations blows most outrageous, until the autoeroticism. His most famous coup was breaking the taboo of smoking for women by persuading them that smoking was a symbol of independence and freedom. Bernay was convinced that it was more than just a way to sell more consumer goods. It was a new political idea to control the masses. Satisfying unaware that his uncle had identified irrational desires, people could be made happy and thus docile. To conclude I think the century of the self is the most profound documentary I’ve ever seen and it’s unique because of its ability to show how our society became the way it is today, what emerges is nothing less than a history of 20th-century social control. The Century of The Self explains not alone why the country is the way it is, but why you are the way you are.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Analyze The Performance Of Maybank Group Finance Essay
Analyze The Performance Of Maybank Group Finance Essay 3.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the researcher will look at the history of Maybank group as a whole besides that, the researcher will also review and analyze the performance of Maybank group and also Islamic product that been offered by Maybank Islamic Berhad. COMPANY HISTORY 3.2.1 Maybank Maybank was incorporated on 31 May 1960 and began operations on 12 September in the same year, rising from the spirit of Independence to pave the way for dynamic change in the countrys banking and financial landscape. Our founders were visionary in their desire to see Maybank grow to excel both in the domestic market and in the region. Over the years, Maybank has led an aggressive drive to expand network and maximize reach. The Group has consistently set new benchmarks in product and service delivery by achieving many firsts in the industry such as rural credit scheme, cards services, corporate and investment banking, mobile banking services, internet banking and Islamic banking. Maybank operates through an extensive network of over 1,700 offices in 14 countries including 7 in South East Asia. The Group is represented in the major financial centres of London, New York, Hong Kong and Singapore. 3.2.2 Maybank Islamic Maybank Islamic Berhad, a wholly-owned subsidiary and the Islamic banking arm of the Maybank Group, is the largest Islamic bank in Malaysia. It started its initial operations offering Islamic financial services through a window concept in 1993 and later converged to full-fledged Islamic banking operations on 1 January 2008. With a breadth of more than 17 years experience in the Islamic banking and finance, Maybank Islamic has been regarded as the leading Islamic bank in the Asia Pacific region and ranks among the worlds top 15 Islamic financial institutions. Today, Maybank Islamic proudly stands above its peers in the home market with Shariah-compliant assets of more than USD12 billion commanding significant market share in financing and deposits of over 24% and 21% respectively. Maybank Islamic believes that serving the needs of customers is a priority and as such it is committed to provide a wide array of Shariah-compliant financial products and services to suit its customers preference and choices. Apart from commercial banking offered by Maybank Islamic, Maybank Groups Islamic investment banking and capital market business are offered through Maybank Investment Bank and selected overseas offices in major financial centres of Bahrain, London, Singapore and the international offshore financial centre of Labuan. As an industry icon, Maybank Islamic is committed to scaling new heights as reflected in the way the Bank operates its business, the way its deliver products and services to customers and in the way the Bank engages more than 25,000 Maybankers across its home country as well as its business partners and stakeholders globally 3.3 OBJECTIVE OF ESTABLISHMENT The objectives of the establishment of Maybank Islamic Berhad are as follows: 1. To continues as a Market Leader in Islamic banking field in the aspect of products and services. 2. Introduced the financial product that is based on MM concept as a an alternative to current the BBA product 3. Introduced the financial product that is based on Ijarah Mutahiah Bittamlek 4. Introduced the management of investment in an Islamic way 5. Involved in asset management in an openly way 6. Introduced Islamic card credit 7. Actively involved in Murabahah commodity product BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dato Seri Ismail Shahudin Dato Seri Ismail Shahudin was appointed as a Director and Chairman of Maybank Islamic on 23 January 2010. He was Chairman of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad from 2004 until his retirement in July 2008. He has held senior positions in Citibank, serving both in Malaysia and New York, United Asian Bank and Maybank where he was appointed Executive Director in 1997. He left Maybank in 2002 to assume the position of Group Chief Executive Officer of MMC Corporation Berhad prior to his appointment to the Board of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad. His current directorships in companies within the Maybank Group include as Director of Maybank Berhad. He serves as Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and as a member of the Credit Review, Risk Management, and Employee Share Option Scheme Committees of Maybank Berhad. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hadenan bin A. Jalil Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hadenan bin A. Jalil was appointed as a Director of Maybank Islamic on 23 January 2010. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hadenan bin A. Jalil was Auditor General from 2000 to 2006. He served with the Government for 36 years in various capacities in the Treasury, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Works prior to his appointment as Auditor General. His current directorships in companies within the Maybank Group include as Director of Maybank Berhad. He serves as Chairman of the Audit Committee and as a member of the Credit Review, Nomination and Remuneration, and Employee Share Option Scheme Committees of Maybank Berhad. Zainal Abidin Jamal Zainal Abidin Jamal was appointed as a Director of Maybank Islamic on 23 January 2010. He is a practicing corporate and commercial lawyer and established his firm, Zainal Abidin Co, in 1987, where he is a Senior Partner. He was enrolled as an Advocate Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya in 1986. Between 1983 and 1986, he served as the Company Secretary of Harrisons Malaysian Plantations Berhad. Prior to that, he had practiced in Singapore where he was enrolled in 1980 as an Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore and had also served as a First Class Magistrate in Brunei Darussalam. His current directorships in companies within the Maybank Group include as Chairman of Mayban Trustees Berhad and Director of Maybank Berhad, a Director of Etiqa Insurance Berhad, Etiqa Takaful Berhad, Maybank International (L) Limited, and Mayban International Trust (L) Ltd. Datuk Dr. Syed Othman bin Syed Hussin Alhabshi Datuk Dr. Syed Othman bin Syed Hussin Alhabshi was appointed as a Director of Maybank Islamic on 30 January 2008. Datuk Dr. Syed Othamn has vast experience as an academician. He held various academic leadership and research post at International Islamic University of Malaysia, University Utara Malaysia, University Tun Abdul Razak and Institute of Islamic Understanding of Malaysia before he assumed responsibility as the Professor of Islamic Economics, Chief Academic Officer and Head of Takaful at International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF). Datuk Dr. Syed Othman is a director of Etiqa Takaful Berhad. He is also a director of Prima Prai Sdn Bhd, Epen Bina Sdn Bhd and Universiti Teknikal MARA Sdn Bhd. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES IN MAYBANK ISLAMIC Home Equity-i HomeEquity-i is a shariah compliant home financing plan based on the Musharakah Mutanaqisah or diminishing partnership concept. Maybank Islamic (the bank) and applicant enter into a joint partnership with bank to raise capital for acquiring a property. Both parties become joint property owners with shares allotment based on amount of capital contributed. Maybank Islamic releases its shares to applicant who gradually acquires banks ownership of the property with monthly payments made over an agreed time period thereby diminishing the banks share till property is fully owned by applicant. Home Fianancing -i BBA is defined as deferred payment sale. BBA involves the sale and purchase transactions between the bank and the customer. Under this concept, customers may defer total payment of asset which is the property in installments over a specific period of time. Fixed payment that shows exactly what customers need to pay throughout the tenure. useful for those working on a monthly budget. MaxiHome-i MaxiHome-i refers to Home Financing under Variable Rate Financing (VRF). Maxihome Loan Packages cater to the needs of individuals and small businesses, including financing the purchase of new properties, sub-sales, refinancing, redraws and remortgages. This product is applied under the concepts of Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA). BBA is defined as deferred payment sale. BBA involves the sale purchase transactions between the bank and the customer. Under this concept, customers may defer total payment of the property in installments over a specific period of time. ShophouseEquity-i ShophouseEquity-i is a shariah compliant home financing plan based on the Musharakah Mutanaqisah or diminishing partnership concept. Maybank Islamic and applicant enter into a joint partnership with bank to raise capital for acquiring a property.Both parties become joint property owners with shares allotment based on amount of capital contributed. Maybank Islamic releases its shares to applicant who gradually acquires banks ownership of the property with monthly payments made over an agreed time period thereby diminishing the banks share till property is fully owned by applicant. Shop house Financing-i A fixed rate financing for shop houses currently being practiced under the concept of Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA), Shop house Financing-i is recommended especially for homebuyers who prefer a fixed monthly budget where you know exactly how much to pay throughout the tenure, whether by a single instalment sum or in-line with the multi-tiered rates. MaxiShop-i MaxiShop-i refers to Shophouse Financing-i under Variable Rate Financing (VRF). MaxiShop Loan Packages catering to the needs of individuals and small businesses, including financing the purchase of new commercial properties, sub-sales, refinancing, redraws and remortgages. The scope of commercial properties under MaxiShop includes shop houses, shop offices, commercial lots in shopping complex, office lots, factories, industrial buildings. This product is applied under the concepts of Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA). BBA is defined as deferred payment sale. BBA involves the sale purchase transactions between the bank and the customer. Under this concept, customers may defer total payment of the property in installments over a specific period of time. Variable Rate Financing (VRF) CASH LINE -i (OVERDRAFT) Murabahah is another type of sale and purchase contract, with a deferred payment element. The contract of sale may take place when a buyer who wishes to purchase assets, requests the Bank to purchase assets at cost (purchase price) and in return the Bank will charge the buyer an agreed profit margin which is incorporated into the selling price. The selling price is subsequently payable on a deferred single payment. ExeCash-i Standard ExeCash-i Standard package is an Islamic Personal Term Financing under the Shariah principle of Bai Inah (sale with immediate repurchase). Bai Inah is a buy and sell contract whereby Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would sell its assets to the applicant on deferred payment basis. Subsequently, Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would buy back the same asset from the applicant at a lower price on cash basis. Under Bai Inah concept, Maybank Islamic will use its asset as an underlying asset for the sale and purchase transactions. ExeCash-i Special ExeCash-i Special package is an Islamic Personal Term Financing under the Syariah principle of Bai Inah (sale with immediate repurchase). Bai Inah is a buy and sell contract whereby Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would sell its assets to the applicant on deferred payment basis. Subsequently, Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would buy back the same asset from the applicant at a lower price on cash basis. ExeCash-i for GLC ExeCash-i for GLC is an Islamic Personal Term Financing under the Shariah principle of Bai Inah (sale with immediate repurchase). Bai Inah is a buy and sell contract whereby Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would sell its assets to the applicant on deferred payment basis. Subsequently, Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would buy back the same asset from the applicant at a lower price on cash basis. The ExeCash-i for Government Linked Companies (GLC) provides financing without collateral to meet any of your personal needs. KOWAMAS KOWAMAS is an Islamic Personal Term Financing under the Syariah principle of Bai Inah (sale with immediate repurchase). Bai Inah is a buy and sell contract whereby Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would sell its assets to the applicant on deferred payment basis. Subsequently, Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would buy back the same asset from the applicant at a lower price on cash basis.The personal financing package for Koperasi Wawasan Malaysia Berhad (KOWAMAS) provides financing without collateral to meet any of your personal need. Hire Purchase-i Hire Purchase-i is based on the underlying Shariah principle of Al-Ijarah Thumma Al-Bai (AITAB). It means leasing and subsequent purchase. It refers to 2 contracts undertaken separately and consequentially i.e. Al-Ijarah contract (leasing) and Al-Baicontract (purchase). It is an extension of the principle of Al-Ijarah whereby both parties further agreed that at the end of the lease period, the customer will purchase from the Bank the asset concerned at an agreed price with all the lease rentals previously paid constituting part of the price. Operations of Hire Purchase-i are based on Hire Purchase Act 1967 whereby all provisions that conform to Shariah requirement are applicable. Maybankinvest-i Maybankinvest-i is an alternative Share Trading / Financing package from Maybank that is based on the Shariah principle of Murabahah. Under this contract, Maybank agrees to finance your share trading activities in approved Shariah counters listed in Bursa Malaysia. ASB Financing-i ASB Financing-i is another form of term financing to purchase ASB unit trust based on Shariah principles of Bai Inah (sales with immediate repurchase) 3.6 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF MAYBANK ISLAMIC BERHAD The performance of Maybank Islamic Berhad are analyzed from the information that have been obtained from overall performance data of Maybank Maybank Islamic just been setup recently , thus the performance will be measured along with the parent company, all of the performance regarding loan that had been published and other information are depend from the performance of Maybank. The only thing that is separated is total net income and operational income of a Maybank Islamic [1] . The analyses that have been done by the researcher are from the analysis of a Maybank itself. It includes various information of a bank performance as a whole that gave a clearer picture about the important information regarding total asset, total liability, total loan and various more. Besides that, there is also analysis of a statement of income that includes the performance of Maybank Islamic. 3.6.1 Total Assets [2] For the financial year ended 30 June 2010, outstanding assets of the Group expanded by 8.4% or RM26.0 billion resulting the total asset of group at RM 336,700 Million while at the Bank level, it increased 4.2% or RM10.1 billion to record an amount of RM 248,392 Million . For the previous year, the corresponding growth rates were 15.5% at Group level and 8.7% at Bank level. The bulk of the Groups growth in assets was derived from the expansion of net loans and advances which grew by RM19.8 billion or 10.6% and RM7.0 billion or 4.9% for the Group and the Bank respectively. As at end of June 2010, net loans and advances represented 61.0% of total Group assets, higher than the 59.8% as at the end of June 2009. 3.6.2 Securities purchased under resale agreements [3] Securities purchased under resale agreements are securities which the Group and the Bank had purchased with a commitment to resell at future dates. The commitments to resell the securities are reflected as assets on the balance sheet. Conversely, obligations on securities sold under repurchase agreements are securities which the Group and the Bank had sold from its portfolio, with a commitment to repurchase at future dates. Such financing transactions and corresponding obligations to purchase the securities are reflected as liabilities on the balance sheet. As at end June 2010, the Group held RM371.2 million of securities purchased under resale agreements. 3.6.3 Deposits and Placements with Financial Institutions [4] The Groups deposits and placements with financial institutions grew by RM2.6 billion to RM8.9 billion or 41.5% as Customer deposits growth outpaced the growth in loans and advances. 3.6.4 Life, General Takaful and Family Takaful Fund Assets [5] After a growth of 7% or RM1.1 billion in the previous year, this balance sheet item grew by a similar 7% to RM18.0 billion as at end of June 2010 3.6.5 Securities Portfolio [6] The investment securities portfolio of the Group decreased by RM3.6 billion or 6.2% mainly due to a reduction of shorter tenor Available-for-Sale holding (RM5.2 billion) as interest rates were expected to rise in the first half of 2010. Securities Held-for-Trading increased by RM1.2 billion which was partially offset by the reduction in Available-for-Sale portfolio. Around 79% of the securities portfolio comprised of securities Available-for-Sale and further 16.5% securities Held-to-Maturity while 4.9% of the securities portfolio is Held-for-Trading. 3.6.6 Loans, Advances and Financing [7] The Groups net loans and financing for financial year of 2010 expanded by 10.6% or RM19.8 billion compared to 12.9% or RM21.2 billion the previous financial year. The Groups gross loans grew 10.3% compared to 13.0% the previous year with domestic and overseas loans growth of 11.0% and 8.8% respectively. The domestic operations growth of 11.0% was better than the 6.5% recorded in the previous year as consumer loans expanded by 15.0% on the back of the RM3.3 billion or 28.6% growth in securities loans, mainly for the purchase of relatively low-risk Amanah Saham Bumiputera units, and the RM2.6 billion or 13.2% increase in vehicle loans. The Groups overall domestic loans market share stood at 17.6% compared to 17.8% the previous year. Mortgage loans grew by RM3.1 billion or 9.8% compared to 3.3% in the previous year with market share at 13.4% compared to 13.9% the previous year. Credit card receivables for the financial year rose RM0.6 billion or 16.0%, outperforming the industrys 11.3% growth leading to market share rising to 12.8% from 12.7% the previous year. Automobile financing for domestic operations recorded a growth of 12.2% compared to 11.0% in the previous financial year and outperformed the industrys growth of 8.5%. With growth exceeding the industry, the market share for financing of motor vehicles rose to 17.4% from 16.8% in June 2009. As at June 2010, the overseas operations loan book accounted for 32.3% of the Groups loan base from 32.8% in the previous year. The gross loans book for Singapore recorded a growth of 3.4% or RM1.3 billion after registering a growth of 6.2% in 2009. While for Indonesia, mainly due to Bank Internasional Indonesia, gross loans grew 37.7% or RM4.7 billion to RM17.1 billion. In the other overseas locations, total gross loans declined 3.7% or RM0.4 billion mainly due to the reduction in loan exposure in the US and United Kingdom following the financial crisis. The Groups Islamic gross financing and advances grew by 31.2% or RM8.2 billion during the year. Islamic banking constitutes a growing portion of the Groups banking business, accounting for 16.3% of gross loans and financing from 13.7% the previous year. Islamic gross financing accounted for 24.0% of domestic gross loans, rising from 20.3% recorded in the previous year. Sustained efforts implemented to continuously improve asset qual ity have been effective. The Groups gross NPL ratio declined to 2.9% from 3.5% the previous year. The Groups net NPL ratio declined to 1.2% from 1.6% the previous year. The Groups net NPLs declined by RM0.5 billion to RM2.3 billion as at June 2010. The Groups NPL reserve cover (net of IIS) rose to a healthy 124.5% compared to 112.9% the previous year. 3.7 Deposits from Customers [8] The Groups customer deposits expanded by 11.4% or RM24.3 billion to RM236.9 billion while at the Bank level it grew by RM7.3% or RM11.9 billion to RM175.4 billion. The Groups strong franchise contributed to a growth of 9.1% for demand deposits and 9.9% for savings deposits. The Banks domestic operations remained the leader in both demand and savings deposits with market shares of 20.7% and 27.4% compared to 21.3% and 26.6% respectively in the previous year. Fixed deposits grew by 10.0% compared to 12.3% in the previous year. The Groups overall deposit funding mix improved slightly as the Groups higher cost fixed deposits declined to 55.1% of total customer deposits from 55.8% in June 2009 3.6.8 Deposits and Placements of Financial Institutions [9] This item fell by 19.2% or RM5.5 billion due to increase in deposits from customers (RM24 billion) which resulted in less sourcing of funds from interbank market. 3.6.9 Shareholders Equity [10] The Groups shareholders equity rose by 12.0% or RM3.0 billion to RM27.9 billion. The increase was mainly due to increase in retained profits for the year. 3.6.10 Net Interest Income [11] Net interest income of the Group increased by RM851.4 million or 14.4%. The average net interest margin was 2.82% from 2.72% the previous year due to lower interest expenses in the Malaysian operations, especially interest expenses from fixed deposits, and lower interest expenses in the Singapore operations as well as full year contribution from Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII) for financial year of 2010. 3.6.11 Islamic Banking [12] Net income from the Groups Islamic banking operations increased by RM210.4 million or 17.2% to RM1.4 billion. The increase was mainly due to growth of assets in Islamic business, specifically hire purchase and residential mortgages. 3.6.12 Overhead Expenses [13] The Groups overheads expenses rose by RM852.9 million or 15.3% over that of the corresponding year as a result of an increase in personnel cost, full-year contribution from BII and expansion of BII, higher establishment costs, and credit card related expenses due to higher transaction, volume. The Groups cost to income ratio declined to 49.8% from 52.8% previously as net income growth outpaced the growth in expenses. Personnel costs increased by RM364 million or 14.3% due to an increase in salary, EPF, bonus and training. Establishment costs increased by RM66.2 million as a result of higher cost from depreciation and rental. On a comparable basis, the Groups adjusted cost to income ratio (without insurance claims and unrealised loss) would be 47.8% against 49.1% for the previous financial year. 3.6.13 Loan and Financing Loss and Provisions [14] Loan loss and provisions of the Group amounted to RM1.2 billion, which is RM510.8 million or 30.1% lower than that of the previous year. This decrease was primarily due to high general provisions made in the final quarter of financial year end of 2009 resulting from the weak global economic situation. 3.6.13 Taxation [15] The effective tax rate of the Group is 26.1% which is higher than the statutory rate of 25% mainly due to non-deductible expenses. 3.7 CONCLUSION From the analysis it clearly shows that the financial performance of Maybank Islamic experienced a strong growth. The increasing of the loan product especially individual loan and also with the stable increase of total income after tax , in addition to that the reducing of non performing loan portrayed the growth of Maybank Islamic especially their financial performance . According to a rough estimation from the analysis, it clearly shows that Maybank Islamic can compete with other Islamic banking institution. Based on the total asset that is increasing yearly and non performing loans that are reducing, it portrayed that the total net asset of Maybank Islamic are going stronger. Besides that, the increasing of individual loan shows that this institution gaining the trust of the community. Although there is a slight fall in Islamic deposit, but it is mainly because of Islamic debt and sukuk debt that occur outside of the country resulting the cost of fund to increase, and it is not because of a belief of a people about Islamic product offered by Maybank Islamic are not interesting enough. As a conclusion, Maybank Islamic Berhad has a strong position in their field as their finance and asset position are really good.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Descriptive Essay - The Wrestling Room -- Descriptive Writing Examples,
The Wrestling Room As I sit here with my eyes closed, I imagine a tropical breeze. The warm wet air slides over my face. The humidity seems almost heavy enough to crush me. As I take a deep breath, the realization that this is no tropical air comes crashing in. Instead of the refreshing scent of the ocean, or tropical plants, the taste of salt from sweat and a smell of the human body fill my lungs. The daydream is over. A shrill whistle sounds and the voice of coach Chuck booms through out the room, breaking the peace that was comforting the pain in my shoulder and bringing me back to reality. I was not on some humid island paradise, but rather in the explosive atmosphere of the Hotchkiss High School wrestling room. The Hotchkiss High School Wrestling room, though bland through out most of the year, transforms during the winter sports season. By itself, the room is nothing. It could be used for many things, but happens to be the perfect size and shape for a wrestling mat to be laid down with a little room on either side. What makes the room so significant is not the shape, size, color or any other dimension. It is the people; the atmosphere during a wrestling practice that makes the room so infamous. Wrestling practice is dreaded all day as one drags from one class to the next, checking the clock frequently, though it will inevitably come. After the last bell of the day rings, I know that I could just skip practice, but I cannot let myself slack like that. As much as I do not want to I make the long trek to the locker room, and my mood begins to change. As I slip out my day's cloths, and step onto the scale I find that I am five pounds over. After some quick math in my head, I figure that I will be down to weight by ... .... I hate coach for making us run them, but I understand that he wants nothing more than for us to be the best that we can be. There is only one thing that is worse than wrestling practice, and that is having to sit out at wrestling practice. When I hurt my shoulder and couldn't wrestle, I wanted nothing more than to be on the mat with my teammates. No matter how hard, painful, or stressful wrestling may be, it means more to me than just being comfortable for those two hours. A sheer feeling of accomplishment surrounds a wrestler after removing completely soaked work out gear after practice. The discipline that it takes to be a member on the mat is something I will always have the utmost respect. Although I may always hate humidity because of it for the rest of my life, I will forever carry the discipline that the Hotchkiss High School wrestling room has given me.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Abc Apparel Case
ABC Apparel Case | | | | |Questions | | | | | | | |1 |What are the respective amounts and percentages of Materials, Labor, Overhead and Other in total COGS for ABC? | |* Illustrate on an Excel pie chart showing amounts and percentages for each slice. | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |2 |What percentage of total COGS is represented by what Mr. Price called â€Å"full package†(purchased finished goods)? | | | | | |â€Å"Finished Garments†represent $647 Million. This assumes the purchased finished goods are supplied freight and duty paid; otherwise, applicable freight and duty| | |costs would have to be added.Note that not all freight and duty can be added to this category, since freight and duty must also support the owned supply chain | | |operations. | | |$647 / $2528 = 25. 6% | | | | |3 |Where do you see the largest opportunities for cost reduction? List your Top 3, with strategies to pursue each one. | | |* Explain your selections. | | |Purchas e price or cost of supply (TCO) reductions in purchased finished goods. At 38% of COGS, these represent the largest single opportunity for cost | | |management / reduction. | |Material price reductions (30% of COGS) through supply chain procurement practices. | | |Other Costs. Freight and Duty represent almost 10% of COGS, which is probably ripe for improvement. Evaluate reducing carriers from 4-5 to fewer. | | |Labor – At 20%, Labor is a substantial percentage of cost but has probably already given up the â€Å"low hanging cost fruit†in the relocation to offshore | | |geography, and would probably be difficult to further reduce. | | | | |4 |Which functional areas would you prioritize in your cost reduction efforts? Why? | | | | |Following the same priorities in Question 3: | | |Purchase price or cost of supply (TCO) reductions in purchased finished goods. Apply supply chain procurement practices such as negotiated price reductions, | | |reverse auctions, global sour cing, target costing, centralizing procurement, spend analysis or supplier rationalization. | | |Material price reductions. Apply supply chain procurement practices such as negotiated price reductions, reverse auctions, global sourcing, target costing, | | |centralizing procurement, spend analysis or supplier rationalization. | | |Other Costs Reduction.Freight and Duty represent almost 10% of COGS, which is probably ripe for improvement. | | |Labor Cost Reduction. At 20%, Labor is a substantial percentage of cost but has probably already given up the â€Å"low hanging cost fruit†in the relocation to | | |offshore geography, and would probably be difficult to further reduce. | | | | |5 |Which internal manufacturing processes would you prioritize for improvement? Why? | | |Evaluate moving the textile manufacturing processes (yarn through Fabric Finishing) from US to offshore, preferably close to the cutting operations.If the key | | |materials could be sourced in-region, this would eliminate the cost, risk and lead time of shipping these products from the US to Central America / Caribbean, | | |reducing the high freight costs. | | |Evaluate Supplier Relationship Management programs with Asia garment suppliers. Objective would be to fully identify and reduce â€Å"hidden†costs of supply from | | |this region through collaborative problem-solving and joint incentives (â€Å"gainsharing†) for improved performance. | | |Pursue lead time reductions and reduced lead time variability through improved logistics practices. Seek use of technologies to identify logistics wait times | | |and unplanned delays.Consider use of a 3PL to become accountable for coordinating all Western Hemisphere logistics, negotiating with the major carriers to | | |reduce costs, pre-clearing all shipments through customs, etc. | | | | |6 |What is the ratio of internal manufacturing cost to purchased garment cost? | | | | | |Ratio, internal to external costs | | |275% | | | | | Internal $1,881 | | |External | | |$647 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |7 |Assuming a SG&A rate of 24% and a gross margin of 35%, what annual revenue would you estimate for ABC? Show your calculations. | | | | | |[pic] | | | | |8 |What is ABC's net profit margin, in dollars and percent? | | | | |11% | | |$428 | | | | | | | | | | | | | |9 |What is ABC's â€Å"profit leverage effect†of reducing purchased item costs? How much additional revenue would be required to equal a 5% reduction in purchased | | |prices paid? | [pic] | | | | | | | | | | | | | †¢ 5% of 1404 = $70 Million. So, reducing purchased costs by 5% reduces COGS and increases profit by $70M. †¢ To yield an equivalent increase through sales, sales must increase by ($70/. 35) = $200 Million (6%).
Thursday, October 10, 2019
History – Does General Haig Deserve the Title the Butcher?
General Haig's status prior to the Battle of the Somme had been remarkable. In 1885 General Haig was commissioned in the cavalry and served in several campaigns – Sudan and in the Boer War in South Africa between 1899 and 1902. In the Boer war General Haig had served with distinction and showed a lot of potential and was later promoted to the war office. Many people during this period after his first taste of success thought he had a lot of potential. And he didn't disappoint. In august 1914 when WW1 had started, General Haig was commanding his first army corps.General Haig and his men fought in several battles e. g. Battle of Mon and Battle of Ypres – In which he was very successful. All of this success lead to extremely high expectations of him as WW1 had started. However General Haig's title of ‘the butcher of the Somme' originated after the First World War, when, due to large number of casualties Britain suffered from the war and mostly the Somme. In which 20, 000 died in the first day of the Battle and many were injured. The people of Britain wanted someone to blame.This was a coping mechanism in which people could deal with the loss of the ‘lost generation'. Does General Haig deserve the title ‘Butcher of the Somme'? In this essay I will discus whether General Haig deserves to be remembered as ‘the butcher of the Somme'. General Haig's title of ‘the butcher of the Somme' originated after the First World War, when, due to large number of casualties Britain suffered from the war and mostly the Somme. The people of Britain wanted someone to blame. This was a coping mechanism in which people could deal with the loss of the ‘lost generation'.Arguably Haig does deserve his nickname. This is because Haig sent thousands of men to their deaths continuously after his war efforts seemed not to be working. For instance 60,000 soldiers died in the first day alone in the battle of the Somme. The reason that so many peopl e died was that Haig ordered his men to walk across no-mans land. They were easy targets for the German machine guns. However Haig assisted Britain in winning the war and although he did so with tremendous loss of life, these men did not die pointlessly.They died to protect their families and everyone else on the home front, and they died to prevent Britain from becoming a German Nation. Haig was also faced with an almost impossible task of winning the war in the quickest means possible. Haig was under constant pressure from the government to have a large victory to boost morale. This factor as well as the fact that Haig was not used to the tactics of a war of attrition may have caused Haig to act rashly and therefore if he was not under so much pressure he may have acted differently. Haig was also fed false Intel that was meant to boost morale.Haig was advised that his seven day artillery bombardment had proven to be successful (the aim of the bombardment was to brake all the barbe d wire and kill most of the Germans in the trenches) therefore he ordered his men to walk across no-mans land and look for mines. This shows that he thought about what to do and what was in the best interest for his men as there was no point in telling his men to run across no-mans land to be blown up by mines. It is debatable that Haig deserves his nickname as, while his men are starving in the cold and muddy trench, Haig is sipping French wine.
How Computers Are Essential in Criminal Justice Field
Computers take part in a big role in the Criminal Justice Field. So far computers have allowed us to make it accessible for witnesses to go through and look for a suspect's picture on the screen. Computers have enabled us to be able to do DNA testing. Which now only takes the labs a short time to process, and finding criminals from cases 15+ years ago can now be charged for their actions. There are laptop computers in police vehicles; therefore, police officers can look up information right then and there instead of having to wait until they get back to the station. Some cars even have the wireless Internet connection that goes through satellite which allows them to do even greater things. Computers have also allowed the use of fingerprinting to expand. Agencies can now take someone’s fingerprints and send them through the computer and find out if they are linked to any other cases going on at the time, or any other cases in the past. A computer forensic scientist or technician is still considered a cutting edge profession in the criminal justice field. With the increase of cybercrime, cyberterrorism, identity theft, and Internet child predators, computer forensic scientists are needed to track seemingly traceless criminals. Computer forensic scientists work with law enforcement officials, legal teams, independent companies and the government to conduct investigations, retrieve evidence and sometimes even testify in court. Computer forensic scientists are in high demand because they need to have a very thorough, practical knowledge of computers, networks, hacking, data retrieval, information security, and computer surveillance, as well as criminal justice concepts like confidentiality, privacy laws, evidence handling and more. Generally, computer forensic scientists are supervised during their work by a forensic scientist, and they must have the ability to work well in stressful situations. Depending on the casework, these professionals may also encounter irregular schedules and long overtime hours. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the job outlook for computer forensic investigators will be excellent for the next several years. This prediction is for self-employed investigators as well as those employed by a firm. Investigators who work on their own will enjoy more flexibility, but may make far less or far more than they would in a firm. Salary for self-employed investigators varies on their geographic location, experience and number of clients. You can read also King v Cogdon Firms offer more stability and usually provide benefits like paid vacation and health insurance. The average salary reported in 2006 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics was $33,750 for private investigators, although those in the computer forensics field generally earn higher salaries. The median range for private investigators settled between $24,180 and $47,740. Computer forensic scientists and investigators are expected to be highly educated professionals, so a bachelor’s degree is required. A Master’s degree in a field like computer science of criminal justice can be extremely beneficial to acquiring the top level jobs, as students in these programs will learn about all the cutting edge technologies, systems and concepts needed to succeed in computer forensics. A computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem. Conventionally a computer consists of some form of memory for data storage, at least one element that carries out arithmetic and logic operations, and a sequencing and control element that can change the order of operations based on the information that is stored. Peripheral devices allow information to be entered from external source, and allow the results of operations to be sent out. A computer's processing unit executes series of instructions that make it read, manipulate and then store data. Conditional instructions change the sequence of instructions as a function of the current state of the machine or its environment . The first electronic computers were developed in the mid-20th century (1940–1945). Originally, they were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers (PCs). Modern computers based on integrated circuits are millions to billions of times more capable than the early machines, and occupy a fraction of the space. Simple computers are small enough to fit into mobile devices, mobile computers can be powered by small batteries. Personal computers in their various forms are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as â€Å"computers†. However, the embedded computers found in many devices from MP3 players to fighter aircraft and from toys to industrial robots are the most numerous. In the global village called the internet, not everyone plays nice. You always hear of the word â€Å"hack†. It is mostly used in relation to invading of computers. Most of these are not entirely true but computer network systems do get hacked. If and when it does happen, it usually involves something sinister. Even employees of companies do engage in snooping or to use our favorite word, hacking. The birth of the internet has led to more of this. Anyone can be anything online. This is why fraud, phishing, and identity theft happen. The computer has become an important part of everyday life. Sending letters have been entirely changed by emails. Communications have been dominated by instant and text messaging. Portable storage devices that were an exclusive preserve of Information Technology professionals are now used by the general public. I think you are already getting the idea of why computer forensics are needed. In the event that hacking does occur, the computer forensic will do the following: 1. Like any other investigation, the computer forensic must handle the area as a crime scene. He or she will take digital photographs and secure documentary evidence. This will include printouts, notes and disks in the scene. If you are the one who hired the computer forensic expert, you should leave everything to them. The computer system should be left as is whether it is turned on or off. If the computer was left on, the analyst will gather all the information that he or she can from the running applications. The computer will then be shutdown in a way that the data will not be lost. Doing a standard shutdown or pulling the plug is not an option. Both of these methods may cause the loss or damage of the data in the computer system. 2. The forensic investigator must then document the configuration of the system as you would document a crime scene. This should include the order of hard drives, modem, LAN, storage subsystems, cable connections, and wireless networking hardware. The analyst may make a diagram to go along with the digital photographs. They will also take portable storage devices within the area that may contain substantial evidence. 3. The computer forensic expert must take all the evidence to the lab. This is because the analyst should not examine the evidence in the same hardware. People who engage in cyber crimes are also aware that important data can be retrieved to convict them. Countermeasures, viruses and booby traps may be installed in the system to damage electronic evidence. Analysts take the hard drive in their lab instead to make an exact duplicate of its contents. This process is called Imaging. Analysts have their own tools to make sure that the data is copied completely and accurately. The duplicate will then be verified by an algorithm. The data is then examined and analyzed. The analyst makes a report of his or her findings and the process that was taken during the investigation starting from the acquisition of the data. This evidence will be presented in court if prosecution is necessary. Notable civil engineering projects, whose pioneers included Isambard Kingdom Brunel, contributed to the advancement of railway transport systems. Other advances pioneered in the UK include the marine chronometer, the jet engine, the modern bicycle, electric lighting, the steam turbine, the electromagnet, stereo sound, motion pictures, the screw propeller, the internal combustion engine, military radar, the electronic computer, photography, aeronautics, soda water, IVF, nursing, antiseptic surgery, vaccination and antibiotics. Scientific journals produced in the UK include Nature, the British Medical Journal and The Lancet. In 2006 it was reported that the UK provided 9 percent of the world's scientific research papers and a 12 per cent share of citations, the second highest in the world after the US. In the 1950s the UK had more Physics Nobel Prizes than any other nation, despite its relatively small size.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Capstone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Capstone - Research Paper Example Hence, the study is aimed at assessing the role of innovation in increasing the profitability level of travel and tourism industry in the UAE. In relation to this study, data would be collected with the help of accessing primary sources by the conduct of questionnaire survey and secondary sources comprising books and journals among others. Moreover, findings would be analyzed with the help of qualitative analysis tool of regression, which would be helpful to arrive at definite outcomes. In this globalization and technology driven era, the national economy of several countries is developing rapidly. With this concern, it is to be affirmed that the advent of globalization has certainly enhanced the travel and tourism industry in the global domain (Decelle, 2004). Thus, it can be inferred that after the imposition of globalization, the aforesaid industry has certainly become one of the most vital pillars of the economic development of the nations. There lay several countries whose economy mainly relies upon the travel and tourism industry. In this regard, United Arab Emirates (UAE) is recognized to be one of the most popular countries wherein such industry plays a decisive part in developing its economic position as per the desired level (OECD, 2006). With this concern, the research paper intends to analyze the role of innovation in increasing the profitability level of UAEs travel and tourism industry. While analyzing the above stated subject matter of the study, an attempt has been made to establish the relationship persisting amid innovation and profitability of the industry within the nation. The economic and social conditions of the UAE are undergoing huge transformations from the past few years. The strong economy of this nation is highly depending upon two different sectors such as oil and Tourism industry. It has been apparently observed that every year the
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Computer Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Computer Crime - Essay Example They apply different techniques of payment like credit card, e-cheques, and shopper's card. Smart-cards and e-wallets are few techniques to protect customer's information and convenient and safe for transactions and processing of data. Privacy has also grown in stature similar to security concerns to keep the personal information of customer intact. Technology and outsourcing model of business has taken the pressure off from the management team to some extent. Encryption, VPN, Firewall, SSL and precautionary measure from customer is essential in keeping the security system in control (Ghosh, 2001). Customer follows the three mandatory steps for processing the transactions. He enters the details of credit card to the e-merchant or payment gateway that passes through secure socket layer (SSL) of server and digital certificate of online service provider. Once validation in the initial layers of security check is complete, details provided by customer is processed by associated bank that handles the complex security information collected in the payment gateway. This collects the details of order and customer through e-business associate to finally approve the transaction. Authentication is first step in privacy matters that can ensure that right pers
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