Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Physical and Chemical Properties Essay
Did you observer any chemical changes in this examine?YesWhat evidence did you use to decide that something was a chemical change? I observed during the application of the hydrochloric acid to some of the substances bubbling, and smokingGive at least two examples of chemical changes you observed. Green changedfrom blue to application of HCL to Mg smoking and bubbling and CuCO3Classify the following properties of sodium metal as corporeal or chemical Silver metallic color natural Turns gray in air Chemical Melts at 98oC Physical Reacts explosively with chlorine gas ChemicalClassify the following changes as physical or chemical Water freezes at 0oC Physical Baking pop music when combined with vinegar produces bubbles Chemical Mothballs gradually disappear at manner temperature Physical Ice cubes in a freezer get slighter with time Physical Baking soda loses mass as it is heat up Chemical Tarnishing of silver ChemicalHow would you show that dissolving table flavour is a physica l change? Because the salt doesnt change to something else, it waistcloth salt. Boil the water and the salt will still be there, non something else.Cleanup Mix the leftover sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid in your beaker. This will neutralize them. Now, pour them down the drain with lots of water. role the small amount of solid chemicals left (if any) in a small plastic bag and put it in the trash. After the burner fuel has only cooled, screw the cap on tightly and store it in your LabPaq.
Parenting and Education During Early Childhood Essay
This paper will discuss various forms of c argivers, p benting meanss, and wee electric s assimilaterhood education. Topics covered argon Evaluate the different types of pargonnting styles and their influence on culture during infancy and archaeozoic barbarianhood. Comp be and contrast at least(prenominal) two different kinds of c begivers and the positive and/or negative impacts on phylogenesis during infancy and early electric razorhood. (ex deoxyadenosine monophosphateles stay at home pargonnt, day handle, grand kick upstairs, and nanny) Discuss how early barbarianhood education has evolved and its impact on cognitive development in early puerility.Parenting style is a psychological construct, strategies that parents use in the development of their child during infancy and early childhood. There are many differing theories and opinions on the best ways to rear children. Many parents create their own style from a combination of factors in the home, parent up packing, and surrounding surround. The parent styles are affected by both parents (if both parents are involved with the child) and the childs temperament other influences include culture, tradition, and parent upbringing.Despite these ch tot exclusivelyyenges in child development, researchers take a shit found links in the midst of parenting styles and how these styles affect children. In the early 1960s psychologist Diana Baumrind dealed a study on 100 pre-school children. sight the different parent involved in the study, it was identified that at that place are four dimensions of parenting. The four parenting styles are The Four Parenting Styles Authoritarian Parenting This type of parenting, children are expected to fol impression strict rules established by the parents.Authoritarian parents crush to excuse the reason behind the set rules. Failure to follow these rules answers in punishment. If the child asks to explain, the parent then replies to a simple answer Because I said s o. These Authoritarian Parents have high demands however are non-responsive to their children. Diana Baumrind labels these parent as obedience and status oriented and expect their orders to obeyed without history. (1991) Authoritative Parenting These parents bid authoritarian parents establish rules and guidelines that are expected to followed by there children.But this style is more(prenominal) than democratic, and parents are responsive to the child(s) and will to listen to the child(s) questions. If the child fails to meet the expectations, the parents are more nurturing, forgiving, rather than punishing. They are assertive and non restrictive and intrusive their disciplinary methods are positive rather than punitive. The parents want their children to be assertive as well as socially responsible, self-regulated, and well cooperative. Diana Baumrind suggests these parents monitor and impart clear standards for their childrens conduct.(1991) Permissive Parenting roughtim es referred to as indulgent parents, they have very a fewer(prenominal) demands from their children. Permissive parents rarely discipline their children, reason creation the parents have low expectations of maturity and self-control. The parents are non-traditional and lenient they do not require advanced behavior and allow considerable self-regulation with confrontation avoidance. Baumrind refers to these parents as generally nurturing and communicatory with their children, often taking the persona of friend rather than parent.(1991) deg time Parent This parent style speaks for itself, parent have very few demands, little to no communication, and low responsiveness. These parents usually fulfill the childs basic needs. They generally detached and in extreme cases reject or neglect the needs of the child or children. The Impact of Parenting Styles The outcomes of the parenting styles differ these styles are produce effects rather than causes that lead to the childs outcome. here(predicate) are near general outcomes from the parenting styles listed above. Authoritarian parenting children may have slight social competence due to the parent or parents telling the child what to do instead of allowing the child to make a choice. In some cases the demands are to forceful and resulted with the child or children to break down, rebel or run away. Authoritative parenting is attentive to their childrens needs and will typically forgive and teach versus punishment for the childs short comings. The result is the children have a higher self-esteem and independence. This is most recommended parenting style by experts. Permissive parenting children tend to more impulsive and may eng period in more misconduct as an adolescent. The children go on to never expose to control their own behavior and always expect to feature their way. As in mitigate cases they child may mature quickly and outlive a very dependent life. Uninvolved parenting children of uninvolved par ents develop a sense that other aspects of the parents life are more important than they are. The child often attempt to provide for themselves, sometimes halt dependence on the parent to have a feeling of independence and mature beyond their years.Child from this environment often withdraw from social situations, this alike impacts there relationships later on in life and they show patterns of truancy and delinquency. examine these outcomes with any accuracy is very difficult, if not impossible, and trying to simply tie in adult or adolescent outcomes to the parenting style used with them without adjusting for a mountain of other factors will produce misleading or false results. near potential causes of these differences include culture, personality, family size, parental background, socioeconomic status, educational level and religion. correspond and Contrast Over the years child education has evolved from the old fashion simple lectures and drill styled lessons of the past. Instead of the one dimensional member of teaching, it is ground nearly not only holding by repetition alone what motivates a child, victimisation different means and medias to teach. By including all the kids and fashioning it engaging and fun for them the kids are not only able to learn the material but to take the next step by using what they had learned. Theorist Piagets stated that children learned by means of a serve up called Concrete operational purpose.In short this is the ability of a child to process experiences in a logical manner by the age of 8. The other big part of his theory revolved around perception. Where as a child of 9 years old lets say distinguishes between different types of bugs a child who is five years see all bug being the similar even if nine happen to be ants and one is a grasshopper. In that younger childs take heed that separation hasnt been made yet. Through all of Piagets experiments they showed that around the age of eight is when this ability is found in children. Piagets mind was that the main way of encyclopaedism forkids was more with a process of discovery. Now on the other side of the spectrum was a theorist named Vygotsky. His thought process was one that children learned through cultural actions, lesson instruction manual and through their own peers. That the lessons passed down through the generations were as important as the instructions during class. Things that were a knowledge base too were just as important. With all these things combined is what bridged the learning gap. Vygotsky also emphasized the importance of surrounding children with what is being taught.Reading a big focus among all ages and the importance for this to be learned is one huge extype Ale of his thought. If a child is surround by family who reads and encourages this to happen by not only telling but also engaging in the activity. In turn the child is more adept to follow in step. So in todays schools the two theories are ho ldd or more combined into one. moment not only is the old fashioned style of repetitious lectures nevertheless partially important. It is also even more so encouraged that kids interact with one another in a fun positive environment led by a teacher.So in this way learning is taking place from many different angles. It is pushed for parents to get involved with their kids by more than just taking them to and from school but to read with them, to practice the math concepts they are taught. Teachers are also encouraged to look at the possible cultural differences and take them into account to develop their lesson plans. So in many ways the teaching of children has changed much from the previous generations. Early childhood Education More responsibilities come along happiness and pride of enough parents.Children depend on their parents and also need their love and protection. Parents also have to decide what type of assist giving they want for their kids. Daycare and homebody are t wo different kinds of care giving parents may deal for their offspring. These are different in many ways, but at the same time they both benefit children. Studies have shown that daycare can be useful and stimulates a childs intellectual and social development. Children get interaction with kids their same or different age and staff at daycares usually is trained in early childhood development.Furthermore these facilities are certified, and offer different types of educational games for children. Childrens experience at the daycare also contributes to their development (Chilman, 1993). That is by acquiring better language and cognitive skills as they grow up. On the other hand, daycare may not be affordable to everyone, since the cost is usually really high. As Chilman (1993), continues to explain in her study the lack of quality affordable child care causes numerous absences from work. She also mentions that daycare may not be purchasable for sick children, children with special needs or infants.Staff members at daycares also have to care for more than one child at a time, therefore children may not get the attention they need enchantment being there. Daycare children might not get to know their parents that well, curiously if the parents have a real busy work schedule. Most parents would like to be their childrens primary caregivers and stay home to care for them. macrocosm a stay-at-home parent brings satisfaction and pride by well-read their child is getting the attention and quality of care needed.The parent gets more time to bond, and witnesses each developmental milestone the child is going through such as, saying the first word, or taking the first step. Some professionals have found out that stay-at-home mothers have been shown to provide better care than working mothers (Shpancer, Melick, Sayre & Spivey, 2006). Even though the parent caring for the child at home can have bouttime and bring out toys, the child still needs to interact with o ther kids their age and socialize with them. The mother or father may not have the special training or use the proper toys for the child to play with.Another disadvantage of this kind of care giving is that the parent has to hold on working in order to care for their child. As Chilman (1993) illustrates on her findings charge drives may be postponed by one or both parents for a short period of child care. This could affect the family financially and emotionally since the parent is not fulfilling his or her career goals. In short, it has been shown that daycare gives the child the probability to socialize with other children, and caregivers, but they also need the attention and nurturing care of their parents. Reference Baumrind, D.(1967). Child-care practices anteceding three patterns of preschool behavior. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 75, 43-88. Baumrind, D. (1991). The influence of parenting style on adolescent competence and substance use. Journal of Early Adolescence, 11(1) , 56-95. Chilman, Catherine S. (1993, July). Parental recitation and Child dole out Trends some Critical Issues and Suggested Policies. Social Work 38(4). Maccoby, E. E. , & Martin, J. A. (1983). Socialization in the context of the family Parentchild interaction. In P. H. Mussen & E. M. Hetherington, Handbook of child psychology Vol.4. Socialization, personality, and social development (4th ed. ). New York Wiley. Maccoby, E. E. (1992). The role of parents in the socialization of children An historical overview. Developmental Psychology, 28, 1006-1017. Au Shpancer, N. , Melick, K. M. , Sayre, P. S. , & Spivey, A. T. (2006, February). flavour of Care Attributions to Employed versus Stay-at-Home Mothers. Early Child Development and Care 176(2). http//psychology. about. com/od/developmentalpsychology/a/parenting-style. htm Parenting Styles, The Four Parenting Styles Pulled from web Feb 1, 2012.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Brain Structures Worksheet
Brain Structures and Functions Worksheet PSY/340 Version 3 1 Brain Structures and Functions Worksheet pull up stakes a brief description for each of the following functions 1. Basal ganglia Controls cognition and movement coordination as well as voluntary movement. It is in like manner a fate of the star striatum and it consists of the subthalamic nucleus and the substantial nigra (About. com, 2012). 2. lead collosum There is a thick band of nerve fibers and these be called the corpus collosum. This is what divides the cerebrum into two hemispheres, a left field and a right.It creates communication in the midst of the left and the right sides by connecting them. It as well transfers labor functions, sensory, and cognitive information between the two hemispheres (About. com, 2012). 3. Temporal lobe The temporal lobe has three general function areas. These are the victor temporal gyrus, the wanting(p) temporal cortex, and the median temporal cortex. The superior temporal gy rus I where our light uponing and verbiage come in. The inferior temporal cortex helps us identify complex visual patterns.The medial temporal cortex is what we rely on for memory (Pinel, 2009). 4. Occipital lobe This is what is employ to help us analyze the visual input which guides our behavior. Without it we may dress differently than what we currently act because we wouldnt see things the same way of life (Pinel, 2009). 5. Frontal lobe Each frontal lobe has two very unique serviceable areas which are the precentral gyrus and the frontal cortex which is right beside it which have motor capabilities. Frontal lobes are also one of the four main regions of the cerebral cortex.This is where all your planning and decision making goes on and how you solve problems (About. com, 2012). 6. Cerebrum Cerebrum content cerebral hemispheres. When comparing the cerebrum to the brain stem it is gon to be much complex and have an adaptive process such as your attainment capabilities, y our perception of things and your motivation towards doing things (Pinel, 2009). 7. Spinal cord The spinal cord feature with the brain is what makes up your central nauseated remains. It is a bundle of nervous tissue and supporting cells that extend from the in weeddescent lamp oblongata.It starts at the occipital rig out and goes down to the area between the first and second lumbar vertebrae (About. com, 2012). 8. Cerebellum The cerebellum is also known as the little brain. It is a large problematic structure on the brain stems dorsal come on and plays an extremely important role in motor control (Pinel, 2009). It is mayhap involved in other cognitive functions such as language and attention. 9. Medulla The medulla oblongata is a portion of the hindbrain that would control the functions we know as breathing, heart and blood vessel, digestion, sneezing, and swallowing.The way that we move and the way the we hear are because neurons from the midbrain and the forebrain traveled through the medulla oblongata. The medulla helps the transference of messages between several areas of the brain and the spinal cord (About. com, 2012). 10. pons Varolii When ascending and descending tracts and part of the reticular formation happen this can cause a bulge or what is also known as a pons. IT is located on the brain stems ventral surface. The pons is one of the major divisions of the Metencephalon and the other is the cerebellum (Pinel, 2009). 11. HippocampusHippocampus is a huge component of the brain of a human. It plays an important role with short- barrier and long term memory and spatial navigation. There are two hippocampus in each human brain and it is closely associated with the cerebral cortex (About. com, 2012). 12. amygdala If you were to look at the temporal lobe of the brain you would find an almond cause mass of a nuclei located very deep. It is a limbic agreement structure and it is what we would know as what makes us cry and what makes us drag mo tivated to exercise. It is also part of the brain that helps you process fear, anger and pastime (About. om, 2012). 13. Pituitary secreter It is a gland that dangles from the ventral surface of the brain. It exerts hormones and its literal meaning is snot gland, how lovely. It is known as the master gland because of how it directs other types of organs and endocrine glands. Those glands would consist of the adrenal glands which in incline can be used to suppress or amp up hormone production (Pinel, 2009). 14. Hypothalamus It is located right below the anterior thalamus and it has a huge role in the regulation of several motivated behaviors.It whole works with the pituitary gland and is able to be connected to the nervous system and to the endocrine system. It synthesizes and secretes certain types of neurohormones. It controls your body temperature, how hungry you are, how thirsty you are, if you are sleepy-eyed or really really tired (Pinel, 2009). 15. Thalamus The thalamus is located under the cerebral cortex in a dual lobed mass of gray matter. It is what is used to have sensory perception and how to regulate your motor functions. It also controls how much you sleep and how much you are awake (About. com, 2012) pic
Feminization of Poverty Essay
Poverty has been going through a feminisation process in the recent decades. The overwhelming majority of those in destitution and those affected by poverty have been women recently. The trend has been set by the thousand of excogitateing women that head a single parent household. These women work and work and still are barely able to support their family. in that location are also other things impacting the feminisation of poverty. One issue that has had a huge impact is the mass incarceration across the country. The men that would otherwise be working to help support a family are in prison, and when they put up out of prison, they either cant film a job or they cant find a send to live. This causes poverty to become even more feminized by taking away(predicate) a large amount of male help, and not allowing the families that are reunited to get welfare.Another issue associated with the feminization of poverty is the simple fact that women get payed less for the same jobs as a earth would. Purely on the basis of their sex, the women are doomed to cook up 77 cents to every mans dollar. In addition to their gender, if a woman is of trick, any color other than white, she will make even less. Hispanics for example can make as low as 72 cents to every mans dollar.With the combination of all of these issues, women are continually held back by regulations and by circumstances that they cant avoid. These are not all of the issues associated with the feminization of poverty, but these are several of the main ones.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Ethics in the Workplace Essay
In 1995 Douglas Durand went to work for whang Pharmaceuticals as vice- chairwoman of gross r nonethelessue. Several months after starting at intercept Pharmaceuticals, Durand was in doubt to find out that the participation was bribing urologists to purchase the new Lupron drug for prostatic cancer. Durand demonstrate the culture at Tap Pharmaceuticals to be in misalignment. In order for Durand to protect his good name, he began to document to each one his findings over a 6 year period and submitting the information to national prosecutors. The financial support that Durand submitted to the federal prosecutors was so overwhelming that it motived Tap Pharmaceuticals to plead guilty to conspiring with doctors and fraud the politics. As ensue of the guilty plead, Tap Pharmaceuticals pay a lurch $875 million dollar fine, which Durand accredited 14% of the narrow downtlement for his efforts to remedy the situation.The symptoms found in the Tap Pharmaceuticals case argo n primarily driven by numbers and monetary rewards. The more than the top sales reps could sale or distri barelye the bigger the monetary reward. Durand tried to institute a more structured environment to aloneeviate remedy some of the illegal practices he encountered. Many of the sales reps at Tap Pharmaceuticals did not accurately surmount the stype Ales of Lupron given out to doctors. Durand offered a year salary to sales reps to help the company keep accurate records of distribution of the drugs offered. It worked until upper worry unopen down the bonus program, furthermore the reps settled back into their old ways. Symptoms of dishonesty, wrong behavior, inadequate record keeping, crooked doctors, and a complete disregard for laws and regulations set forth by the government are derived from the root cause of scummy upper management found at Tap Pharmaceuticals.The root cause and unresolved issues that Durand encountered at Tap Pharmaceuticals are a direct pass of the m onetary driven culture created by then president Yasu Hasegawa and senior(a) management. Durand found that when he tried to implement new policies or practices that Hasegawa and the sales reps were not interested, or he was undermined by senior management. Tap pharmaceuticals ancient sales niche was to bribe and payoff the people who prescribed the drugs offered by purchasing televisions, vacations, and office equipment.The un honest practices are a direct result of a lack of unethical leadership and ethical standards and practices not cosmos in place. Tap Pharmaceuticals did not contain a hose management to help keep practices ethical and meet government requirements because it was thought to be a sales-prevention department. Durand eventu solelyy found himself excluded from marketing and sales meetings and told that he fairish did not understand the culture. The lack of ethical leadership in the company is the root of the problem found at Tap Pharmaceuticals and left in all the issues that Durand found unresolved.Analyze and evaluate alternatives.Decide on the most(prenominal) logical alternative, and bind recomm closureations.When thinking of alternatives, people think of some other options that may consent in order to hold up a different outcome than the reliable outcome. When Durand was offered the position as Vice President of Sales with Tap Pharmaceuticals, he had no idea what he was getting involved with. All he saw was a potential for a promotion in an diligence where he had already served his time and made a name for himself. Durand has a couple alternatives in this ethical situation. He could have kept his emit shut and adhered to Tap Pharmaceuticals policies and procedures and unethical practices. The outcome to this alternative could have proven to be very poor for Durand. If Durand continued to allow Tap Pharmaceuticals to wear business in the sales department as they always had in the past, eventually, the federal government would have caught on to the unethical practices and levied fines against Tap Pharmaceuticals and Mr. Durand.He could have even been prosecuted for the practices he witnessed at Tap Pharmaceuticals. When employees are order to blatantly break the law in order to keep sales up and to give out medicine samples without charging for them, there is a colossal ethical problem. Tap Pharmaceuticals instructed the doctors to charge Medicare for the samples even though they never paid for them in the first place. It seemed as if Tap Pharmaceuticals planned to break every law of the trade in order to make the most coin in the least amount of time. This alternative would not work for Mr. Durand. He had a steady head on his shoulders and would not stand for the unethical practices he had witnessed. But what would he do about the problem? This indecision would later come into play when Mr. Durand was faced with a tough decision.A second alternative Mr. Durand had was to leave Tap Pharmac euticals with a resignation. But a resignation would land him and his family out on the streets. He did not compliments to jeopardize his familys lifestyle and affect the way his children would grow up. by and by all, Mr. Durand did leave a well paying job with a huge medical pharmaceutical company. This alternative would be even worse than staying with Tap Pharmaceuticals and pretending nothing wrong was going on. He had to support his family and to Mr. Durand this was the most historic issue to handle. If Mr. Durand resigned from Tap Pharmaceuticals, he would have to start all over again and work his way back up the embodied ladder as he did 20 years before with Merck & Co.Mr. Durand had very few options or avenues to take in his ethical dilemma. He was virtually stuck between a rock and a hard place. He truly made the perfect decision when he decided to appoint suit against Tap Pharmaceuticals. This was the best possible option he could have used. First, Tap Pharmaceutical s was breaking the law and if they continued to practice unethical business, they could have hurt someone or continued to defraud the United States government and Medicare. Since Mr. Durand was familiar with the practices of the pharmaceutical industry, he had no other choice but to blow the whistle on Tap Pharmaceuticals. bump Pharmaceuticals, a physician, and 7 employees of TAP Pharmaceuticals were charged and indicted for bribing physicians with kickbacks to use the drug Lupron. The federal grand control panel in like manner found them guilty of Medicare fraud, and violation of the Prescription Drug merchandise Act. PSA-Rising (2001) states,The seven individuals charged in the indictment unsealed today areAlan Mackenzie age 49, of 27068 Wellington Court, Barrington, Illinois, andformerly Vice President of Sales for TAP, Janice Swirski, age 40, of 6 BellinghamDrive, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, and formerly a National Account Manager with TAP,Henry avant-garde Mourick, age 43 , of 23 Golfwood Court, Roseville, California, andcurrently a territory Manager busy by TAP, Donna Tom, age 37, of 141 East 56thStreet, New York, New York, and formerly a District Manager employed by TAP,Kimberlee Chase, age 35, of 108 Dedham Street, Dover, Massachusetts, and formerly aDistrict Manager employed by TAP, David Guido, age 30, of 131 New London Road,Colchester, Connecticut, and currently a infirmary Account Executive employed by TAP, DR.John Romano, age 48, of cx Long Pond Road, Plymouth, Massachusetts, an urologistwith a practice in Plymouth, Massachusetts.Four other physicians were indicted before the above indictment. TAP Pharmaceuticals bribed urologists to use the drug Lupron by expectant them big screen televisions, golf vacations, and free sample of Lupron. The sales representatives also gave the physicians free samples of Lupron and told the physicians to bill Medicare for full price.Durand tried to alter different aspects of how Tap Pharmaceuticals was run, but all to no avail. Whenever he utilise a new structural diverge, the employees would try it for a short season and return to the way they had done things in the past. Accurate bookkeeping was a logical idea to correct into action. This would tell exactly how much each rep gave out to doctors and pharmacies as samples for them to try out. The old way never showed how much they were paid for each sample given because there was no way to know how galore(postnominal) had been given out. Whenever new ideas are put into effect, it still takes people to uphold these new rules and regulations. When Yasu Hasegawa failed to show any material body of business ethics, why would any of his employees? A good leader leave behind lead by example. When people follow someone he/she pauperism to emulate his/her actions, not just his/her words. By having a person with undersized moral fiber lead the company, it allowed some that might have been on the fence about the situation to fall to the same side.Durands ethnic modify effort failed because senior management and older sales reps refused to change the company for the better. They had been doing things their way for in addition long and the payoff incentive was too great. The shady business practices were much easier than trying to keep records of exactly how many samples were given out and who all had been bought. When the president of the company would not even change his ways on how he dealt with his business, how could his employees be expected to change as well?In a business that deals with healthcare, the most important aspect should always be the patients. Since nobody truly cared about them and all the employees concerns were with lining their own pockets, the business ended up being sued for preferably a large amount of money. The only way for Durands changes to succeed, would be if there were a total overhaul of management. The company would need to essentially start over in order to weed out all the bad eggs. That would take a great deal of time, not to cite a great deal of money. Even though Durand became a whistleblower on Tap Pharmaceuticals and the company was fined, there are sure to be employees who were guilty but not indicted.In TAP Pharmaceuticals there was an bearing of a misalignment of culture. The profit driven only environment provided no ethical leadership. Upper management including the CEO, who set the tone of weak unethical leadership, held no interest in change. TAP had no formal cultural system. The do-nothing line was the only factor and how profits were obtained was of little concern. When Durand attempted to make arrogant changes to the system through a Reward System, upper management put a stop to it even tough it was working and designate him a trouble maker. TAP was not interested in positive ethical change. The gifts to urologists and doctors TAP pharmaceuticals participated in set an unethical culture.ConclusionIn the end Tap received one of the largest fines in the pharmaceutical industry and the job of construct its image and reorganizing its business practices. Seven of its senior management team received heavy financial and judicial penalties for their part in the Lupron scandal. Douglas Durand in the end had to start over in a new less mercantile position, furthermore he did receive a large settlement from the federal government under the Whistle-Blowers Act and currently retired and living in Florida.ReferencesBarrett, A. (2002, June 24). A Whistle-Blower Rocks an Industry. Business Week. RetrievedJune 19, 2007, fromhttp//, K., & Trevino, L. (2004). Managing business ethics square talk about how to do itright (3rd ed.) . New York Wiley.PSA Rising (October 3, 2001). TAP Pharmaceuticals Products Inc. and Seven Others ChargedWith Health Care Crimes Company Agrees to Pay $875 Million to influence Charges. RetrievedJune 22, 2007 from http//www.psa-
Sexual Curiosity
Sexual Curiosity Taken from Growing Concerns &8212 A p arenting question-and-answer column with Dr. Martha Erickson Question Ive recently started doing peasant care in my theatre for several young children and Ive observed some inner curiosity that Im non quite sure what to make of. Can you provide some guidelines nearly what is normal for young children and any problem signs that I ought to be alert of? Answer Sexual curiosity is a natural phenomenon in children of all(prenominal) ages, but it does demand a careful response so that children increase a sound respect for themselves and others.In general, this is what you might expect for children from infancy through the early school years. Birth to 2 years Babies look for their bodies with their hands, with no shame or energizeual meaning attached to the behaviour. In little boys, erections are a natural reflex, especially during diapering. Preschool years tender preschoolers are openly curiousasking, looking, touching. They figure out, Im a girl, youre a boy, and oppugn around the similarities and differences.As they begin to discover the shock value with adults, they may use sex words and bathroom humor, a good deal with little or no understanding of the meaning. It is not unusual for preschoolers to use masturbation for self-comfort when they are alone. Elementary school years As versedity takes on refreshing meaning, elementary aged children become more secretive about geographic expedition (playing doctor with a friend, for example) and gradually become more modest about their bodies. They are curious about romantic and intimate fantasies, but often are vague or confused about details.Although it is normal and healthy to express an interest in sexual things, there are red flags that caregivers should be aware of Preoccupation with sexual things (e. g. , the child cant detectm to vacate talking about sexual things). Acting out sexual behavior that involves force or violence. These beha viors suggest the possibility that the child either has been sexually abused or has witnessed explicit sexual behavior or sexual violence at home or elsewhere. Even seeing media images of sex can be very disturbing to children.And when children act out what they see in films or TV, it can set up a austere domino effect on other children. As with all aspects of child rearing, it is important that you work in partnership with the parents of children in your care. With regard to sexual curiosity, you and the parents would do well to agree on clear limits about the sexual language and behavior that are acceptable, monitor and regulate the childrens exposure to out or keeping(p) television programs and give clear messages about respectful, loving sexuality.And if you suspect that a child in your care has a problem, talk with the parents right aside so that they can seek advice from their pediatrician or other professional. Editors pedigree Dr. Martha Farrell Erickson, director of the University of manganeses Children, Youth and Family Consortium, invites your questions on child rearing for possible comprehension in this column. You may fax them to (612) 624-6369 or send them to Growing Concerns, University of Minnesota News Service, 6 Morrill Hall, 100 Church St. S. E. , Minneapolis, MN 55455.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Proposal Essay – Organ Selling
While walking d avouch a city street, alarming cries for help ring push through through the air, and it is observed that an mortal that appears to be living well has a helpless, poor victim held down, relentlessly beating them to the ground and taking what little they have left for their own advantage and benefit. What would be the right thing to do run off or try to help, either by stepping in or art the proper authorities? The mor eithery ethical thing to do would be to help and do what has to be done to stand up for what is right.This comparable general scenario is happening not too far from this country, where electric organ brokers atomic number 18 victimizing innocent and poverty-stricken mothers and fathers trying to find a dash to proffer and get pop of debt, by either forcing or deceiving them to give up an organ or cheating them whether formally or informally, after they concord to sell, by either not paying them for their organ at all or only paying a fraction of the promised price (Glaser, S.,2005).But the commission that nobody tries to help is the alike as walking by that same victim that is being beaten on the street. These poor victimized sellers that be turning to that option, unfortunately are completely ignorant to and unschoold on the process, certain variety meat in their bodies, or any of the functions or splendor of those organs which leaves them wide open to exploitation.Therefore, my proposal is to find a way to stop these horrible things from happening to the electric potential and desperate sellers, by educating them, expectant them other means that help both those who are nameking monetary gain by selling, and those who desperately are seeking an organ to survive, and eliminating them from the dull market organ brokers manipulation and exploitative grasp. It is respectfully understood that the existence Health Organization (WHO) is strongly against any payment for any suit of organ donation for a number of mo ral, ethical, and medical reasons (Denneman, L., Mol, M. 2009).For instance, as utter in the WHOs Guiding Principles on Human Organ graftingation (1991), organ trafficking violates fundamental human rights, such as rights to life, liberty, security in person and freedom from cruel and inhumane treatment(Glaser, S. 2005). Further more, it may be a risk to the earthly concern in addition to being a crime that, in this particular case, proves to be a conspicuously sickish violation of human rights, because the forcing and misleading of whateverone into selling their body separate violates their personal independence (Glaser, S.2005).Moreover, risklessty standards in these areas are severely undermined imputable to the lack of resources, weak medical regulatory foundation, and corruption at that placefore, if there were to be a legalized method of organ buying and selling, the regulatory structures and corpse would be ineffectively executed (Denneman, L. , Mol, M. 2009). So, on e can empathetically concur with the WHOs decision to stand firm on the banning.Anthropologist, Monir Moniruzzaman, found 33 sellers who went to organ brokers to sell their kidneys, not correct knowing what the word kidney meant nor what its purpose and functions in the body were, and were talked into doing it because of the misleading, false information they have of their sleeping kidney and the 100% safe procedure that had no risks and would cause no long-term harm or damage to them then were promised over two thirds more than they actually received (Moniruzzaman, M.2012).These people, who lived on only $2 per day to provide for a family and lived in the worst imaginable impoverished conditions, some in a go space located under someone elses house (Bienstock, R. E. 2013). They see thousands of luring ads in local newspapers, promising them the world, and out of fear, hope, and desperation reach out to the organ brokers and get sucked into go for and at times physically coerce to donate (Parry, W. 2012).If there were a strictly regulated legal system with fixed prices that these desperately poverty-stricken people can go to enquire questions, get true, accurate answers and information, and completely and independently decide to sell. This may be the solution to wipe out these brokers of the black market because if they have no one to prey on they will not have a choice but to find other means of income besides taking a large portion of the sellers payments for hidden fees (Resnick, B.2012).Since the WHO is not, in any way, sack to lift the ban, and one of the most efficient ways to increase the put out of available organs for the thousands of people on organ waiting lists is to mother some form of donation and selling legal, other options must be sought-after. By combining two opposingview tears it is possible for a all new approach to this rapidly growing problem to transpire, for there may be more agreeable aspects than what meets the eye. Though there are areas of disagreement, it is agree upon that exploiting the poor and manipulating and/or forcing them to sell their organs at the expense of their wellness physically and psychologically, and social stance as well as the sellers families also.Instead of termination against beliefs of any party by lifting the ban or just dissembling that this does not occur on a daily basis or ignore it entirely, not trying to help, it may be possible to educate these poor and desperate people, crack down on busting these organ brokers, and even getting the doctors involved in the protection and prevention of the innocent victims that this pitiful system continues to claim. The ethical and moral urgency to protect these peoples rights, freedom, health, and autonomy is equally important, so it should be the main(prenominal) focal point for a new elimination program.This could consist of passing and strictly and gratingly enforcing police forces against such crimes related to illegal t rafficking, and in the process organize public education campaigns to get the proper and accurate information out to the victims and potential sellers so these brokers that do not get caught are unable to bunco and force them to sell out of ignorance (Glaser, S. 2005). These awareness programs and information centers could then, in turn, create some jobs and give those living in drastic poverty some form of income.These developments will require total cooperation and collaboration from both he3alth officials and law enforcement officials equally (Halstead, B. , Wilson, P. 1991). One way would be to pass the law majestic mandatory reporting requirements for doctors who suspect that the organs were obtained employ the black market. Currently, transplant doctors work on a dont ask, dont tell regimen, which is fueling the brokers to continue luring in more sellers.Since it is the brokers who are the main culprits, it should be them, not doctors, that are pursued, convicted, and be g iven a more severe punishment (Glaser, S. 2005). In addition to stopping the organ brokers there are a number of other methods that can be carried out to develop an increasing supply of organs, such as promoting consent to stiff donations upon death, altruistic donations, biotechnology, and/or using tissues and stem cells from aborted fetuses to create the needed organs (Holstead, B. , Wilson,P. 1991).There are a number of options presented and if it is not possible to legalize the sales agreement of organs, completely dissipate the black market, or stop people from using the black market out of desperation for either money or the needed organ, then the way the people are misinformed, uneducated, and exploited, blindly consenting by way of violence and/or manipulation needs to be promptly addressed by carefully and thoughtfully considering getting the knowledge, law enforcement, strict punishments, and health officials help out and start standing up for the innocent victims.Just a s one would help if he saw a victim lying in front of him, beaten and bloody in the street, it would be imperative and morally right to lend a support hand.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Agenda Setting Theory – Introduction
Introduction docket lay speculation is initiatory developed by Professor Maxwell McCombsandProfessor Donald Shawin their chapel Hill landing fieldin 1968. The order of business panorama supposition is wear break finished into three parts which is media docket, macrocosm agenda and indemnity agenda. schedule raftting opening is defined as the power of intelligence agency media whitherby mass media order an agenda which pass on modulates the e actuallyday which is called as humanity agenda by highlighting the unwrap frequently in media. consequently the main consummation of media in agenda scenery is telling slew non what to estimate, alone what to think of.The indemnity agenda is the issues that policy makers consider important after the humanity start to make campaign or petition to figure protest against the organizations. jam Communication plays an important role in our bon ton its purpose is to inform the public near current and past events. Mas s communication is defined in Mass Media, Mass Culture as the offshoot whereby professional communicators use technological devices to sh atomic number 18 messages over striking distances to influence oversized audiences.Within this process the media, which squeeze out be a discussionpaper, a book and television, studys control of the culture we see or hear. The media then uses doorway keepingand agenda background signal to control our access to news, information, andentertainment (Wilson 14). approach keeping is a series of checkpointsthat the news has to go through ahead it gets to the public. Through this process many tribe bugger off todecide whetheror not the newsis to be seen or heard. Some aditkeepers might admit reporters, writers, andeditors. After gate keeping comesagenda setting. Elaboration of the TheoryThe Agenda-Setting Theory says the media (mainly the news media) atomic number 18nt always successful at telling us what to think, exactly they be quite successful at telling us what to think around. The power of news media is to set a nations agenda, to rivet public attention on a few key public issues, is an immense and well-documented influence. For example, newspapers provide a host of cues approximately the salience of the topics in daily news. They will lead allegory on graduation page, large headlines and etc. Besides that, television in any case consider as a mass communication tool.Television offers numerous cues almost salience too. Their opening story is on newscast, length of time devoted to the story and etc. As said by Walter Lippmann, Agenda-Setting Theory is the piece outside & the pictures in our heads. The news media are a primary source of those pictures in our heads almost the larger world of public affairs, a world that for most citizens is out of reach, out of sight, out of mind. Agenda setting is divided into two levels where the first level stress on common subject that media thinks the subject is important.The certify level decides which part of the subject is important. or so(prenominal) level leads to the concept of agenda setting where the concept is divided into three parts. The first part of the process is the importance of the issues that are button to be discussed in the media. Second, the issues discussed in the media have an impact over the way the public thinks, this is referred as public agenda. at long last the public agenda influences the policy agenda. Further much, the media agenda affects the public agenda, and the public agenda affects the policy agenda.the great unwashed would attend altogether to news and views that didnt threaten their open up beliefs. Agenda-setting will reconfirms the power of the press while still maintaining that individuals were free to choose. The agenda-setting scarper is a 3 part-process. Firstly, media agenda is the issues discussed in the media. Secondly, public agenda meaning issues discussed and privately relevant to public. Lastly, policy agenda is the issues that policy makers consider important. Media agenda and public agenda are close to each opposite. Media agenda is the set of issue addressed by media sources.It is a composite index of media extrusion reveled the importance of foreign policy, law and order, fiscal policy, public welfare and polite rights. While public agenda are issues the public consider important. It is the class of the five issues was identical to the media agenda. The key concept and terms are agenda setting, salience transpose, gatekeeping, shut in, priming and determinants of agenda-setting effects. Agenda setting is giving priorities to alternative policy issues plainly in the early communications studies, sh make a mixture just about the ability to influence public opinion on the given issue.Salience transfer refers to the capacity of the media to influence the relative importance individuals attached to the policy. Next is gate keeping is a process tha t control the media capability. Framing is the importance and explanation of people attach to potential items on the public agenda are strongly influenced by how the media innovate news stories. Priming happen when framing centers on legatoal loading of the presentation of news, it can be advised and not conscious. Priming basically mean draw attention to sealed issue even in a neutral manner. Last but not least is the determinant of agenda-setting effects.Media credibility or to a fault cognize as media reliance are found that the determinant is weaker than the media impression and media exposure are much important than media credibility in relation to presidential state of the union addresses. Application of the Theory In Malaysia, one of the trip studies was to examine the Malay language newspapers media agenda during the prevalent election. (Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, UPM) The study was conducted to examine the use of the Barisan Nasional (BN) manifesto as the media agenda d uring the full common election for the year 1982, 1986, 1990, 1995 and 1999.A model for the study was constructed based on the Agenda Setting Theory. A content analysis was conducted on 50 issues of Utusan Malaysia (UM) and Berita Harian (BH). passim the studies, it was found that on that point were 11 major themes frequently employ in the BN manifesto namely politics, foreign policy, development, economy, social education, security, religion, workers welfare, agriculture and the attribute of life. above were the main themes in the news during the common election for the year of study.The content analysis also found that at that place were 4461 news with the BN manifesto shown in 11 major news themes with politics in the lead and the quality of life ending the list. It also showed that the BN manifesto was mainly covered in various sections such as the Local News, Foreign News, Special Column, master(prenominal) Column, Editorial, Advertisement, Economy, Asean, Forum, Arti cles and others. While the coverage on News, Articles, Photographs, Editorial, Letter to the Editor, Cartoon, Columnist and Comments also showed the present of BN manifesto.There was also a small difference betwixt the two newspapers in terms of its news coverage on the BN manifesto during the general election. The study clearly showed that the media agenda of the two mainstream newspapers in the country was framed by the content of the BN manifesto during the duration of the general election for the year 1982, 1986, 1990, 1995 and 1999 and thus, change the Agenda Setting Theory. The media institution and politic institution are nearly linked to each other and are hardly being separated. Both the institutions are interdependent on each other.In Malaysia, we are practicing the democracy system, thus, media are an important instrument to achieve the democracy level Media play a role in influencing the public in deciding their votes during a general election, either to vote for the peculiar(prenominal) individual or the party. Besides, media also take control in the politic process as mentioned earlier in the Agenda Setting Theory. In a democratic country manage Malaysia, the process in politics often involve media as a tool to spread the news on certain parties issues and frame some of the suggestions or views on certain parties or individuals.In order to achieve a country that is practicing democratic system, the general elections were often used as a measurement tool in testing the level of support among the voters toward a specific party. Personal experience & interpersonal communication among elites and other individuals So, the process of general election in Malaysia is a very of the essence(p) component in a democratic way. There were 12 general elections being held so far in Malaysia which were in the year 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1978, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1995, 1999 and 2004.Also, in that location were 6 peak Ministers that have involved themselv es in became the main politic communicators in every general election that have been done. Every Prime Minister has their own plans in collaboration with the media to enhance their communication through media, and utilized it in a proper ways. Gatekeepers influential media & spectacular news & events Policy Agenda Public Agenda Media Agenda Real world indications of the importance of an agenda, issue or event recruit 1 Three Main Components in Agenda Setting ProcessIn policy-making communication, media is one of the aspects to be deal with. Others include media agenda, public agenda and policy agenda. All these three main components form a process (Agenda Setting Process) by which a complete political communication is carried out where the media were used to disseminate the messages or information to mass audiences. This process is involved in the Agenda Setting Process and has TWO levels The media agenda affects the public agenda, and the public agenda affects the policy a genda.The communication using media has done by the politicians to inconvenience their views and news or in this case, the manifesto of Barisan Nasional in Utusan Melaysia and Barita Harian in the media agenda. However, there are existence of gatekeepers that may influence the news and events to be published. In the case studies on BN manifesto, the gatekeepers here would be the editor and the owner of Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian newspapers publishers.The purposes of having gatekeepers here is to avoid harmful, negative, sensitive or religious issues being discussed which may ready misunderstanding within the nation According to the research, Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian used media agenda to influence the public, and this has brought the issue to a broader step which is the public agenda, where the public start discussing about the issue. In the case studies, there are some similarities in the manifesto of Barisan Nasional.During the general election, extensive media co verage on the political issues of BN were published endlessly especially in the front page of the newspapers being analyzed Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian. Those issues are similar to the manifesto of BN. Therefore, the public can gain most of the information about BN from the newspaper than the other party. After the public has start discussing about the issue, which is the involvement of BNs manifesto in both the newspapers being mentioned, there were some activists who tried to support or banned the manifesto.The real world indicator will decide the importance of the agenda itself. Then, through the personal experiences and interpersonal communications among the elites and other individuals, there might be changes in the policy agenda. Finally, the policy agenda causes the media agenda to publish about the news and information all over again. The Agenda Setting Process will be repeated. &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212- Strength s and Weakness of the Theory We found that agenda setting theory has three strengths. First, agenda setting theory has explanatory power.Because this theory explains why most of the people prioritize the similar issues as important. Therefore, most of the people will discuss the same issues at the same time. They will also concentrate discuss the issues because they think that the issues are affecting them. Second, this theory also has predictive power as it predicts that if people are exposed to the same media, they will feel the same issues as important. For example, if one issue be the headline of all the newspapers for one week, people will feel that this issue is very important and it will affect their life.Further more than, this theory has organizing power because it helps ready existing knowledge of media effects. There are also weaknesses, such as media users may not be as ideal as the theory assumes. People may not be well-informed, deeply engaged in public affairs, thou ghtful and skeptical. Media just tell them what to think about the issues. People just know the appearance of the issues and not deeply engage in the issues. They will also think that are the issues reported correct or the media have hide something bad that they do not know about the issues.So, some of the people do not trust what the media have said. Instead, people may pay only casual and intermittent attention to public affairs and remain ignorant of the details. For people who have made up their minds, the effect is weakened. News media cannot create or conceal problems they may only alter the assuredness, priorities and salience people attached to a set of problems. search has largely been inconclusive in establishing a casual relationship between public salience and media coverage. Suggestions to Improve on the TheoryFor communication theory to be adopted by researchers and remain vi able-bodied, it must be able to plump and grow through its ability to adapt to changing env ironments, encourage still research, and serve as a foundation for studies beyond those in which the founders primarily applied their theory. According to McCombs and Shaw (1972) the result of their study shows that fewer voters knew about specific issues. While they found out that media were often effective in rearing awareness of issues with undecided voters.They also found that issues presented by media that were new to audiences were mitigate received by the public than issues with which the public was already familiar. The key mover to the ability of media to have an agenda-setting effect upon their audiences depends on the desire of the viewers to get under ones skin informed about the issues. For example, when the voters wants to know more about their ideal establishment leaders the public have to search for more information about the leaders and the party as the desired for them to become informed on the issues instills a strong motivation factors for the publics.Alth ough the theory may bet to be acceptable but the theory still have its own weaknesses and endureure which are visible and need to be im turn up. For example, while the obligate concentrate on the presentation of the issues during the election campaigns, the willingness of voters to listen to issues presented by the media, they fail to examine the degree to which mass media is able to raise issues and attract information-seeking audiences on its own but they fail to examine the degree of how the mass media is able to heightened public interest of political issues during election seasons to perform an agenda-setting function.Besides that, the media agenda in agenda-setting theory have their own limitations, as media may not be as ideal as the theory assumes. The information from the media may not deliver appropriately, deeply engaged in public affairs, thoughtful and skeptical. Therefore to improve the theory effectiveness of the theory, the media should increase the understanding of the issues by inform a more detail information about the election with tolerant range of information.In addition, the media can also carry out a reexamine to understand better the level of absorption information of the readers, listeners and viewers. The media should also aware of the public acceptance and understanding of the issues as the agenda-setting theory has its own limitations in dispersing the news. Conclusion In conclusion, the Agenda Setting Theory is a very important practice in media industry especially in a democratic country like Malaysia. The media collaborate with government to control what to be think and discussed among the public.The purpose is to shape their perception over certain issues. It can be from a political issue to welfare issue. This theory proved that whatever issue has been discussed shape the importance of that specific issue and occupy to the discussion in the public as in the public agenda. If the public or majorities think that there are some dissatisfactions or objections going on, there will be changes in the policy agenda. Thus, agenda setting is a very important tool in media even though there are still some weaknesses in this practice.So, the media should take in to account to improve their practice by injecting more information not only to a specific area but make it more widely than today in order for the public to have more knowledge about our nation and this may create a more critical thinking nation. References Agenda-Setting Theory Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw(n. d. ). Retrieved July 30, 2010, from http//www. ninosoriadeveyra. com/uploads/3/0/1/1/3011660/agenda-setting_ justine_kate_gian. ppt. Agenda-Setting Theory Presentation paper & abstracts (n. . ). Retrieved July 30, 2010, from http//realhomepages. com/wecapps/agenda%20setting. htm Agenda-Setting Theory Strengths and weaknesses of theory (n. d. ). Retrieved July 30, 2010, from http//www. servinghistory. com/topics/Agenda-setting_theorysubStr engths_And_ Weaknesses_Of_Theory Garson, G. D. (2006). Agenda setting theory. Retrieved July 30, 2010, from http//faculty. chass. ncsu. edu/garson/PA765/agendasetting. htm Media Tenor Innovatio Agenda setting theory (n. d. ).Retrieved July 30, 2010, from http// www. agendasetting. com/res_theory. php M. Sanchez Spring 2002. (2002). Retrieved July 30, 2010, from http//zimmer. csufresno. edu/ johnca/spch100/7-4-agenda. htm Spring 2001 theory workbook. (2001). Retrieved July 30, 2010, from http//www. uky. edu/ drlane/capstone/mass/agenda. htm The Agenda-Setting billet of the Mass Media in the Shaping of Public Opinion (n. d. ). Retrieved July 30, 2010 from http//www. infoamerica. org/documentos_pdf/mccombs01. pdf
Friday, January 25, 2019
Aztecs, Incas, and Toltecs
The Americas on the Eve of Invasion I. conception A. By 1500, Americas densely populated by Indians misnomer Columbus/Indies 1. Term has meaning tho when utilise to apply to non-Indians B. Mesoamerica and Andean heartland 1. Imperial disk operating systems in place when atomic numerate 63 arrives 2. Few atomic number 18as influenced by two main piths 3. Areas that developed independently II. Postclassic Mesoamerica A. Introduction 1. Toltecs/Aztecs replace Mayas of 8th coulomb CE a. By 15th century Aztecs created extensive empire war, trust, agrarian 2. Downfall of Mayans Teotihuacan a. Nomads from North come shore . Toltec Culture 968 established capital Tula 1. Sedentary/agrarian peoples with militaristic ethical code 2. Cult of sacrifice/war 3. Aztecs saw Toltecs as givers of civilizationB. The Toltec Heritage 1. attracter Topilitzin followed Quetzalcoatl feathered serpent 2. Empire spread over often of rudimentary Mexico 3. 1000 Conquered Chichen Itza Mayans u nder wangle of Toltecs 4. Toltec influence northward a. Trade aquamarine with American Southwest b. How far to Mississippi/Ohio debatable evidence 1. Stepped temples monks Mound 2. Ritual sacrifice 3. pottery 4. Social hearty stratification . Large city Cahokia could handle 30,000 people C. The Aztec Rise to authority double birdie with serpent on cactus 1. Geography aquatic environment chinampas a. Aztecs/Mexicas won arrest of lake b. Nomadic tribes or agri frenzyural culture 2. Political structure centralized city with tri exceptary city-states 3. Military tough warriors/fanatic followers of religion 4. 1428 emerged as independent force D. The Aztec Social Contract 1. Subject peoples a. catch up with testimonial, surrender lands, legions service b. King civil power/ immortal on earth 2. Stratified society a. Histories rewritten 3.Human sacrifice cult of military class supplying war captives as sacrifices E. Religion and the Ideology of triumph 1. Incorporated features from past Mesoamerican religions a. Little distinction between orb of idols and natural world b. Deities fire, rain, water, corn, sky, sun pantheon 1. Gods of fertility/agriculture 2. Creator deities 3. state of war and sacrifice c. Female form for all gods 2. Yearly festivals/ceremonies a. Expansive schedule 3. Sacrifice to energize the sun god needed nourishment of humanity furrow a. Types and frequency/degree changed with Aztecs borrowed from Toltec . religious conviction vs. political control 4. Religious questions after animation, good life, do gods exist 5. machination has flowers/birds/song and blood F. Tenochtitlan The Foundation of Heaven 1. Metropois central zone of palaces/whitewashed temples 2. Adobe brick residential districts 3. Larger houses for nobility 4. Zoos, gardens for king 5. Geographically connected to island by quartet causeways 6. Calpulli ruled neighborhoods G. Feeding the People The Economy of the Empire 1. Mass commonwealth neede d to be fed a. protective cover b. Irrigated agriculture chinampas floating islands 1. 20,000 nation 2.High crop yields 4 times a year corn/ gamboge 2. Trade a. Regular intervals to market b. Barter or cacao beans/amber for currency c. Pochteca presbyopic distance interchange 3. State controlled distri andion of tribute a. Primarily redistributed to nobility III. Aztec Society in Transition A. sidetrack Social Gulf 1. Life base on calpulli (neighborhood) groups a. Governed by council of family heads 2. nobleness came from heads of calpullis 3. Military leaders based on success in victorious captives a. Ritual warfare uniforms 4. As society grew, widening well-disposed discrimination no recollectiveer egalitarian (hmmmwhere have I seen this pattern in the beginning? a. Scribes, artisans, healers between peasants and nobility 5. onlycompetition not between social classes, but between corporate groups B. Overcoming Technological Constraints 1. Role of women relativel y equal, but subordinate to men a. Peasant women fields, child-rearing b. Revered as weavers c. Polygamy among nobility, monogamy among curt d. Could inherit property 2. Limits of technology a. Women six hours a day excoriation corn/maize 1. Couldnt be freed from 30-40 hours of preparing food 3. Controlled vast number of people amazingly 1. 5 million to 25 million C.A Tribute Empire 1. Most power in hands of Aztec ruler and gaffer advisor a. elected from best siblings of royal family 2. As time passed, religious rite sacrifice/military dominated all elements of life 3. City-states as long as they made tribute they could have autonomy 4. Weaknesses a. Rise of nobles modify dynamics b. Society based on system of terror 5. By 1500, Aztec society was in the down, military period height far front IV. Twantinsuyu World of the Incas A. Inca Empire Twantinsuyu highly centralized 1. Integrated various social groups 2. Irrigated agriculture 3.Incorporated elements of previous ci vilizations agriculture/religion/metallurgy 4. Introduction a. Genius for state organization/bureaucratic control b. When central authority broke down, regional leaders took over i. war between rival chiefdoms B. The Inca Rise to Power 1. Inca ruler military alliances and campaigns to take over 2. Subsequent rulers with names youll neer remember expanded and consolidated land a. Between 9 and 13 million people under rule C. Conquest and Religion 1. terra firma for conquest a. economic gain b. political power 2. religion cult of ancestors a. deceased rulers mummified . smash inheritance a. leaders power goes to inheritor b. leaders property goes to male family 4. political and social life related to religion a. holy shrines stones, mountains, rivers, caves, tombs huacas 1. Prayers/human sacrifices b. Temple of the Sun center of state religion D. The Techniques of Inca Imperial Rule 1. Leader/inca considered a god 2. Court also temple 3. Four provinces ruled by governor, pow er then divided further a. Local rulers could remain autonomous if they were faithful 4. All nobles played role in state bureaucracy a. Nobles gained privileges, had a lot to lose b.Could wear life-sized ear spools orejones gee thank 5. Spread language unified 6. System of roads with way move tambos one day apart 7. For labor, people benefited from large, expensive work projects unless central govt can provide a. State-sponsored irrigation made cultivation possible 8. Instead of tribute, they wanted labor 9. Relation between men and wome a. call for to stay close b. Women link to the moon 10. Downfall a. Marriage alliances created rivals for the throne ahhhthat whole succession problem rears its ugly head E. Inca Cultural Achievements 1. Art built on styles of predecessor peoples . Metallurgy gold/silver/bronze, copper b. clayware/cloth 2. ButNo system of writingNo cps 2. Math a. Knotted strings quipo to count 3. Infrastructure greatest skill a. land/water manage ment b. extensive road systems c. Architecture and universal buildings d. Terraced farming on steep slopes F. Comparing Incas and Aztecs aka if you forget everything else, remember this 1. But first, before we get startedlook at the words used in this section a. No reallylook at the words used b. They start with words like although, or both c. Its honorable beautiful how the reader can make connections . In fact, my eyes are filling a little misty a. This is one of the best comparative degree Analysis Essays Ive ever seen in your Stearns restrain, and after 14 chapters of winning notes, Im starting to i. feel like Stearns is like a brother, an older brother, but a brother ii. butI divergelets get back to it 3. Similarities a. Represented military and over-embellished organization success b. Controlled circulation of goods c. Agricultural based with a food trim d. Nobles became more important than local leaders e. Allowed for diversity as long as authority f. Empires acquired by conquest of sedentary peoples . Belief systems, cosmogony similar roots h. Both couldnt survive shock of conquest i. Your book says they do survive the conquest, but I beg to differ, they were split up into small little regions ii. But, I will accept that they carried on the culture 4. However We cannot overlook the great DIFFERENCES a. Aztecs have better trade and markets b. First, there quite similar, variations of said(prenominal) system c. Metallurgy, writing systems, hierarchy i. Ummmbookcould you give us some specifics d. Overallthis section does a vile job discussing differences V. Other Indians A.How to differentiate based on degree of social order/material culture/political structure 1. Diversity based on geographical factors 2. Not all agriculture based B. How umpteen Indians? 1. If you guessed 14,375,421, you were wrong 2. Between 8. 4 million and 112 million Gee thankthats real close i. Numbers changed due to a. Understanding of electric shock of disease b. arc haeological studies c. improved estimates of agricultural techniques 3. Europe about the same size as the Americas population wise C. Differing Cultural Patterns 1. Basicallyits hard to say there is fitting one type of Indian . several(prenominal) hunted, some gathered, some farmed, some did a mixture ii. near had huge class divisions, some were more egalitarian iii. Most lived in small kin-ship based groups 2. North America extremely diverse i. Some lived in cliffs, towns or teepees ii. Agricultural unless farming too tough, then hunting watch gatherers 3. Similar to Europe/Asia i. Kin based societies ii. Communal owning of property iii. Women subordinate, but some had high positions 4. Part of ecological system, not controlling it You work out you own whatever land you land onearth is just a dead thing you can claim, but I loveD. American Indian Diversity in World Context 1. riddle wealthy/accomplished civilizations, but primitive to Europe 2. Buthow much is the difference based on lack of i. wheel ii. large study animals iii. metal tools iv. written language 3. They developed, just differently E. Global Connections 1. isolation prevented diffusion of ideas its not bad, just the reality 2. Lacks world religions, large domesticated animals (yesthey had guinea pigs) 3. Not immune to diseases 4. Lacked ironworking F. Im tired, and Im going to bed
TV Adverts
One of the things that annoys me more or less be TV advertizements. Now, I think that TV adverts are a bit like marmite, you either love them or you shun them. in person I absolutely loathe them seeing as I dumbfound them really irritating as do most people. Whe neer an advert comes on the TV I usually switch the channel to an opposite course of instruction thats on until my programme comes back on. Why? Because TV adverts are skilful ridiculously annoying and so time consuming.One of the things that annoys me the most is when you fork over to change the channel because you gaint want to watch the advert but consequently you end up completely for operateting about your get-go programme causing you to miss it. I mean I moot that TV adverts are basically hated by everybody. To me there is postal code worse than watching your favourite programme and having to wait about 5 minutes during adverts to find out what happens next. For example, lets set the scene, youre sitting at home looking for something good to watch.You find a horror frivol away that looks quite good and that has just started. You start to really enjoy the movie, youre dying to know whats going to happen, youre on the leaping of your seat and the rising suspense is unbearable. Youre just getting to the trump out bit and all is about to be revealed when suddenly the darkness from your screen out is replaced by bright light. The creepy tension building medicine has done for(p) and now your ears are filled by with nice calming unison as the John Lewis clearance advert begins.Then you fork up to sit there for the next five minutes having to listen to people telling you whats the best car insurance or the best place to surf for food and other really weird adverts. When the darkness and creepy music finally return your sense of excitement is gone and the suspense just tidy sumt be replaced. Usually by this point I just turn off the movie and watch whatever other programmes are on at t hat time but if you can get straight back into the movie then I applaud you because that never happens for me. I cant even fully express my wickedness for these adverts that ruin everything at the moment.To be honest though its non only the fact that adverts just pop up at the castigate times but also what they contain. You dont know how numerous times Ive caught myself humming the go compare advert at the most random of times. I getnt in truth hear the go compare advert in ages as the makers of the advert have stopped the singing, thankfully but its the fact that its so memorable that makes it annoying. Just the other day I was looking afterward my baby cousin and I started to hum go compare and she actually started to calm down, although my aunty saw me and looked at me as if I had 2 heads.Another thing is how adverts force so many different types of insurance you could buy, or different loan websites such as MA and quick quid. And dont get me started on all the different bingo and maneuver adverts that annoy me so much. To be honest though its how they advertise them that annoy me. They advertise things in such a way that everyone feels the pick up to go and spend everything they have just to make their lives easier or to mark them higher on the social ladder.However one thing I hate more commercials are infomercials. On those very rare occasions when I wake up too early and all that is on is teleshopping, I am literally about ready to kill myself. I then have to endure about an hour of a load of induce being advertised to me such as jewellery and vacuums. Anyway sufficient of my little rant against TV adverts now. I hope I have managed to persuade you to send TV adverts in to room 101 and if not then you can just send me so I can finally be away from them.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Ethics Game Dilemma Essay
The Ethics Game simulations of The swarthy Rose and The Cold Feet dilemmas address the following respectable anesthetises The first ethical concern is regarding a company employee by the name of Gayle Dornier. Gayle has received discarded flowers from an unknown person, multiple times per week, and to this day Gayle has no idea who is vector of the flowers. Receiving a large quantity of flowers has begun to make her feel uncomfortable. Therefore Gayle is pickings the suitable Chain of Command to find a possible reply to the problem.After speaking to Rian Brown who is the companys Ethics Officer, I decided that the most important divulge was to maximize complete confidenti every(prenominal)y during my meeting with Gayle, because her issue seemed to be a very important to her. I also had to figure let on key shareholders who were directly involved in this case, as wellspring as whos directly affected. Decision qualification steps involved in addressing this issue were main ly to figure out what the issues actu in ally are and to break it down into small parts ensuring proper investigation, as well as proper facts regarding the case were identified.The main issue is to determine if a Sexual Harassment issue is present or not. The respectable Lens used in addressing this issue was Rights/Responsibilities and the Results Lens. The Rights and Responsibilities Lens is base on the duties that everyone in our community has towards each other, and how we live by authorized principles of integrity, for example, treat other the way you would like to be treated. The Results Lens is base on the actual results that we want to accomplished, and create the great good for the greatest number of people. Ensuring that the companys reputation is not affected, as well as the well being of all parties involved should be the better(p) outcome.The Ethical Lens is very important in the determination of my utmost decision I was fully aware of the individual feelings of all parties involved. The Ethical Lens also helped to with the proper final determination was made on fairness and facts. As Gayles Immediate Supervisor, I feel it is my duty all employees have useful information about processes to protect themselves in any situations of potential harassment.The Cold Feet simulation of Ethics Game Dilemma involved company researchers Phillip Waters and Nikolai Zubanov. Who both submitted reports, but two opposite results were given to me. Nevertheless Phillip Waters have suppressed information make elimination of adverse information enclosed in the reports, the ethical issue in this case deals with integrity and submission of fraudulent information. There is a decision to make in regards to what should be done if it is declared an employee has falsified a document.The Ethical Lens used was Relationship and Reputation. The Relationship Lens is focus on on processing the systems for an ethical organization. It protects the basic liberties of all pe ople. Everyone is entitled to their rights disregarding of income status everyone is deserving of fair process. The Reputation Lens is focused on exhibiting the virtues which are valued in the community for people who are in roles. These ethical lenses affected my decision making it ensured that I was open and fair in all facets of the concern.The ethical perspective is not always making everyone happy, because it is virtually impossible to make everyone happy. Ethical perspective focus on making the best decision for the good of all individuals involved as well as setting the standard in future situations. These ethical lenses helped to influence my decisions based on the information that was rund. It allowed me to be fair towards all individual concerns as well as a guide provide me with the proper steps to handle the issue.The concepts of this simulation relates to my personal workplace. Since the conception of my clean office six months ago we have went without set standards practices for employees to follow. People became queer and overwhelm and decided to leave. Lucky, a strong Senior Management aggroup is currently being developed to help my office transition into untried define standards practice. I believe there should be standard practices in the workplaces by using proper ethics, and treat all individuals fairly. Treating people the alike(p) way that you would like you would like to be treated will usually ensure that the proper ethics are used in all situations.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Mlb Advanced Media Case Summar
Stephen Sewell MLB Advanced Media Case 1. study League Baseb either has been an industry leader in the digital lacuna for acrobatic entertainment, thanks to the prep atomic number 18 of Baseb every last(predicate) Advanced Media (BAM) in 2009. once the organization took off and grew, it began branching out and offering its cloy in a variety of channels and platforms. C atomic number 18ful consideration had been given on each of these platforms, merely the organization considered itself to be a risk-taker and a first-mover for its industry. Now, with the launch of Apples iPad in 2010, BAM was faced with different and complex issues concerning a BAM application for the device.Would they empower the resources to create an app? Would this app be different from existing apps, such(prenominal) as At lap for the iPh ace and iPod touch? How does this addition improve the portfolio of offerings, and does this lavatorynibalize former(a) sources of revenue for BAM? 2. BAM has acknowle dged howling(a) growth since its inception, and has come to be known as an industry leader and overall content spoken language model for others to aspire to be. Their content generation leads to increased revenues and partnerships, which leads to to a spaciouser extent features and options, which leads to to a greater extent passionate devotees and employees, which leads to more innovation.This virtuous cycle has allowed BAM to achieve substantial revenues from its tetrad major sources. The first is their Ticket Sales, which draw for 39% of total revenues. all over 30 million tickets were sold online last year (at the clock of the case), which is more than a third of the overall baseball attendance. This ticket sale strength grew substantially with the acquisition of Tickets. com, and a five-year partnership with Stubhub. com. Through these mediums, MLB and BAM removed the uncomfortableness and uncertainty associated with scalping tickets and created an official secondary commercialize for reselling MLB tickets.When a fan enters the hazard, the clubs to a fault make a lot of m stary on things like concessions and trade in sales. Because of this, Ticket Sales is one of their greatest strengths (key driver), but is overly one of the biggest areas that lot be seen as a threat. As the content and experience of online and mobile products increases, the desire and leave behindingingness to establish for going to the actual stadium decreases. The MLB moldiness work c neglectly BAM to ensure that the two are non in direct competition with each other. The next is their paid-content model, which attributes about 31% to the connections overall revenues.This, as discussed later in the paper, has been a great strength for BAM. If they are not constantly pursuing innovative and myth ideas and products, this leave behind become a huge threat. BAM alike benefits from Merchandizing and Advertising/Sponsorships, which account for the remaining sources of revenue. A key driver going forward entrust be to continue partnering and aligning with major players in the industry to not only leverage their content and expertise, but also to subdue both potential competitive products from seriously posing a threat to market share. 3. BAM seeks to serve MLB fans of all walks of life.Whether its the Cardinals fan that wants to energize audio insurance coverage of a game that orduret attend, or the business executive that needs a quick update on how his Twins are doing during a meeting, BAMs products seek to address a variety of fan lifestyles. For the die-hard fan that never wants to miss either of the action, MLB. TV gives fans tall(prenominal) set by being able to watch any game out-of-market at any age, watch up to 4 games at once, or even get a 10-12 minute condensed version. MLB. TV reaches out to the more active fan that seeks to dedicate a large sum of their time to their MLB allegiance.For the fan that is passionate about the sport and/or their favorite group but doesnt have a large amount of time to sit through 9 innings, in that location is MLB. com. On this website, fans can billet scores, statistics, schedules, standings, get links to individual team pages, buy tickets and merchandise, or get video highlights. The fan that commons this product can spend on ordinary about 20-30 minutes on the page at a time, but really cannot devote the time that those who utilize MLB. TV can. Next, we have users that frequent the At flicker, who are more of a tech-savvy, on-the-go type of fan.The value BAM users invite from these push notifications, quick highlights and stats, and exist audio streams allows for them to access information anywhere, at any time. The fan can always be on twitch of the latest rumors and trades, even if there schedule is packed. These products also create value for customers that it does not serve. BAM being recognized as one of the best in digital sports content, it puts the pre ssure on other athletic organizations to pursue confusable initiatives. Sports fans of the NFL and NBA are aware of what is happening in the baseball world, and demand standardized experiences.Moreover, BAMs content de representry and quality are well-respected even with those companies not in the sports arena. Companies can model their online and mobile presences after BAM, or can even bring in people for temporary projects to ensure faculty (like Apple did). 4. BAMs paid-content model was initially met with a heavy amount of resistance, both internally and externally. With so much information available all over the web and TV, a lot of people questioned whether people having to pay for information and access would be something that would catch on and hold.It has now taken off, mainly because of the passionate and active fan base. Due to the fact that there are SO many games throughout the regular season, and that each team typically has a strong take ining, Baseball Advanced M edia can founder to up-charge for their information and content. As more and more sources become available, and generic prescriptions for these athletic media sources permeate the scene, the paid-content model leave behind come into question. As long as BAM, and all of their products, are constantly pursuing ground-breaking and innovative initiatives, the paid-content model can be sustainable.But, to that end, this means that their entrepreneurial push needs to be impressive and tactical. They cannot afford to be first movers on products, and then have these products crepuscule flat and keel over. As they continue onward down the media content path, they moldiness continually offer more interactive and unique experiences that do not eat into each others markets and profits. 5. Bowman and the BAM staff must be very careful in approaching this iPad application. Although the app will serve a similar hearing, BAM should be cognizant of the different mark off images each of their offerings in their product portfolio.For example, At Bat allows fans to listen live (audio, even though there are 2 innocuous games per day) to all game, get up-to-the-minute stats, receive push notifications, etc. So, it is safe to grab that the At Bat user is looking for convenience and quick abbreviation of what is important to them. MLB. TV encounters a similar situation, in that it is primarily utilize for streaming and HD-quality video of all out-of-market games, and that users can view multiple games at once. BAMs In-Market Streaming brings with it some great opportunities, but can also severely cannibalize existing ticket sales if not monitored and controlled properly.MLB. com also served as a hub for fans that want to get in-depth information, but arent will to sit through an entire game or TV show. Overall, BAM has an huge portfolio that has brought them significant revenues and accolades over the past a couple of(prenominal) years. Based on the explosive success o f their previous relationships and dealings with Apple, on top of the achievements their At Bat app has had in the iTunes store, there is a lot of room for expansion with the iPad launch.BAM must consider the exact same issues that Apple is currently lining with its tonic launch are they truly reaching a refreshing audience or are they just cannibalizing the revenues of existing products. For example, will Apple lose money on their big money maker, the iPhone, as a subject of this newfound product? BAM faces a similar scenario. There is a tremendous opportunity to be a first-mover on what could be a ground-breaking product. Because of their previous relationship and prior commitment to an application launch, BAM would be wise to invest resources into this new product, even if the iPad is receiving less-than-stellar reviews. . The new iPad app must be easily tell from the existing products, and also come with different features as well. Just as there other products seek to do, this app must serve a particularised function for its customer. The new iPad app should seek to capitalize on the screen coat and capability of the iPad, and truly be INTERACTIVE for the user. This new brand will be a hub for those who want to not only watch and follow their teams and players, but also participate in the journey.To do this, first and foremost, the new app must be given a new name. Although BAM could stand to leverage the already-popular brand for the purpose of the new launch, there are a few motives why they should go with a different brand name. Customers will mechanically assume that the products are the same (both specifically made for Apple products, consequently assuming the features and specs are identical). Therefore, BAM should go with a name that vividly describes the interactive user experience, such as MLB Experience or topographic point Field Advantage.Setting the stage early in terms of its name will truly help to set this product apart from the r est. With that, there should be a different price charged for this new iPad application. For the same reason that a similar name would confuse users, the new product should be a tad bit pricier (not terribly higher than the iPhone application, but lavish to demonstrate the full value of its features). Since the price of this application would be instanter compared to At Bat, I would suggest putting the price in the $20-$25 range for the length of the season.Finally, the features need to encompass some of what At Bat does, but then bring the user experience to an entirely new level. Users will be exposed to live video with superimposed stats, live fantasy updates right on the screen, unique statistics (for instance, how well does this hitter do with two outs and runners in scoring position), and other pre-game and post-game interviews, To further differentiate mingled with the existing products, the iPad application should not just offer two free games per day.Instead, they should have an introductory demo package that will give users 1 month of free usage, which is a one-time offer. This will allow MLB fans to see all the perks associated with the app, and essentially become hooked with 100 games left to go in the regular season. Following the initial trial package, they can allow for one or two free games per week, to allow those who havent experienced the app. This will avoid the criticism and the dilemma that the At Bat is facing by trying to reduce the amount of free games offered.Furthermore, the iPad application can sell individual games in an a-la-carte type of menu, but only if those games are at a higher price than At Bat. Since fans will be receiving a higher-quality experience with more features, the price per game should be $1. 49, and fans will be able to access this individual game at any time. By maintaining a separate brand for the iPad app, the company can come along users and fans to purchase multiple products, which will ultimately preve nt cannibalization of revenues. It will engage more of a marketing push, but BAM can leverage other sources to aid in this effort.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
The shortsighted Mermaid Up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sunbathe. Wandering free, wish I could be, part of that world. Ariel sings this in the beginning of The runty Mermaid after an adventure with Flounder. She wishes to be a valet with legs and live the bureau the humans do. The Little Mermaid is an example of a monomyth, also called a wondrous adventure. Ariel may not seem like a so-called-typical-hero throughout the bulk of the movie, but she has her own heroic authoritys.Three characteristics of a hero are a remarkable birth, troubled childhood, and being able to rely on adepts indwelling strength. Ariel grows up with several sisters, no mother and a father who is the power of the sea, King Triton. She was miserable being a mermaid and knew that she had to acknowledge her own mien to escape the sea. Ariels call to adventure began when one night, Ariel, Flounder and an grudging Sebastian travel to the ocean surface to watch a celebration for the natal day of Prince Eric on a ship, with whom Ariel falls in love with.In the ensuing ramp the ship is destroyed and Ariel saves the unconscious Eric from drowning. Ariel sings to him, but quickly leaves as currently as he regains consciousness to avoid being discovered. Fascinated by the memory of her voice, Eric vows to find who saved and sung to him and Ariel vows to find a way to join him and his world. Her option then comes along and is given to her by the sea hag, Ursulas, electric eels, Flotsam and Jetsam. They give her the option to come with them to Ursula who can shift Ariel into a human, or she can stay and be miserable her safe and sound life.In every heroic adventure the main hero needs to stupefy help along his/her journey. Ursula makes a deal with Ariel to transform her into a human for three days in exchange for Ariels voice When Ursula used her misrepresentation to turn Ariel into a human and take away her voice that was Ariels supernatu ral aid because it caused her to be able to go and win Erics heart. But its also bittersweet because Ariel must receive the caress of true love from Eric otherwise, she will transform back into a mermaid and rifle to Ursula. Ariels quest is now in motion and she must find Eric.Instead Eric finds Ariel on the beach and takes her to his castle. Ariel spends time with Eric, and at the end of the second day, they around kiss but Flotsam and Jetsam flip their boat and wear out it. That was Ariels first obstacle. Ursula then disguises herself as a beautiful early woman named Vanessa and appears onshore singing with Ariels voice. Eric recognizes the song and, in her disguise, Ursula casts a hypnotic enchantment on Eric to make him forget about Ariel. The nigh day, Ariel finds out that Eric will be married to the disguised Ursula.Scuttle discovers that Vanessa is Ursula in disguise, and informs Ariel who immediately goes after the wedding barge. This is Ariels second obstacle. Sebast ian informs Triton, and Scuttle disrupts the wedding with the help of various animals. In the chaos, the nautilus shell around Ursulas do it is broken, restoring Ariels voice and breaking Ursulas enchantment over Eric. Eric rushes to kiss her, but the sun sets and Ariel transforms back into a mermaid. Ursula reveals herself and kidnaps Ariel. Ariel now faces her final test.Triton confronts Ursula and demands Ariels release, but the deal is inviolable. At Ursulas urging, the king agrees to take Ariels place as Ursulas prisoner. Ariel is released as Triton transforms into a polyp and loses his authority over Atlantica. Ursula declares herself the new ruler and a debate ensues in which Ursula accidentally kills Flotsam and Jetsam. In her rage, Ursula uses the trident to grow to monstrous proportions. Ariel and Eric reunite on the surface just before Ursula grows past and towers the two.She then gains mount control of the entire ocean, creating a storm with a maelstrom and shipwreck s, one of which Eric commandeers. As Ursula attempts to destroy a trapped Ariel in the maelstrom, Eric runs Ursula through the tum with the ships splintered bowsprit killing her. Ursulas power breaks, causing Triton and all the other polyps in Ursulas garden to revert back into their original forms. Realizing that Ariel truly loves Eric, Triton willingly changes her from a mermaid into a human. Ariel and Eric marry on a ship and depart.
I baffle come to a point in life that many community obtain not. I have made a firm finality to recommit myself to pursuing my dreams. While in that location are those who believe that with an apothecaries ounce of luck and a ton of persistence anything can be accomplished, I believe that there is no reason to expend so a good deal energy and rely on luck. I believe in fetching hold of my destiny and carving out a upcoming for myself found on the decisions that I make in life. Life is simply as well short and too precious to be left to luck alone.I have many very special characteristics that make this profession one that I depart not only excel at, but one that I know will provide me with great fortune to meet and care my community. Although an excellent student, my ability to listen to pack has helped me to excel both professionally and personally. Too often people are misdiagnosed, misheard and not heard at all because of the time constraints forced on the profession by the elevated number of patients and insurance constraints.This was not always a characteristic I would consider my strongest, but after realizing the importance of listening to people I decided to change my own behavior, and even change my small die of the world. The ability to hear people, to really listen, has transformed my life in a positive and crucial way. This experience of working with those who are little miraculous in life has opened my eyes to the possibilities of pursuing a vocation that revolves around helping others. I realize that there is a jalopy that I am grateful for in life and that there is as well so oftentimes that I can give to others.By devoting my life to the expediency of others I am confident(p) that I too can put on by having the opportunity to learn more about myself and others. Growing up we lived in a middle income neighborhood, at best, and I was very rosy to be surrounded with not only many cultures, but many income levels. My friends were as diverse as the neighborhood we lived in, a melting pot. I learned early on not to pass judgments on people based on their wealth, lack of it, color, religious background or anything that whitethorn make my friends different from me.Some of my best memories are of all of sharing what we did on the holidays. I was grateful for such(prenominal) loyal friends and will never forget how they helped me become the adult I am today. These, I believe, are the chief(prenominal) characteristics that one needs to possess for social work practice. While I may not have the qualifications as others, I am confident that my determination to succeed in the pursuit of a career in social work will help me in the future. From the point of realize of personal growth, I must admit that there is so such(prenominal) for me to gain from doing voluntary service at the elderly home.One important grammatical construction of personal growth is the understanding and the lessons that I can learn from the elderly. The callowness, such as me, must learn how to acknowledge the achievements of the one-time(a) generation and heed their experience. The older generation has a hard time teaching the youth how to avoid the same mistakes that they made when they were young because all they see is soft-witted and reckless youth but I see that my exposure at a home for the elderly will give me the unique opportunity to learn from them and perhaps avoid the same mistakes.I have found that my experiences with the older generation have inspired in me the joys of learning. As previously mentioned, there is so much that I can learn from them and so much knowledge and wisdom that they can impart. As such, this also creates a definite excitement for me for I know that as I grow as a person there lies so much for me in the world. odd opportunities that are available to those who are prepared and ready to make a contribution to the world. Pursuing my career in this course is just the commence ment ceremony step in my plan. My main philosophy in life is to eliminate by setting an example.I cannot expect others to do what I myself would be unforced to do but that does not mean that I cannot hope that others will see the example that I have shown them. This philosophy is one of the many forces that drive me to pursue my dream of pursuing this career and of becoming so much more in life. The chance to help those who are less fortunate in life, the chance to help those in need, the opportunity to be of service to humanity these are the reasons why I have selected this as the profession that I will pursue for, as Eleanor Roosevelt once said, The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
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