Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Defining Marketing Paper - 1010 Words
Running head: DEFINING MARKETING PAPER Defining Marketing Paper Bonnie Garcia University of Phoenix Marketing is an important part of the business organization; it is more than just promoting and selling a product. Marketing is gratifying the changing needs of the customer. This can be best summed up by the very successful businessman Bill Gates when he quoted, Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning . The purpose of this paper is to define marketing from at least two different sources; based on these definitions I will explain the importance of marketing in organizational success. Also, I will offer three examples from the business world of the importance of marketing to the†¦show more content†¦In some instances, he must also consider legal restrictions effecting prices Typically speaking, the responsibilities for a marketing department are primarily: marketing services, objective filtering, planning, product/market development (including establishing price and controlling product gross margin), research, product training, and advertising. A marketing department s overall function is to prepare a product/service for the sales department s implementation responsibility. As an example, consider a military campaign where one team defines the strategy and another team executes it. To function at peak performance, sales and marketing must work in a similar fashion where marketing sets the strategy, and sales determines the field tactics and best approach. Marketing develops the weapons (e.g. the messages, sales tools, competitive intelligence). Sales learns to use them effectively in each unique customer environment to win the battle. In conclusion, it is common for entrepreneurs to incorrectly believe that marketing is not important at the early stage of a company s development. Many view marketing as something to be done later when they are ready to build a brand. Successful companies have spent time and resources to carefully craft their unique value proposition and build a foundation of sales toolsShow MoreRelatedDefining Marketing Paper1008 Words  | 5 PagesMarketing Paper Marketing an important part of the business organization, it is more than promoting and selling a product. Marketing is satisfying the changing needs of the customer. The very successful businessman Bill Gates can best sum this up when he said, Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning . The purpose of this paper is to define marketing from at least two different sources, based on these definitions explain the importance of marketing in organizational successRead MoreDefining Marketing Paper837 Words  | 4 PagesMarketing Marketing is in a part of everyone’s daily lives. We see it the moment we turn on the television, when we go to the grocery store, and even at our jobs. When I think about marketing, I think about all of my favorite restaurants, places to go, favorite clothing brands, and shoes. All of my favorite things come to mind when we discuss the concept of marketing. When I think about marketing, I think of all of the companies that produce my favorite things. Marketing campaigns are those peopleRead MoreMkt 421 Defining Marketing936 Words  | 4 PagesDefining Marketing Paper Marketing 421 Defining Marketing Paper To answer the premise of the paper, ‘Defining Marketing’ a definition of marketing is a proper beginning for consideration. My personal definition of marketing is the concept or premise of a function in which products, goods or services are transferred to a consumer or client by a producer or seller. Other definitions exist to describe marketing aside from the prior definition. Marketing has been described as, â€Å"ARead MoreDefining Marketing805 Words  | 4 PagesDefining Marketing Colleen P. Dalton MKT/421 November 26, 2012 Stephanie Burns Defining Marketing The purpose of this paper is to define the term â€Å"marketing†, explain the importance of marketing in organizational success, and provide examples from the business world to support the explanation of its importance. Upon completion of this paper it should be understood what Marketing means and its importance in today’s society. Marketing There are many definitions of the term â€Å"marketing†Read MoreMarketing Defined754 Words  | 4 PagesMarketing Defined Introduction There are many definitions for Marketing. Marketing is based on an organizations need to promote their goods and/or services. After research of the definition of marketing one will find that marketing must be defined and look at individually, not as a whole. Marketing Most people think that marketing is only about the advertising and/or personal selling of goods and services. Advertising and selling, however, are just two of the many marketing activities. InRead MoreDefining Marketing802 Words  | 4 PagesDefining Marketing Deby Chan MKT 421 – Marketing Norbert Gray Jr. July 3, 2011 Defining Marketing There has been much misconception about what marketing really it only about commercials on the television or billboards that dot the highways, advertisements in the paper or salesman attempting to sell you their products. Many believe that this is marketing but marketing is much more complex than the advertising and the selling of goods and services. In fact, the above mentioned elements onlyRead MoreBalance Scorecard Assignment Essay1493 Words  | 6 Pagesscorecard is made up of four perspectives; financial, customer, learning and growing, and internal process. This paper will define each of the four perspectives objectives, performance measures, targets, and initiatives. The paper will also show how the perspectives relate to Scents Things vision, mission, values, and SWOTT analysis. Financial Perspective The main goal when defining the financial perspective was to answer the following question â€Å"If we succeed, how will we look to our stakeholders†Read MoreAleve981 Words  | 4 PagesSTORY An In-Depth Look at Marketing Success Introductionâ€â€Taking a Different Approach THE ALEVE â€Å"arthritis pain relief†SUCCESS STORY [Year] 2009 The Aleve success story marked a significant shift in the general analgesic market. Prior to Bayer Pharmaceutical’s introduction of Aleve and its identification with arthritis relief, the pervasive assumption had been that broad pain-relief positioning was necessary for attracting and maintaining customers. This white paper outlines the five keyRead MoreMkt 412 Week 1 Individual Assignment756 Words  | 4 PagesDefining Marketing MKT 421 April 10, 2011 Defining Marketing Marketing is managing profitable customer relationship (Armstrong and Kotler, 2009). Marketing helps companies all over the world attract and maintain interest to their products or services. The twofold goal of Marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value and to keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction (Armstrong and Kotler, 2009). Marketing involves advertisement throughRead MoreUse S. M. A. R. T Goal Setting For Laundry Business Analysis786 Words  | 4 PagesNews Paper Article Use S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting for Laundry Business Growth This intriguing article referenced the Linen Management industry and particular objective that an organization must consider for development. At the point when a company acquires the extraordinary traits of S.M.A.R.T goal, they can gauge, track and measure progress concentrating attention on work designs and a sense of duty regarding the execution of target. Notwithstanding, due to the significant and reasonable standard
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Role of the Father in the Family - 1755 Words
HIST 3203 Research Paper: The Role of The Father in The Family Tuesday, December 7, 2010 People probably have different views and definitions of what constitutes a family. What an individual might consider part of his family might be different to someone else. A family can consist of individuals who have some connectivity whether by science in which genetics are at play, or by giving an individual, animal, or object attributes that will make them part of your family. It is difficult to have a concrete definition of what actually makes a family but it is clear that throughout time many aspects of the family have remained the same. As society becomes more advanced and open the vision of the family has†¦show more content†¦The most drastic change in the family occurred during The American Revolution. The patriarchal system that was brought to the colonies from England was vanishing, as people from the colonies thought that England was taking advantage of them. Just like in the colonies where young people did not need of their parent’s inheritance to b e successful or happy, people in the colonies were taking the same approach towards England. According to Lorett Treese â€Å"a parent’s power over their children is limited and temporary and that young adults have the right for independence as soon they achieve maturity and or if their parents abuse their power†. In other words just like a child the colonists had the right to be independent, as England was abusing it’s power by placing restrictions on colonial manufactures and taxes on colonial commerce. Through the American Revolution people were shifting ideas, values, and behavior and rejecting patriarchal rule. The majority of people that supported the independence were young kids and teenagers that were very passionate about becoming independent from England. The next change in the family that affected the role of the father occurred during the Industrial Revolution. A new idea of individualism was emerging and people started to think, behave and act differently than their parents and grandparents. During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s family wasShow MoreRelatedChildren With The Parent Families1287 Words  | 6 Pageswith fathers at home tend to do better in school, are less prone to depression and are more successful in relationships. Children from one-parent families achieve less and get into trouble more than children from two parent families.†( The Consortium for the Study of School Needs of Children from One Parent Families, 1980). Children in single-parent homes are becoming more common now days; more so single mother families, where there is an absent father in the child’s life. Whether the father is presentRead MoreThe Era for Stay-at-home Dads Essay1640 Words  | 7 Pagesthe gender role stereo type within the family has been the same: the father is a deserved pillar of family, and he has responsibility to be a breadwinner by going out to work to make money rather than staying at home as a homemaker. However, over the past few decades, the conventional gender role stereotypes of family has been largely changed to the point that an increasing number of men choose to be stay-at-home dads instead of being bread-earners. The at-home dad trend is that the father both takesRead MoreThe Absentee Father846 Words  | 4 PagesIn today’s society, it is common for family units to be missing a member that was once the backbone of American families. This member was the person who financially supported and provided for the remainder of the family, while also upholding the moral and religious values that the family would abide by. This absent figure is most commonly known as the father. Statistics show that â€Å"an estimated 24.7 million children (33%) live absent their biolo gical father†(The Consequences of Fatherlessness)Read MoreE. B. WhitesSuperman And Me, And Once More To The Lake1068 Words  | 5 Pagesparents as a role model in their life. In addition to having a role model one needs a family too. Kids look up to their parents and learn the ways of life from them. Additionally, their parents are there to teach them how to succeed in life and how to grow into nice young men/ women. In the two essays â€Å"Superman and Me†by Sherman Alexie portrays what it’s like to not have a parent as a role model ,and â€Å"Once More to the Lake†by E.B. White states what having a that perfect parental role model andRead MoreManaging Family Relationships : Managing And Take Patience, Care, And Time1645 Words  | 7 PagesManaging Family Relationships in a Negotiation Relationships are hard to manage and take patience, care, and time. They become especially complicated with they involve immediately family that you either are in business with and or work for. Negotiations between non-family members and family members are different as family relationships have very distinct relationships because they have strong emotional ties and lifelong feelings (Lewicki, Barry, Saunders, 2011). With any negotiations one mustRead MoreTokyo Sonata1223 Words  | 5 Pages Japanese family is facing many challenges. Some of them are fail to adapt the changing environment. Tokyo Sonata portrays some problems in contemporary Japanese dysfunctional families such as communication problems. In this article, we are going to illustrate them one by one. Portrait of Japanese family To illustrate the dysfunctional families portrayed in Tokyo Sonata, we have to understand the traditional Japanese and how does it work functionally. Traditional Japanese family is a patriarchalRead MoreFather s Role As A Child s Development1478 Words  | 6 PagesThe literature review examines the father s role as being very important to a child s development and brings out positive benefits when they’re actively involved. A father who is involved ensures a sufficient amount of cognitive ability, supports the child s educational achievements and awareness of overall health and social behavior. Fathers are more than just the second adult in the home. When involved fathers, biological or not, they bring positive benefits to a child that no other person isRead More Television and Media - Categorization of TV Sitcom Fathers Essay1388 Words  | 6 PagesCategorization of Sitcom Fathers For this essay I consulted EPGuides.com[1] and The Internet Movie Database[2], which also includes minimal facts of television shows and casts. Throughout the course of television history there have evolved several types and variations of fathers: the Simulacrum; the Single-parent; the Substitute; the Homer Simpson; the Apathetic. Though their characteristics coincide with American values, the Simulacrum Father does not merely represent ideals but America’sRead MoreThe Responsibilities of Fatherhood Essay1307 Words  | 6 Pageswho are not fathers from those who are fathers. Again, very little information concerning fatherhood and what fathers want is available to people. Written literature on fatherhood and written accounts about fatherhood from men who are fathers are also relatively rare. There is certainty that the environment around fatherhood has increasingly changed when it comes to domestic domain, employment and breadwinning, the structure of the family and employment (FNF 2011). The quality of families, mainly betweenRead MoreModern Family : Do Not Push And Marco Polo1455 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Modern Family TV shows have been a very popular comedy series, which introduced a show that sounds like an attempt to portray a more â€Å"Modern†contemporary view of American families. In both shows I watched: â€Å"Do Not Push†and â€Å"Marco Polo†. Modern Family deals with the traditional family as portrayed by the Dunphys with a mom, dad and three children; a homosexual family with one adopted daughter, the Printhett-Tuckers and a mixed marriage family with one child, the Pritchetts, an older
Friday, May 15, 2020
Food And Drug Administration Approved The Flavr Savr Tomato
Food, we all love it. We would even go to war to guarantee that we have it. Food has changed more than you would have expected in the last decade. Ever since the U.S. Food and drug administration approved the Flavr Savr tomato to be sold in grocery stores in 1994, the genetic composition of our everyday foods have been changing at an alarming rate. World Health Organization defines genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. It allows selected individual genes to be transferred from one organism into another, including between non related species (World Health Organization, food safety). Such methods are used to create GMO plants which result in GMO food crops. This technology is called biotechnology. Genetic engineering has been a some what sensitive subject in present day debates, especially when it comes to the widespread consumption of GMO foods. There have been many studies conducted that both support and discredit the use of the biotechnology. There are many reasons why someone would seek to alter a plant s genetic profile, it could be to increase crop yield, or to fight off diseases, or possibly just to create an overall more efficient organism. As some scientists see this as a revolutionary technology that could possibly end world hunger, others view it as a major health concern. Both sides agree that no long-term human health studies have been conducted. There areShow MoreRelatedFood And Drug Administration Approved The Flavr Savr Tomato And It Hit The Stores For Purchase1662 Words  | 7 PagesEver since 1994, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the Flavr Savr tomato and it hit the stores for purchase, genetic engineering has been under constant evalu ation and has made consumers apprehensive ever since. People immediately began to question just how safe consuming products that have been genetically modified could possibly be. Today, nearly 22 years later, and this major question has still yet to have a conclusive answer. However, what has changed is that GMO’s are moreRead MoreShould Genetically Modified Flar-Svr Tomatoes Be Available for Human Consumption?1279 Words  | 6 PagesGenetically Modified Flavr-Savr Tomatoes, should they be available for human consumption. Technology has been advancing at an increasingly high rate; as a result scientists have used this development to create genetically modified foods. Biotechnologies used to genetically modify foods have contributed to the controversial statements, whether or not genetically modified foods should be available for human consumption. Genetic Modified plants and foods such as the â€Å"Flavr Savr Tomato†enhanced throughRead MoreGenetically And Genetically Modified Organism998 Words  | 4 Pagesgenetically modify the staple food of many people around the world â€Å"rice†more than one million was spent on the development. With a claim that it would cure child blindness in Asia. The unappetizing looking rice named â€Å"golden rice†turned into a flop and is still attempting to gain approval since the 1980s, but not able to get since there is no scientific evidence to back any of its claims. May 18, 1994 the first approved genetically engineered food hit the market the flavr savr tomato. These tomatoes wereRead MoreEthics Of Genetically Modified Organisms1382 Words  | 6 Pageslabeling of genetically modified organisms in our food and what legislation can be created to mandate such labeling. After extensive research and consideration, the support of mandatory labeling for GMO foods is the affirmative action on which legislation must set their goal for this country and many more countries around the globe. Supporting data contains the ideas that mandatory labeling can create less confusion, bring genetically modified foods into the forefront, and help create national knowledgeRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms ( Gmo )1665 Words  | 7 Pagesexample, a tomato farmer changes the genes of the tomato to prevent a beetle from eating it. However, genetically modified organisms are becoming detrimental to our bodies and health and there are ways the government can he lp Americans eat healthier by labeling products with genetically modified organisms. Since 1994, GMOs have started to become more prevalent in our fruits and vegetables. According to Shireen, the FDA to start the production and manufacturization of Flavr Savr, a tomato that hasRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms And Its Effects1373 Words  | 6 PagesGenetically modified (GM) crops are also made to increase yields and to have many other positive attributes for the farmer. (â€Å"Introduction†). GM crops and foods have not been proven to be harmful to people s health in any way. GMOs, which aren’t harmful to people’s health, are beneficial to the environment and society because they can increase food production and keep the cost of produce affordable. GMOs have only been around for twenty years so they don’t have much history but in the past twentyRead MoreHow Safe Is Genetically Modified Food?1688 Words  | 7 PagesHow Safe is Genetically Modified Food? There is a lot of controversy has occurred with the arrival of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), especially the production, consumption, and sale. Many people are concerned, or not convinced, that the consumption of GMO foods by humans may or may not create health risks. Would you ever think of eating genetically modified food in your daily meal? If you re like most people, you ll be puzzled to know that most fast food places like McDonalds and BurgerRead MoreMathiew Doyle. Mrs. Mercer. Honors Freshman Lit. 15 February1470 Words  | 6 Pagesbeen tested, and they are increasing pesticide and herbicide use(Chien) claims Food Babe blogger Vani Hari. Opponents of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), led by a brigade of popular TV show hosts and online bloggers, claim that they are unhealthy, unsafe, and untested. GMOs are needed within the growing population because of their ability to increase crop yields, their ability to improve nutrition levels of foods, to cure hunger, an d to eradicate diseases. It is estimated that an average 805Read MoreThe Effects Of Gmo Foods On Our Health1979 Words  | 8 Pages1. Introduction: The effects of GMO foods on our health, GMO (genetically modified organism) also known as genetic engineering, biotechnology, or recombinant DNA technology (rDNA). Where the gene extraction resulting from the DNA of one species and inseminated artificially into unrelated plant or animal genes. These foreign genes come from the following sources: bacteria, viruses, insects, animals, even humans. GMOS are also known as â€Å"transgenic†organisms as it involves genes transferring. It’sRead MoreEssay Is Your Food Safe?1385 Words  | 6 PagesAmerica’s consumers today, whom are concerned with the food they are eating, will take time to look at nutritional information and the ingredients listed on the label. They check for the carbohydrates, fats, calories, sugars, and fiber. Consumers believe that thoroughly reading the label on this and other foods gives them some assurance that the food they are eating is healthy. The reason is that government standards require companies to list everything that goes into the package and ensure the ingredients
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Pricing for Convenience Goods - 12585 Words
CH 12] Business 101  The Basics 12-1 Chapter 12 Product and Pricing Strategies Learning Goals 1. Identify the components of the total product concept. 2. List the types of consumer goods, industrial goods, and services. 3. Explain the product mix and product lines. 4. List and describe the stages of the product life cycle. 5. Identify the stages in the new-product development process. 6. Describe how products are identified. 7. Outline the different types of pricing objectives. 8. Discuss how prices are set in the marketplace. 9. Explain how breakeven analysis can be used in pricing strategy. 10. Differentiate between skimming and penetration pricing strategies. 12-2 Product and Pricing Strategies Chapter Overview†¦show more content†¦A young couple intent on buying a new television may visit many stores, competing goods in competing examine perhaps dozens of TV sets, and spend days making the final decision. The stores. couple follows a regular routine from store to store in surveying competing offerings and ultimately selects the most appealing set. Specialty goods are particular products desired by a purchaser who is familiar specialty goods with the item sought and is willing to make a special effort to obtain it. A specialty good has no reasonable substitute in the Figure 12.1 The Total Product Concept mind of the buyer. The nearest BMW dealer may be 40 miles away, but a buyer might go there to obtain what they considers one of the world s best-engineered cars. This classification of consumer goods may differ among buyers. A shopping good for one person may be a convenience good for another. Majority buying patterns determine the item s product classification. Marketing Strategy Implications. The consumer goods classification is a useful tool in marketing strategy. For example, once a new lawn edger has been classified as a shopping good, insights are gained about its marketing needs in promotion, pricing, and distribution methods. The impact of the consumer goods classification on various aspects of marketing strategy is shown in Table 12.1. Classifying Industrial Goods The five mainShow MoreRelated4ps and How the Firm Position Their Products for Maximum Competitive Advantage in the Marketplace1455 Words  | 6 Pagesadvantage. For the ignored customers, the firm should design a spcial product to satisfy their needs and keep in touch with them. On the other hand, this company should operate in one or a few geographic areas. It helps customers buy your products more convenience and the firm can make more profit. How the firm has managed its decisions on the 4Ps of the marketing mix Marketing mix is a combination of marketing tools that are used to satisfy customers and company objectives. Consumers often callRead MoreHow Consumers And How Large Supermarket Chains Match Their Needs For Terms Of Products, Price And Customer Services1360 Words  | 6 Pagesstimulate shoppers’ consumption, it has little influence because of cost-savings, convenience as well as better choice they obtain. OK ====== It is an indisputable fact that product assortments sold in supermarkets are overarching which contain all sorts of food, daily use, and so forth. Based on consumer purchasing behaviour, Chernev (2006) in Boyd et al. (2009) demonstrates that their decisions are relative to goods categories which have been interpreted as a hierarchical process. This processRead MoreCore Business Features Defining Ecommerce Capabilities1431 Words  | 6 Pagesoffers clear cost-value benefits for each B2B company precisely because each business has its own goals and marketing strategy and needs customized features to promote those goals. Custom Access Custom access not only allows companies to hide the good stuff but also facilitates offering those same items to preferred customers as soon as they visit the website even on a small-screen mobile device. UX custom access and high functionality empower customers and stakeholders at different levels by facilitatingRead MorePriceline.Com: Changing Business in the New Millennium1093 Words  | 5 Pagesnumber of products at the near of their hands. But the traditional form of marketing is no more suitable for consumer groups. That’s why they want easier to achieve of their needed products in one single place. With the keywords aggregation and convenience, internet has come forward to begin the new millennium of marketing concept. The internet offers almost unlimited shopping possibilities with all desired products of consumers. This enables one from anywhere around the world to get his expectedRead MoreOnline Shopping Research1286 Words  | 6 Pagesthey have time constraint to reach the physical outlet even though it is developing trend it has some limitations in online shopping due to technological limitations ,limitations in availability of goods compare with offline outlets. They are consumer. Sometimes online outlets unable deliver the goods in right time. The colour, size may varies and based upon type of product they may add custom and shipping charges in order to overcome this problem as researcher trying to get some alternate with differentRead MoreGeneral Pricing Approach1085 Words  | 5 Pages4. General Pricing approach. Value based pricing, everyday low pricing (EDLP ) and high-low pricing. Value based pricing Source:http://www.smallbusinessnotes.com/operating/marketing/pricing/valuebased.htmlHow high can a price be before the product or service is priced out of the market?To understand the customer s perception of the value of your product or service, look at more subjective criteria such as customer preferences, product benefits, convenience, product quality, company image andRead MoreMarketing Stacys Pita Chips1750 Words  | 7 Pagesand needs of a target market of customers, and then working to satisfy those customers better than the competition. This involves doing market research on customers, analyzing their needs, and then making strategic decisions about product design, pricing, promotion and distribution or place (Bethel, 2007). Understanding ways to identify the target market is crucial in developing market strategy. This paper is intended to define target marketing and examine a market analysis of Stacy s Pita Chip CompanyRead MoreHistory Of Energy Drink Consumption On Austr alia1632 Words  | 7 Pagesenergy drinks in the market (supermarket, petrol stations, convenience stores). What pricing strategies do businesses use to sell these products? How does it compare with their competition? In a modern market where pricing is competitive and consumers are not loyal to a singular brand, the customer base is not strong and without a consistent effort to maintain them, customers will leave. Effective sales are often based on competitive pricing strategies, and this can be identified in different energyRead MoreMarketing Mix The 4 Ps - MKT 4211113 Words  | 5 Pagesthe product, place, price, or promotion--the manager also provides what Robert Lauterborn says corresponds with the customers four Cs: customer solution, customer cost, convenience, and communication (as cited in Kotler Keller, 2006, p. 20). Product The product the customer wants or needs is not necessarily a physical good; it could be the additional benefits one receives because of a service provided. For example, at Wal-Mart, the door greeter is a service provided to make customers feel appreciatedRead MoreEconomics : The Supply And Demand Curve Essay1441 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction This term paper would discuss Uber’s pricing in term of facing the fundamental concept of economics: the supply and demand curve. Uber is one of the pioneers of ride-sharing and its’ brand name has dominated headlines over the past year alongside mentions of the â€Å"sharing economy†. The Uber’s pricing that would be discussed is their surge price, because this volatile pricing will impact their demand within their limited supply of drivers, and important factor to survive from the competition
Boeing s Principles Of Corporate Governance And Its...
Boeing is the biggest aerospace firm in the world that leads in the production of security and space system, commercial jetliners and defense. The company is among the major US exports, it produces several products used within the US, and others are exported to countries that are allied to the US. Among the products and services, that Boeing offers to its clients include weapons, electronic defense systems, launch systems, communication systems, military aircraft, commercial aircraft, and launch systems, among others. Boeing Company is run by corporate officers, managers, and the employees, all who are under the chief executive officer. More so, there exists a board of directors who main responsible is to review that firm’s principles of†¦show more content†¦Economic Indicators Efforts to address the economic indicators for Boeing will require the use of the Boeing annual results for the whole company. This is because the annual results for Boeing business operations are no available. The economic indicators used by Boeing will refer to the firm’s business annual results for the period between 2011 and 2014. Below is a list of economic indicators employed by Boeing to evaluate the business success and failures: †¢ Inventory turnover ratio- this is a ratio that is used to show the number of times the inventory is tuned into sales during a certain accounting period. It is calculated by dividing the cost of goods sold by the inventory. In Boeing Co., the inventory turnover has been declining since the accounting period ending 2012, 2013 and 2014. The declining in inventory turnover in Boeing could be an implication that the company is overstocking, has inefficiencies in its marketing strategies, or having obsolete products. On the other hand, a high rate of inventory turnover may be an indication that the firm has limited stock. Low inventory turnover is costly for Boeing because it results in increased holding costs (Stock Analysis on Net, 2015). †¢ Receivables turnover ratio-this is an accounting ratio employed in quantifying the ability of a firm to collect debts and to extend credit. The ratio is calculated by dividing the net credit sales by the average accountsShow MoreRelatedCorporate Goverance Practices of Boeing, Honda and Daimler Essay5591 Words  | 23 Pages Group Assignment: Corporate Governance Practices of Boeing, Honda Daimler Melbourne, May 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION Characterised by nation-specific features and different regulatory systems, the use of corporate governance mechanisms varies across different countries in the world.Read MoreThe Impact of the A380 Project on the Financial Performance of EADS16541 Words  | 67 Pagesmonths for all the wrong reasons. This iconic European corporation has undergone a turbulent period due to the problems surrounding the Airbus A380 project. 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However, in 2001, Airbus had more orders than Boeing for the ï ¬ rst time in their competitive history. But, in 2006, Boeing regained its supremacy with 1,044 versus 790 orders for commercialRead MoreSingapore Airlines Case Study on Change4302 Words  | 18 Pagesstandards to its customer. The current pressures of the contemporary business setting necessitate change on its managerial strategies. There are problems and issues in its operations like serving customers with high expectations and competitive pressures including technology innovations, travel cost, and labor issues. This case study looks on the ability of the Airlines to cope up with change. It also looks on the opportunities and challenges of change affecting the whole business functions. By providingRead MoreChange Management Research6716 Words  | 27 Pagespresident of FP. Graham started the company in 1967; it was called Free-Flow Packaging International at the time, which later was changed to FP international. Graham gained his expertise by heading up a company called Safe-T Pacific Company in the 50s, Safe-T pacific was the leading maker or paper straws. Already holding a patent for hollow paper tube packaging, the company looked at making its product from lightweight plastic. In 1968, the company developed a unique, new extrusion process toRead MoreShareholder Value14482 Words  | 58 PagesFrank Milne, Bob Monks, Ted Moorman, Urs Peyer, Caspar Rose, Carolina Salva, Steve Sharpe, Meir Statman, Mich Tvede, Jim Walsh, Dariusz Wojcik, Yin-Hua Yeh, and participants at the 2005 European Financial Management Symposium on European Corporate Governance. We are grateful to Regula Baertschi, Simon Fuhrer, Corina Steiner, and Manuela Strasser for research assistance.  © Petra Joerg, Claudio Loderer, Lukas Roth and Urs Waelchli 2006. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed
Managing Human Resources Top Trucking Company
Questions: 1. How do the new workplace practices introduced by the new yard manager complement one another? 2. What are the risks to sustaining these changes if George or the yard manager moves on? 3. Do you think tough blue collar unions like the Transport Workers Union are more of less likely to engage in workplace changes like these than public or service sector unions? Why? How would you find out if you are right? Answers: Introduction Human resource department of any organization needs to be strong enough so that they are able to handle the employees well during the time of crisis as well as in the normal times (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). If the human resource manager is efficient enough then it will help in prevailing a healthy and peaceful atmosphere at the workplace (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016). The employees will be happy working in the organization and the works will be satisfied in the organization (Storey, 2014). Once the workers will be given a better environment to work, they will be more creative and productive in their work (Purce, 2014). The case study of Top Trucking Company that talks about the Constructive Relations will help in throwing light o the better workplace practices that should be prevalent in an organization. There has been a change in the yard manager and the situation before and after the change will be studied in the report. The report will shed light on the fact that the employees need proper supervision as well as freedom so that they can work freely in the organization. 1. New workplace practices as introduced by the new yard manager The behaviour and actions of the employees that are prevalent in the workplace can be defined as the workplace practice (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 2013). As per Budhwar Debrah, (2013), if the workplace practice is good, the employees will be happy and satisfied in the organization. They would work hard and in turn help in raising the productivity of the organization (Alfes et al., 2013). If there is proper communication among the employees, they will be able to learn well and positive work culture will prevail among the employees (Armstrong Taylor, 2017). The main difference between the new yard manger and the previous yard manager is the way of handling the employees. When on one hand, the previous yard manager was only keen on getting the job done; the new manager is keen on making the employees learn and work together. The new manager has been able to implement a communicative environment in the workplace. As a result, the employees will be able to communicate well among each other and that will in turn help in the building a bond between the employees (Wilton, 2016). To give rise to a healthy workplace practice, the new yard manager has implemented the following practices in the workplace: Workplace risk management The new yard manager knows that he employees will be able to work in a better manner only when they will be given a safe and healthy environment to work in. The person has looked into every possible aspects that will help the employees to work properly. The ventilation has been changed. The workplace is now more airy with better light. A special cell has been created to look after the mental health of the employees. Thus, if any of the employees is not happy with something or someone, they can contact the cell. The issues of the employees will be resolved at once by the organization (Kramar, 2014). Giving autonomy to the employees The employees feel free in the organization once they are given little amount of freedom in the workplace (Marler Fisher, 2013). None of the employees likes to be treated as children (Parboteeah, Seriki Hoegl, 2014). The new yard manager looked after the issue of employee autonomy as well. The employees are no given the autonomy to take decisions while carrying out their work. They are being involved in taking the big decisions in the organization. Even though the final decision is being taken by the yard manager but the employees are always invited to give their opinion. If any of the opinions of the employees sound fruitful then the opinion is being put to use by the manager (Jabbour et al., 2013). Training and development for the employees The problems of the employees in the workplace are always being heard with proper detail (Messersmith Wales, 2013). None of the employees are blamed without knowing the cause of the problems. The new yard manager goes to the root cause of any issue and then takes the call. He do not rely on one person or one incident to decide the cause of the issue. The employees are always empowered by giving them proper training in the organization (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). If the employees need to know anything new that will help them to compete well in the external market, the yard manager takes care of that and makes sure that the employees get the proper knowledge (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016). The new yard manager is always ready for any training and development programs that will help the employees to develop the skills. 2. Risk for sustaining organizational changes The manager of an organization is hugely responsible for handling the employees (Storey, 2014). Even though the employees have their own area of expertise, a manager is needed to supervise whether the employees are working properly in the organization (Purce, 2014). If George or the yard manager moves on then there is chance that Top Trucking Company can face the following risks: Little or no control over the employees The expertise of the workers is not the only thing that helps an organization to perform (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 2013). At times, the ways the employees perform are being hugely dependent on the way they are being handled (Budhwar Debrah, 2013). If the manager moves on then there will be nobody to supervise in the organization. The employees will be confused regarding whom to report, as they will be without a manager (Alfes et al., 2013). It will take time in settling down in the new environment, which will in turn hamper the productivity of the organization (Armstrong Taylor, 2017). Conflict at work Trade union is one such department that helps in maintaining a proper relation between the employees and the managers (Wilton, 2016). At times, the managers might not be able accept the demands of the employees (Marler Fisher, 2013). The trade union comes to play in those situations. It helps in maintaining a harmony the manager and the employees by coming to a balanced bargain (Kramar, 2014). If George moves on, then the issues of the employees will not be resolved as there will be nobody to settle the issues. Once the issues would not be resolved in the organization, the conflict between the employees will keep on rising. Deterioration in the efficiency of the workers A manager is needed in the organization who will be able to keep a check on the performance of the employees (Parboteeah, Seriki Hoegl, 2014). He is the one who decides whether any department or employee needs training. He checks the efficiency level of the employees in the organization along with the efficiency level of the employees of other organizations. If the manger moves on, there will be nobody to supervise the employees and evaluate whether there is any need for training (Jabbour et al., 2013). Eventually, the efficiency of the employees will decrease and they would not be able to perform well (Messersmith Wales, 2013). Increase in turnover of the employees A company without a manager will always call for chaos (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). The employees will not be happy in the organization as there will be no maintenance. They will be unable to develop their skills and hence they will become less competent than the employees of other organizations will (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016). They will seek better opportunities in different organizations, which will result in more turnovers (Storey, 2014). 3.Tough Blue Collar Unions VS Public or Service Sector Unions When the tough blue collars unions and the Public or Service Sector Unions are being compared to each other, it has been seen that the tough blue collars unions are more open to changes (Purce, 2014). As far as the Transport Worker Union of the organization concerned, the appointment the new yard manager have changed a lot in then organization. Hence, it can be said that Blue Collar Unions will be more welcoming to the change as they will be more benefitted. Before the new manager has been appointed, the drivers have been ill-treated. The drivers were being blamed for no reason. As the new yard manager has changed the operation, then issues are now being looked closely. Whenever, there is any issue in the organization, the employees are not being blamed. The change in the yard manger is being is seen to be a good step towards good management and helped in building the Transport Worker Union. They have accepted the change and are now open to more changed in the organizations. It has been seen that in the beginning there has been some arguments between the new yard manager and the members of the union when he has brought the changes. Thus, it can be said to be the those members belonged from the service union who not ready for any kind of change (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 2013). The members from the service union will have to restructure themselves as per the change. The entire organization is becoming better structured and hence, there is a huge need to change as per the need for the change in the organization (Budhwar Debrah, 2013). The change that has been brought by the new yard manager has benefitted the entire organization (Alfes et al., 2013). Hence, it can be said that the blue collar will help in bringing the change in a better manner than the service unions. Conclusion After going through the case study of Top Trucking Company, it can be said that the employees need a manager who will listen to them as well as guide them in every aspect. The old yard manger has always pressurized the employees, the new yard manager along with George will help in bringing the change in the organization. Then employees are given more power and they are given the freedom themselves. The manager of the organization along with George should not move on as it will again result in poor structure of the organization. Finally, the blue collars union should be brought in as they help in brining the changes in a better manner. References Alfes, K., Shantz, A. D., Truss, C., Soane, E. C. (2013). The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model.The international journal of human resource management,24(2), 330-351. Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2017).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Budhwar, P. S., Debrah, Y. A. (Eds.). (2013).Human resource management in developing countries. Routledge. Jabbour, C. J. C., de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. L., Govindan, K., Teixeira, A. A., de Souza Freitas, W. R. (2013). Environmental management and operational performance in automotive companies in Brazil: the role of human resource management and lean manufacturing.Journal of Cleaner Production,47, 129-140. Kramar, R. (2014). Beyond strategic human resource management: is sustainable human resource management the next approach?.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,25(8), 1069-1089. Marler, J. H., Fisher, S. L. (2013). An evidence-based review of e-HRM and strategic human resource management.Human Resource Management Review,23(1), 18-36. Messersmith, J. G., Wales, W. J. (2013). Entrepreneurial orientation and performance in young firms: The role of human resource management.International Small Business Journal,31(2), 115-136. Parboteeah, K. P., Seriki, H. T., Hoegl, M. (2014). Ethnic diversity, corruption and ethical climates in sub-Saharan Africa: Recognizing the significance of human resource management.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,25(7), 979-1001. Purce, J. (2014). The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals),67. Renwick, D. W., Redman, T., Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and research agenda.International Journal of Management Reviews,15(1), 1-14. Sparrow, P., Brewster, C., Chung, C. (2016).Globalizing human resource management. Routledge. Storey, J. (2014).New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals). Routledge. Wilton, N. (2016).An introduction to human resource management. Sage.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Portfolio Relate Management field
Question: Discuss about The portfolio should relate something in Management field? Answer: Introduction Career development is defined as the lifelong process of managing learning, transitions and work leisure. It is determined by evolving the preferred future. Career development provides transition of selecting subjects for assisting educational development. It is seen that the lifelong process shapes a behavioral change on career pattern, success rate, educational attainment and communication process. Career development also involves a creation process on decision-making style, life-role concepts and value expressions. In this study, the learner will assess a critical literature part on employability terms for the current graduates. However, the purpose of the study will choose a career path by assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of the organization (Mc Kee Eraut, 2012). It would be prevalent if the career path determines a self-evaluation process on engaging people on academic culture. On the other hand, employability recognizes the market performance system to create a workin g environment in providing opportunities, personal and professional growth, and interacting on continuous learning process (Porfeli, Ferrari Nota, 2012). Critical literature review regarding employability The traditional idea of employability will create a work perspective by providing the individuals with interaction and commitment. It is observed that a constant change will make employability terms higher by ability of work and ability to ensure the right path for educational system. Moreover, the transitions of employability would make a specific role of creating work through optimal use. Employability can also be prioritized by a measure of experiencing skills and a level of learning. Hence, the main purpose of the topic would evaluate a critical research on the graduate market in 2015. It would also be determined by choosing a career path with the help of career theory (Wright, Jenkins-Guarnieri Murdock, 2012). The annual market shows that the leading employers are recruited in 2014 than their latest recruitment targets of 2015. It is also analyzed that starting salaries offered to the new graduates would depend on the work experiences available to recent graduates and the stude nts. Overview of the graduate employment market To give a brief explanation of the graduate employment market, there is a broad classification of the economic resources on financial market. The graduate jobs have improved the market significantly in 2015 before the recession took place. Thus, this made the finalists and graduates to experience a feeble path on their jobs. However, the predictions analyzed good chances in making the market feasible. It was under the economic headlines that saw an improvement on graduate employment market. It was observed that there were more graduate level jobs in the UK market. Moreover, it was true that skilled employees got various opportunities on business environment and financial services (Ware Millard, 2012). Thus, to bring a frequent change on the influencing factors, there would be a mindset created for long-term economy among the graduates. UK graduate market As opined by (), the independent market company would specialize on the graduate research and the students. It also makes an impact on the graduate recruitment campaigns and understanding the position of the marketing job. The survey provides an insight on the career expectations and aspirations of major individuals associated to colleges and universities. To determine the marketing position of graduate vacancies, the study shows a learning environment showing how employer vacancies have changed from 2005-2015 (Wright, Jenkins-Guarnieri Murdock, 2012). Figure 1: Employers vacancies changed from 2005-2015 (Source: van Dierendonck van der Gaast, 2013) It is observed from the last 11 years that graduate market has made frequent change on recruitment and training session. Nearly, a quarter of graduate vacancies have improved employee perspective from 2008-2009. Additionally, 1000s of new recruits made an expectation for putting annual rise in recruitment position. In January 2014, recruiters expected recruitment position with 8%, whereas during July 2014, the final estimate was more than 12%. Hence, this made the recession high and employers felt a considerable change in striking their key leaders. It will be acceptable if there is an annual increase of graduates (Taylor, 2012). Figure 2: Analysis of graduate vacancies on business position (Source: Sweeney Villarejo, 2013) The above figure shows a considerable area on consulting, armed forces and investment banking which expected to rise around 8.1% for planning purpose. It is also evident that the largest recruiters of graduates were from accounting and professional background in the year 2015. Moreover, investment banks, industrial firms and engineering have combined recruitment targets with 10,000 of graduate positions. Thus, the expected graduates when compared to the final recruitment figures of 2014 was set to increase employment areas on public sector organizations. However, as the data confirmation of most firms increased the number of graduates (Pryor, 2010). Hence, these helped recruiters to make an experience on industrial placements and paid internships. In UK market, the location of graduate experience offered vacancies in London and made a plan to recruit positions on English regions particularly England and Yorkshire. It was seen with a total of 39% and 46% that graduate employers made a n entry level on recruiting opportunities in UK (Prinstein, 2013). The figure below depicts that current graduates of London is 83% whereas the North West and the midlands include around 50%. Moreover, Scotland and Yorkshire includes a percentage of 46% and 43%. Figure 3: Location of graduate vacancies in UK (Source: Porfeli, Ferrari Nota, 2012) The current market place of graduates shows an expectation by expanding the market territory with substantial increase. Recruiters have confirmed that 31% of 2015 would make an entry-level for organizations goodwill. The current market would also be coincided through paid internships, vacation work and industrial placements (Moody, 2012). Hence, to determine the current marketing position of graduates, various factors have been evaluated that are as follows: Promoting graduate programs This examines to publicize graduate opportunities through campus recruitment and making quality applications for promoting programs. It is seen during 2011 and 2013 that graduate recruitments have encouraged the budgets of leading employees through spending programs and taking consistent sessions (McCracken, 2012). Thus, this would improve students perception of the organization. It will also achieve diversity targets through ethnic backgrounds like age, gender, occupation, etc. However, increasing the quality of graduates would make an increasing area for recruitment team and attracting applications for specific graduate vacancies. Promoting programs would also achieve specific social mobility targets through work placements and internships. Market position Graduate recruiters have made a fair treaty by using the recruitment presentations, career fairs, skills training events and other social media. It also makes an advertising campaign under the local careers and sector guides. The market position has also made a strategy that is related to business statistics and management science. It is seen in the entry level of marketing position that graduates has a starting point on their dream career. They have been informed with top professionals like marketing assistant and other marketing managers. Under this provision, the marketing executive produces web content, press release and other promotional events within the organization (Mc Kee Eraut, 2012). The graduates make most of their opportunities to develop the business position in the learning area. However, graduates have an understanding and capacity to learn applications based on market area. In addition, the current market position of graduates have been already discussed with interp ersonal skills, manufacturing agents, and sales engineer. It would be effective if there would be a formal treaty, presented on the business environment for its long run. Moreover, the executives assist the marketing managers to put prices on products and classifying into different categories (Kim Seo, 2014). Thus, there would be a susceptible area on market research and clients positions in business environment. Figure 4: Performance of graduate recruiters (Source: Hwang et al. 2014) Career path informed by career theory The career path is a small group of jobs, which share similar characteristics. A career cluster is a group of careers that share common features. Each career cluster contains several paths formed with a lower-level job in a career path and has education limits. It is observed that career path helps to find the right path when an individual shifts his job to another job. However, career path of graduates is informed with a career development theory. In this study, the learner has taken structural theory of trait and factor. As opined by Hamoda, (2012), this theory has a vocational change that depends on knowledge, ideas and ability to match specifications. This theory has a match that is depended on three factors: An understanding of the individual to evaluate his/her abilities, interests, resources, limitations, aptitudes A requirement needed for conditions of success, advantages, opportunities, compensation, and other prospects in different areas of work. True reasoning needed to match individuals through job traits and close matches related to satisfaction and job success (Finnegan, 2012). Moreover, the learner has developed a theoretical concept on global mindset of people through global career choices. To set this idea, the learner has demonstrated following ways to determine the global mind set of people that are as follows: Developing the relationship skills Learning the language needed for understanding culture and relationship skills Understanding the culture and the market proficiency Knowing the differences on the learning basics Finding a mentor or a trusted partner in the marketplace Figure 5: Career path (Source: Dong Lucas, 2013) Reflective self-assessment In this study, I will make assessment criteria regarding knowledge, skills and abilities of the current graduates. However, my role would be to assess an academic literary context by drawing critical assessments and reflections on strengths and weaknesses on learning area. The idea assessed on the critical role of current graduates would include a series of ideas. My perception would be to engage a learning area that perceives through presentations, essays and problem sets. However, providing a feedback would be beneficial on learning process. Thus, I would conduct a procedure through learning skills and development that will help to make development among the current graduates and other employees. My aerial idea would be observe if students of universities/colleges takes responsibilities for betterment of learning. It could be beneficial if assignments are made for self-evaluation. Self-assessment will also engage the students on their own learning needs. This will provide themselve s with a good outlook towards their academic and personal development. Moreover, I have observed that learning idea enhances ability of the individuals to assess their own work and develop critical thinkers. Thus, the strengths and weaknesses among the current graduates would be determined by answering questions asked through interview. The detailed observation of the current graduates would make a territory if financial results produce good results. It would be justified if I would develop communication among the employees and graduates through presentations, dealing with customers, active listening, meeting participation and others. In my perception, I would work on the communication skill that is evident on reports and correspondence like verbal communication skills manage presentations, dealing with customers, active listening, negotiation, and meeting participation. In order, organizational and planning skills is evident in prioritizing resources like multi-tasking, setting targets, maintaining calendars and schedule and optimal use of available resources. Moreover, the decision-making process would gather necessary information to make a decision process on the pros and cons. On the other hand, the problem solving process would able to identify and analyze problems through the possible outcomes in order to get the best result. However, I would finalize my convention to mentor/coach the current graduates that will facilitate learning. Knowledge will also help to identify what training and learning needs would find an appropriate way in achieving goals of the organization. It would also be feasible if learning interventions would adapt coaching styles for meeting employee needs (Campbell, Pentz Borthwick, 2012). I would also give an overview of the topic to represent the function that works on self-management and self-discipline. Using own resources, abilities and skills would make a progression to achieve goals for the current graduates. In order, self-discipline would control own behavior and prepare to work hard and set targets for difficulty in tasks. I would also handle persistent skills that form a productive area on accepting criticism, maintaining work performance, and overcoming obstacles. However, it would be persuasive for me if dealing with customers observes companys policies and procedures to retain ethics and pressure. Thus, working long hours and tackling challenging tasks would stay positive and maintain high productivity. Therefore, it would be ideal if the graduates use these practical ideas for boosting their confidence. Critical analysis of the tests In this section, I will initialize the tests related to the current graduates in offering a role to them. This is developed through psychometric tests, feedbacks and interviews, and presentations and group exercises. My area of target would be to develop the fact on how seminar activities stimulate the graduates role in teaching and learning area. I would develop activities through different approaches like debate around the room, envoys, writing before anyone talk, Socratic circles, offering questions, and statements to debate. To analyze psychometric tests for graduates and job applicants, the employers need to assess numerical reasoning, diagrammatic reasoning and verbal reasoning tests. Situational judgment tests increases popularity on the initial screening method for the graduate employees (Burns, 2012). In order, psychometric test have a variety of professionally developed tests that have a quality preparation materials. I would evaluate numerical reasoning tests to demonstrat e the graduates ability to deal with the numbers accurately whereas diagrammatic reasoning questions are designed for assessing logical reasoning ability. Giving feedbacks after interviews is an important area where the person sets for providing the right job. Confidence is also an area where the learning process presents through opportunities. Making an easy path would be interactive for the users as they invest most of the time to that. In order, an interview is also an area where questions would be asked through a one-on-one conversation. Interviews are the modern communication technologies that disable communications through videoconferencing, telephonic interviews and spoken conversation. Moreover, presentations and group exercises is a selection area that is utilized through graduate level recruitment and graduate schemes (Baruch, Dany, Pralong Davesne, 2014). The exercises are used for positions required for presenting information such as sales, consultancy, and finance ad management (Baruch, 2013). Theoretical informed detailed personal career plan The career plan is demonstrated by the learning needs among the current graduates, which is organized through a tabular form: Organizational needs Individual needs Major strategic issues Career opportunities o Critical competencies o Shortages o Bench strength o Critical needs o Using the strengths o Addressing development needs o Matching interests and values o Matching personal style Table 1: Detailed personal career plan Portfolio on management Figure 6: Portfolio on management (Source: Baruch, Dany, Pralong Davesne, 2014) The portfolio related to management enhances strategic objectives and business priorities under the learning cycle. However, the application portfolio will be assessed through risks, values and costs. In order, there is a budget planning, which will be funded on directions of the lifecycle that could be optimized for better enhancement. This will also present a investment plan to the individuals on their budget, growth, age, ability and undertaking risks for the graduates. Job role Job title: Company Associate Name of the company: Connect housing Country: Yorkshire, London, UK Job requirements: Masters in B.com, MBA or equivalent to commerce background Having good typing skills Be professional in work and have good attitude Career plan for the next 10 years for graduates Cover letter Application form VARK learning styles This includes visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic. Ideally, this questionnaire helps learning by suggesting strategies that would be useful. Abstract Reasoning This would include sets of ability and aptitude for making a valid reason logically. Abstract reasoning also measures tests for non-verbal activities. Abstract reasoning tests would also assess a part of intelligence testing setup and job assessment. Honey and Mumford learning styles This would include understanding the preferred learning style by seeking various opportunities to learn under a style that would be effective. Here, becoming smarter is also valid if there are procedures for creating increased awareness among people. Type Dynamics Indicator Report (TDI) It has multiple applications based on building teams, change management, career guidance and leadership development. It would provide a flexible area for assessment and exploring personal thinking perspective. Numerical Reasoning It is designed to produce statistical calculations that have selective options. It would be realistic if there would be a full preview of psychometric tests of a selection procedure. Verbal Reasoning It understands the concepts that are framed through words. It also aims to evaluate ability of thinking constructively through vocabulary recognition or with simple fluency. Here, the verbal candidates face assessments that are typically looking for assessing and understanding comprehension skills. Belbin results This behavioral test has perceptions under learning capability and inventory thinking. Here, the assessments include 360-degree feedback to individuals in offering contrasts and behavior. Career development plan Conclusion In this study, the leaner has entertained the learning transitions that evolve for career development in assisting the current graduates under the learning area. It would be effective if self-evaluation engages people on learning opportunities and personal growth. In this research, the learner has assisted a critical literature regarding employability that works on the marketing position of current graduates. In order, the study covers an empirical idea where opportunities offer good position for the graduates. Thus, through a career path, a reflective assessment is created by giving feedbacks and evaluation to the graduates. 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