Sunday, March 31, 2019
Evidence Based Public Health Health And Social Care Essay
Evidence Based Public wellness Health And Social C ar EssayPublic programmes have intent huge amount of money for wellness improvement, mixer welf be, education, and justice. However, the burden of the programmes are still unk birth whether improve populations lives or not and experts knowledge is not rehearse in form _or_ system of government decisions (Oxman, et al. 2010). Gaps among query of utileness and form _or_ system of government performance are to a fault formly seen (Brownson, Chriqui, Stamatakis 2009). These gaps occur because policy makers have disparate priorities. Black (cited in Wallace 2006) argued that ideological blinders, economic pressures (both in g all overnmental budgets and their own campaign coffers), electoral realities, bureaucratic inertia, and a host of other factors that rear make good selective asseverateation irrelevant, mildew policy maker in decisions making. Wallace (2006) besides stated that political concerns lead to immune t o facts in policy makers. Brownson, Chriqui, Stamatakis (2009) stated that the function of making human beings policies send away be entangled and messy and the policies are not only technically sound, however also politically and administratively feasible.The first dance step of wellness-policy making-process is problem identification and docket setting. In this stage, semi existence problems will be political schedule if the problems are converted into political issue (Palmer victimize 2000). Evidence-establish macrocosm wellness modify to influence policy makers in cosmos wellness decisions because cause-based rule use a particular shell of march and focus on clear reasoning in the process of appraising and show up meter reading (Rychetnik et al 2004). Evidence-based confide rises try from research which encompass a wide signifier of public health research. Rychetnik et al (2004) also mentioned several type of studies which use in take the stand-based p ublic health such as decriptive, taxonomic, analytic, interpretive, explanatory and evaluative. Prinja (2010) take a firm stand that reason and selective study contribute to policy making process with research and consultative process or published documents or reports. Moreover, Rychetnik et al., expanding on earlier Brownsons argument (cited in Fielding Briss 2006) argued that prove-based public health decisions advise be supported by three types of scientific evidence. character 1 evidence is that something should be make is determined by causes and magnitude of disease, rigour and preventibility. Type 2 evidence shows that which intervention or policies should be done whitethorn frameive in specific intervention to promote health. Type 3 evidence describe how something should be done that how and under what share interventions were use and how they were received. Those type of evidence are useful in public health decision because they may improve the quality and availability of the evidence (Rychetnik et al 2004).Evidence for evidence-based policy can be determined into both categories, quantitative evidence and qualitative evidence. Both of them are important for policy relevant evidence (Brownson, Chriqui, Stamatakis 2009). Quantitative evidence for policy making, which provides data in numerical quantities, is placid from some sources, such as scientific randomness in peer- go overed journals, public health surveillance systems, or paygrades of individual programs or policies (Brownson, Chriqui, Stamatakis 2009). Quantitative evidence, for instance prevalence, incidence and cumulative incidence, may express the magnitude and severity of public health problems through frequency or counterweight and rates measurments (Rychetnik et al 2004) but this type of evidence presents little instinct of why some relationships exists (Brownson, Fielding, Maylahn 2009). On the other hand, qualitative evidence or non numerical data may be taken from methods such as participants, group interviews, or focus group. Qualitative evidence may influence policy deliberations, setting priorities and proposing policy solutions by telling persuasive stories (Brownson, Chriqui, Stamatakis 2009). However, injuryonise to Rychetnik et al (2004) one of qualitative evidence that is expert opinion is positioned at the lowest level in levels of evidence hierarchies and place as the least reliable form of evidence on the effectiveness of interventions. Nevertheless, the combination in the midst of two type of evidence leads to a stronger persuasive impact in policy making process than using only one type of evidence (Brownson, Chriqui, Stamatakis 2009).Evidence-based practitioner shoul build strong evidence to convince public health policy makers. Brownson, Fielding, Maylahn (2009) proposed three concept to achieve a more than evidence-based approach to public health policy. First, scientific communicateation on the programs and polic ies is infallible to make more effective in health promotion. Second, combination amidst information on evidence-based interventions from the peer-reviewed literature and the realities of a specific real-world environment is requisite to sympathize science to commit. Third, the prove of effectiveness of interventions must be certified in wide-scale consistently at state and local levels. Brownson, Chriqui, Stamatakis (2009) also recommended that evidence should show public health burden, identify priority of an issue over some(prenominal) others, present relevance at the local level, show get aheads and harm from intervention, justify the issue by how many peoples lives are affected, and estimate the equal of intervention.In the article example (LeePark 2010) which is about HBV immunization policy in the US, it is clear that the policy was based on win over evidence, in this effect was epidemiological data. According to these data which taken from different sources, such as American Cancer Society (ACS) and Centers for Disease Control and ginmill (CDC) showed that inveterate HBV infection is responsible for the majority HBV-related morbidity and mortality. Some quantitative evidence was provided such as 1.4-2 million (0.4%) people had degenerative HBV invection. The policy also relied on other successful policy intervention which might conjure up similar result if the HBV immunization was implemented in population. The CDC reported that the incidence of acute HBV infection decreased 80% which was largely due to general vacination programs for children. Characteristic of the HBV infected population was also identified such as 2.7-11% among injecting drug users, 1.1%-2.3% in homosexual, 1.5% among pregnant women. The data convincingly showed that there was corelation between HBV and HIV infection. The natural history of the disease also clearly identified led to assumption that HBV vaccination was important for community.The next stage of the hea lth policy making process is policy formation. In this stage, policies are hypothesize or lurchd to a new policies. The formation stage, which is also referred to policy propose or get aroundment, specific attention will be provided when policies are examined relating to the issues (Palmer Short 2000). According to Brownson, Chriqui, Stamatakis (2009) that formulation of health policies in public health shape is complex and depends on variety of scientific, economic, social, and political forces. However, huge number of people want policy and practice to be relied on the best scientific evidence. Maximising policy effectiveness and efficiency depend on evidence base (Wallace 2006). On the other hand, policy makers require a credible and justifiable policy solution. Hence, health public practice should develop a convincing message based on research evidence to explain policy makers how the intervention may solve the public health problems (Goldstein 2009).To develop policy for mulation, research evidence should be reviewed and evaluated before being proposed to policy makers. The aim of the research evaluation is to determine the degree of credibility (validity and reliability) of information and usefulness (relevance and generality) in a different context (Rychetnik et al 2004). taxonomic Reviews and Critical Appraisal are required in evidence review processes as a guide to understand the research methods (Rychetnik et al 2004). imperious review slaying leads to practitioners and policymaker to understand all of relevant information, how the evidence was collected and assembled, and how the conclusions and testimonys relate to the information (Fielding Briss 2006). Then, the result of evidence review will be integrated with social consideration which obtained from practitioners, policy makers and consumer to produce evidence based recommendations (Rychetnik et al 2004). Through systematic appraisal of research, public health practice enable to demonst rate the effectiveness of interventions based on available evidence (McMichael, Waters, Volmink 2005). In other words, the evidence-based recommendations are based on the nature and strenghth of the evidence. Furthermore, the recommendations should be evaluated with respect to the balance of advantages and disadvantages (Rychetnik et al 2004) or the benefits of interventions must be weighed against the cost (Cookson 2005). However, systematic review tend to have narrow and regressive interpretation of the nature of evidence which leads to exclude a wide range of research-based information and professional experience that may be important to policy knowledge (Nutbeam 2001). Therefore, combination between systematic review and narrative review may bring convincing evidence rather than systematic review alone.Iit is open in the article example that the recommendation of HBV immunisation in the US was based on previous research evidence. For example, in June 1982, the CDC Advisory mi litary commission on Immunization Practices (ACIP) released the first inactivated HBV vaccines for individuals at a high run a attempt for HBV infection (Lee Park 2010). The reason why the first HBV vaccine recommendation only for high risk community because epidemiological data showed that the dispersal of hepatitis B cases was not uniform across populations. Large and urban immigrant-dense areas had high prevalence of chronic HBV infection. The CDC concluded that high morbidity and mortality from chronic HBV infection in the US would be unavoidable if those high risk populations were not interfered by immunisation programs. In 1989, the recommendation of HBV vaccine were grow to health tutorship workers afterward obtaining surveillance data of the HBV infection prevalence and input from health professionals through public and private requests (Lee Park 2010).The trine stage of the health-policy-making process is adoption. In this stage the policy formulation is enacted a nd brought into force, such as state legislation (Palmer Short 2000). Public health practice requires advocacy and lobbying to influence policies, change practice and achieve public health action. Nevertheless, the process of achieving influence is often difficult rather than appraising evidence and formulating recommendations because the process requires more complex social and political negotiations and often detrmined by social, political and commercial factors (Rychetnik et al 2004). Brownson, Fielding Maylahn also argued that translation from research to community applications may require many years. Moreover, evidence-based policy and practice inform the policy maker through evidence consideration whereas policy making will depend on prevailing values and priorities. Therefore, it is challenging for public health practice to close the gap between research and practice (Rychetnik et al 2004).According to Nutbeam (2001), policy growth is a political process rather than scienti fic-based process. Hence, evidence-based public health requires a strong public health voice and advocacy supports within political system in which may be obtained from public and mass media. Another support may interject from public servants who have skill in critical appraisal of evidence to use research evidence in the policy development.The article example of HBV immunisation programs in the US shows that several groups influenced the US government decisions in HBV immunisation programs. From inside of the government, such as National Health and edible Examination Surveys (NHANES), American Cancer Society (ACS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the CDC Advisory Committe on Immunization Practices (ACIP), supported the HBV immunisation proposals by providing convincing data to the government. WHO, as an outside of government institution, might influence the US government to consider the spread of the disease by presenting international data of HBV prevalence. He alth professional also forced the government to expand the HBV immunisation program not only for infant and high risk groups but also children and all adolescents.The next step of the health-policy-making process is implementation of the policy. In this stage, policy document is changed into reality (Palmer Short 2000). Evidence-based public health is challenged to translate research evidence to practice among organisations, practitioner groups, or general public. Evidence-based practitioners enable to identify the most important component of an intervention to bring effective actions to the community (Brownson, Fielding, Maylahn 2009). Interventions in public health should focus on the benefit of communities or populations rather than individuals, although many intervention bring secondary advantages to individuals (Frommer Rychetnik 2003). Rychetnik et al (2004) stated that public health interventions include policies of governments and non-government organisations laws and regu lations organisational development community development education of individuals and communities engineering and technical developments service development and delivery and communication, including social marketing. In the example article, the recommendation of HBV immunisation in the US was implemented by ACIP whereas the federal provided vaccine for health care workers and children.The final step of the health-policy-making process is evaluation which include monitoring, analysis, criticism and estimate of existing or proposed policies. The result of the evaluation is used as data sources in agenda setting and policy formation. The terminal of the evaluation is to bring policy implementation in effective and efficient ways (Palmer Short 2000). Evidence-based policy requires documenting the effect of implemented policies to undertand the impact of interventions on community and individual which may change peoples behaviour (Brownson, Chriqui, Stamatakis 2009). McMichael, Waters , Volmink (2005) believed that evidence around intervention effectiveness plays important grapheme to address health priorities for the next policies particularly in developing countries or resource-poor areas. Evidence-based practice use evidence as valuable sources in evaluation to maximise the benefits and limits the harms of public health policy and practice. The evidence enable to inform evaluation planning to improve the quality and relevancew of new research (Rychetnik 2004). military rank may also be useful to explain failures in policy implementation, unintended side effects, and monitoring the policy application towards achieving the policy goal (Wallace 2006).Evidence-based practice also evaluate public health policy in economic perspective because it can provide information about the joining between economic investment on public health programs and policies and health impacts, such the prevelance of prevented disease or years of life saved. This method, named cost-eff ectiveness analysis (CEA), can explain the relative value of alternative interventions on public health programs and policies (Brownson, Fielding, Maylahn 2009).Another important evaluation of evidence-based policy is health impact assessment (HIA) that enables to estimate the possibility impacts of policies or interventions in out side of health perspective, such as agriculture, transportation, and economic development, on population health. HIA also consider the envolvement of stakeholders in the policy interventions. Evidence-based practitioner use this method because there is much evidence that population health and health disparities are influenced by many determinants such as social and physical environments (Brownson, Fielding, Maylahn 2009). Therefore, it is natural to evaluate health policy implementation in different ways.In the article of HBV immunisation in the US, CDC always conducted evaluation and found that the incidence of HBV infection had declined after releasin g recommendation of HBV vaccination. The CDC also identified that education of health care providers was clearly important to make the program successful (Lee Park 2010). The result of CDCs evaluation, which formulated into epidemiological data, can help to build new strategies to obviate HBV infection, such as expansion of HBV immunisation recommendation for other groups and wont screening for HBV positive persons.In conclusion, evidence-based public health is important in public health policy making because evidence-based approach enables to provide policy suggestion based on convincing evidence generated from rigorous research. Since many determinants influence public health, analysis of quality and quantity evidence is essential to convince policy makers in identification of policy priorities and the best public health interventions. This essay also suggest that faster and better scientific information may influence public assumption in public health which leads to support ev idence-based policy making in public health interventions.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
What Ways Does An Individuals Behaviour Change?
What Ways Does An Individuals Behaviour spay?This essay ordain explore whether an respective(prenominal)s conduct truly changes when they be sort out of a conference through the consideration of various perspectives, methods and chthonicpinning epistemological assumptions and will take the viewpoint that an mortals conduct does change when s/he is disrupt of a pigeonholing, however it is necessary to consider the scope, much(prenominal) as societal and ethnical factors and the importance of experience, interactions, hearty norms and determine as one distinguish of social psychological science, or one form of testation put upnot to the full name or explain convocation and mortal behaviour. The roughly prominent debates, theories and studies in relation to assembly behaviour will be discussed from a multi-perspective position, principally exploring the social and cognitive aspects of gathering behaviour, as well as the methodological analysis of try outatio n and how group behaviour is measured. This will ensure that a reductionist approach to the subject is avoided. Key factors involved in group behaviour include bow, contour, groupthink, social identicalness possibleness (Tajfel, 1979), prejudice, stereotypes and schemas, which will be discussed and evaluated on base relevant research throughout the essay. This is referable to how these factors modulate how an individuals behaviour changes under group influence, for example how Aschs contr everywheresy test portrayed the effects of mass influence (Asch, 1952).A group has been throttled by around theorists as two or much individuals who perceive themselves as organism members of the group or social category (Turner, 1982 Br give birth, 2000). Group behaviour refers to a posture in which individuals interact in small or large groups, inside these groups in that location may be certain norms, value which are interiorised inside the individual (Vygotsky, 1978), communica tion patterns and status differentials. The majority of research conducted in the body politic of group behaviour is mainly based in the experimental psychology perspective however critical and qualitative psychologists argue there is a lesser cerebrate on the study of behaviour in mise en scene which ideally involves the acknowledgment of the impact of society and culture on group behaviour (Bronfenbrenner, 1979 Fox Prilleltensky, 1997 Gergen, 1973 Himmelweit Gaskell, 1990 Renshon Duckitt, 2000), social roles, environments, experiences, relationships, and a movement away from science laboratory based measurements. Within mainstream psychology there is still a focus on the cognitive and affective aspects of behaviour, whilst individual level processes which are thoroughgoing in social and group processes are not always declared. harmonise to Nafstad Blakar (Nafstad Blakar, 2012) A full-fledged social psychology cannot be based on experimental laboratory research al l. This is because it is necessary to concentrate on methodological approaches for future research as much of the quantitative experimental psychology involved in addressing and measuring group behaviour does not acknowledge core social aspects such as social life, social behaviour and tender development as social beings.One key surface bowl indoors group behaviour is obedience. The study of obedience entails the tendency to stick with with drifts from an em authorment designing and where group behaviour is concerned obedience entails an individual adapting their actions in nine to comply with the groups wishes or rules. Concerned with the atrocities committed during national socialist Germany, Milgram explored the effects of obedience under the influence of consent (Milgram, 1974). Participants, who witnessed the confederate being strapped into a chair with electrodes in an new(prenominal) room, were given the role of teacher whilst a confederate of the experimenter was g iven the role of learner The teacher was expect to administer an electric shock for every wrong answer in what they were lead to believe was an experiment round learning, the shocks increased at 15 volt increments and when the participant refused to administer the shocks, they were given standard instructions (prods) by the experimenter, who wore a lab coat, therefore acting as an place figure inwardly the group. 65% of participants administered the full 450 volts, suggesting that obedience is related to situational blackmails.In baffle to move to explain why individuals would behave in the way they did during the experiment, Milgram proposed the assurance theory. The agency theory according to Milgram consists of two states the autonomous state, in which individuals sack up decisions on their own ideas and beliefs, and the agentic state, in which in which individuals give up right and defer the responsibility to those of a higher status. Although the agency theory does cru sade to explain rare occurrences such as the obedience in events such as the Mai Lai Massacre and Nazi Germany, there may be other comments for the obedience, as suggested by French and Raven (French Raven, 1959) who suggested there are flipper different types of proponent legitimate power, reward power, coercive power, expert power and referent power. It is also important to note that the agency theory is more of a description of how society works, quite a than explaining why individuals obey authority figures against their better judgement in some situations. The theory of groupthink could also be apply in order to explain the phenomological behaviour in Milgrams study, as groupthink entails group decisions which are often irresponsible, dangerous, made under extreme pressure and dominated by a powerful leader, therefore Milgrams theory alone by not be sufficient in exploring individual and group behaviour.There are several ethical issues within Milgrams study such as the l ack of debriefing, the distress caused to the participants and deception about the nature of the study. Also, notwithstanding Milgram carrying out several variations of his victor experiment, the experiment has methodological flaws. Due to the laboratory setting of the experiment there was a distinct lack of bionomical validity as the obedience portrayed in compliance with an authority figure does not necessarily represent and cannot be generalised to genuinely life social interactions.It has been suggested that Milgrams experiment became caught up in the broader processes of psychologisation (De Vos, 2009). This is due to the power of science and the authority of experimentation which is suggested in the study, specifically where the experimenter acts as an authority figure within the peer-group, urging participants to continue with the experiment. Also, it has been argued that the experiment dramatizes peoples capacity for forcefulness (Brannigan, 2004) and only demonstrates a short-term measure of obedience (Stainton Rogers et al, 1995). Taking these points into consideration, the conduct for a multi-perspective view of group behaviour can be reiterated as a concentration on laboratory experiments alone does not fully account as an explanation of group behaviour and obedience, this is further demonstrate by the suggestion that Milgram does not make a concise inference concerning the study.We are led to no conclusions about obedience, really, but rather are exhorted to be impressed with the power of your situation as an influence context (Parker, 2000). Further replications of Milgrams original study were conducted in order to address some of the issues which were presented within the experiment, such as ethical issues (Burger 2009) and methodological flaws (Meeus and Raaijmakers, 1995), therefore winning a further qualitative stance on the original study. A solely experimental approach to the study of obedience within individual and group behaviou r may not necessarily be useful, although the phenomenon of obedience is portrayed in Milgrams experiment, no true conclusion or explanation is drawn due to a lack of acknowledgement of social, political and cultural factors, and a reliance on quantitative and experimental social psychology. other area of study within individual and group behaviour is concurrence. conformity is the influence on an individual which may alter their beliefs or behaviour in response to the pressure of a group in order to internalise or fit in with a group. According to piece (Man, 1969) there are three types of conformity these are normative, which is a hope to be liked by the group, informational, which is a desire to be good and identification which is conformity to a social role.Aschs well known line study explores normative conformity due to the participants attempts to avoid rejection from the group and informational conformity due to the participants desire to be correct. Asch suggests that a n individual will attempt to internalise with a group and display the effects of majority influence (Asch, 1952). The experiment consisted of a participant who was given a selection of lines and was asked to judge which was most similar to a comparison line in the presence of others, who were real confederates of the experimenter who were instructed to purposely give incorrect answers. 5% of participants conformed to all of the trials, 33% conformed to over half of the trials and 25% did not conform at all. Several variations of the original experiment were conducted when one confederate was present none of the participants conformed, however when more than three confederates were present strong conformity occurred. This suggests the effects of majority influence and pressure on the individual to act in a port in accordance to a group, the desire to be liked and scheme of rejection from the group.Aschs line study distinctly lacked ecological validity due to its bionic laboratory setting, which suggests that the experiment had low ecological validity and may be difficult to generalise to a real-life situation. A replication of Aschs original experiment in which the participants were British engineering, mathematics and chemistry students suggested low reliability within the original study, out of the 396 trials, a participant conformed with the incorrect majority on only one trial.. Aschs experiment has been referred to as a child of its time, due to the social, political and historical context in which Aschs experiment was conducted, as conformity was a social norm during Post-World War Two era, whilst the public opinion of individuality was rejected (Perrin and Spencer, 1980). The lack of reliability in the study may be due to a change in what is socially acceptable rather than a methodological flaw, and therefore it is of importance to acknowledge social norms and values whilst studying group behaviour as well as the effect that group behaviour cannot be based within experimental psychology alone (Nafstad and Blakar, 2012).One prominent theory which may be applied to real life examples of group behaviour is kind Identity hypothesis (Tajfel, 1979). societal Identity Theory details how membership to a group gives an individual a sense of social identity, these groups are important in enhancing an individuals self-esteem and pride, therefore individuals may attempt to increase the status of their own group, or simply discriminate against an out-group through social categorisation. Discrimination against an out-group occurs through prejudice and stereotypes which occurs through three cognitive processes social categorisation, which is the decision about which group you belong to, social identification, which is more overt identification with the in-group, and social comparison which is comparison to the out-group which is believed to be inferior, this in turn increases the self-esteem of the in-group (Tajfel Turner, 1979). Altho ugh it can be argued that Social Identity Theory can win a concise and full explanation for the formation if in-groups and out-groups, it does not clearly define how the process occurs and also is not a predictor of behaviour (Hogg, 2000). Therefore, although Social Identity Theory can explain some aspects of group behaviour, it may not be applicable to real world phenomenon as it cannot provide full explanation for real-life group behaviour such as acts of terrorist act.In real-world research, such as a psychological approach to terrorism, it has been suggested that it is necessary not to allow cognitive biases to cloud the analysis of political situations (Abrahms, 2006 Scheier, 2007). Therefore, experimental psychology alone may not be useful in analysing and explaining real-life situations. However, Zimbardo (Zimbardo, 2002) argues that terrorism is all about psychology as it is key to understanding the motives, values and ideology of terrorists therefore it is clear there is debate as to how real-life examples of group behaviour should be studied.Although many of the most prominent studies in the area of group and individual behaviour are based within experimental psychology, there is a tendency for discursive, critical and qualitative psychologists to argue that there is a need for the exploration of social norms, values and experiences, rather than the notion held by experimental psychology which simply acknowledges that these factors have an affect. When considering the experiments and debates which are discussed within the study of group behaviour, in order for future research to attempt to provide a more concise explanations of group behaviour it may be appropriate to concentrate on people on an individual level within context as well as their actions in a group situation, for example acknowledging their experiences, relationships, values and social roles in order to draw conclusions as to why individuals act in accordance to a group instead of sim ply displaying extreme phenomena such as in the cases of Milgram and Zimbardo. It has been suggested that current mainstream social psychology is primarily characterised by the study of the interactions among the individual and groups through experimental study and as a entrust of this, context such as social and cultural levels have not been represented to their true extent (Doise, 1982/1986).ReferencesAbrahms, M. 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The Current And Future Prospect Of Accor Hotels Tourism Essay
The Current And Future Prospect Of Accor Hotels tourism look forThis proposal is to put into action and find new instructions of job by using over the last three eld stinting and profitable performance to eccentricize the answers. The suggestion seeks divers(prenominal) indispensables of business performance, such(prenominal) as marketing development Crisis management and Functional level outline of Accor Hotels to categorize the results.The outcome shows with the purpose of Accor Hotels argon performing organizespring in the past three forms company performance. only if still, there are a outlet of improvements are necessary in industry emersion. Crisis solicitude needs to be compulsory that chamberpot helps the organisation to perform to a greater extent(prenominal) effectively. Analysing the Past trends and issues that causes the crisis related to the plaque and businesses are able to stop, manage, or defend the belongings of crises in the rising.Accor fork ou t opportunity to develop the business by geographicalal extension almost the world. foodstuff development strategy center in particularly at Asian and pacific region that has rising development standardised constructing Accor brands like Suite Hotel and Motel6. That gives strength and also helps to geographic extension of the company in order to attain the customer propitiation and brand image.Accor should have functional level strategy in charitable choice management that are rewarding and motivating the employees, customers and reselling by divers(a) placements like deliver vouchers, prepaid cards, rewards to enhance the relationships with the customers and employees.ContentsExecutive sum-up 21. Introduction 42. Background of Accor hotels 43. Future dodge for Accor 63.1 Crisis guidanceing 63.2 grocery development 8By analyzing the (Table 3) Asian pacific region have a huge maturation in Travel and tourism between 2008- 2018. Where constructing and building of S uite hotel and Motel 6 of Accor brands in Asian and pacific region. Focusing on new customers with the corresponding harvesting and receipts but in different geographical areas is the Market development. However China and India are the appear market building to a greater extent suite hotel and motel 6 for the customers. So, Market development strategy for Accor hotels to develop the geographical extension around the globe. 103.3 Functional level dodge ( gay imagery worry (HRM)) 104. Conclusion 105. Reference 116. auxiliary A 14IntroductionThis report is about the Strategic of Accor Hotels past, veritable and future prospect. Section one evaluates the background of the Accor hotels in their past three years strategies between 2007-2009.Section 2, it melt down be the future strategies that leave train the Internal and external Issues and trends on the hotel with SWOT analysis. Finally, it concludes and summaries the whole report.Background of Accor hotels round the world Accor is one of the foremost hotel operator in the world (Accor, 2008a), europiuman organizer in hotels and travelistry and the orbiculate organizer in receipts to business customers and communal organization, Accor works in nearly100 demesnewith extra than150,000 employees (Accor, 2008a). Past 40 years, it has offer consumers with knowledge get in its two center businesses, Hotels and Service (Accor, 2008a).Hotels Hotels has a geographically and structurally sound business portfolio. Hotel action contains further than15 corresponding intersection point from facilitate to wealth that are recognized and respected around the world for their service value (Accor, 2008a). Accor offers miscellaneous luxury hotels brands like see Appendix A. galore(postnominal) lodging companies have developed many brands to give out sevenfold market segments (Jing, Dev, and Rao 2002).Service It operates over40 nations Accor Services plans, expand and process elevated value-added services for corporation (Accor, 2008a). Accor Services proposea stallion choice of prepaid servicesin the region ofworker and lodge benefits (Accor, 2008a).Accor hotels past and current strategies were evaluated with annual reports of the company and message given by Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Accor Hotels. In 2006, Accor hotels have increased the number of rooms and available nearly double in 2010. The expansion model of 40,000 rooms per year focuses on organization contracts and franchise Accor (2010a).Accor has preferred quaternity drivers to distribute the 40,000 new rooms per year by Expanding in horse opera Europe in Eco and Budget, and by franchise it increase the market plowshare in established markets, Strengthen the location in rising countries, Management networking to expand the upmarket and luxury Accor (2010a). Accor has changed its strategy to focus more on increasing the business through franchising and organization contracts and less on verbal expression of new hot els (Walsh, 2003).Figure 1 Expansions and investment of Accor hotels around the globe. origination Accor (2010a)The al-Quran strategy refers to the wide direction, or holistic point of view, taken by an organization to plan for and make safe its long period goals (Marginson, 1988). Accor introduced skill of Motivano software in functional level Strategy of Human resource management (HRM) in the technological developments, which enables online management of employee benefits (Accor 2008b). Rewards and motivation for the employees, Customers and reselling by various methods like Gift vouchers, prepaid cards, Rewards to enhance the relationships with the customers and employees (Accor, 2009a). Kotler (2003) says that it is significant to make an resplendent link among customers and the suppliers in order to develop the issue of consumer faithfulness. Accor have product development for their customers relationship towards the organisation by having a multi brand A Club loyalty progra m across the worldwide (Accor 2008b). An expansion method Accor service makes stronger its faculty for technical modernism with the gaining of pay Technologies Ltd. The achievement of Prepay Technologies makes stronger for Accor Services management and expands its collection of stuff and services in the UK (Accor, 2007b).Accor focus strategy on French Polynesia for leisure travelers. It presents visitors the possibility to treat individuals with the life-or-death in leisure and luxury at three of its limited resorts in French Polynesia. Accor hotels are think particularly on the Le watering hole at Sofitel, Sofitel Bora Bora Beach Resort and Sofitel Motu Bora Bora, a private island in French Polynesia (PR Log, 2007). Divertiture Strategy says that Selling a division or part of an organization (David, 2009). During 2007 Accor sold out 30 hotel properties in the United landed estate for 711 jillion (Accor, 2007a). Because due to economic crisis and loss (Accor, 2007b). In produc t development Accor service beget on UUB Premium card in the United Kingdom and the Commuter Check card in the United States (Accor 2008b). That helps to hold the customers and employees at bottom the organisation. Accor Hospitality is to promote all its brands, collectively. That has various ranges of Facilities and low prices. That initially steer business travelers and leisure break customers (Marketing magazine, 2009). Accor Hotels had a Net Loss of 282 one thousand thousand due to the economic crisis and restructure costs totalling 514 billion (Accor, 2010).Future Strategy for Accor3.1 Crisis ManagementA crisis is the perception of an unpredictable event that threatens important expectancies of interestingness holders and can seriously impact on organizations performance and generate blackball outcomes Coombs (2007 2-3). Meyers (1986) categorized disaster into main belongings on community perceptions, product failures, sudden changes in the market place and changes in to p administration. Meyers as well argue that crises can be caused by troubles with financing, business relations, take-overs, global events and changes in rules and policy. For example, following the 9/11 attacks, most of the political and media debate on threatism has decided on avoidance policies (Kahn and Weiner, 2002). Economic impact of 9/11 is sensibly incalculable though the global travel and tourism council has approximate reduce of the travel and tourism demand worldwide to be 10%. This compare to the jobs loss of 8.8 million people worldwide including airlines, hotels and tour operators, generate a 1.7% decline of whole GDP for the global wealth. They were two different viewpoints about concerning crisis management. One conference of Researchers (e.g., Perrow 1984 Gephart 1984) argued that crises are repeated and non avoidable whereas other(a)s (e.g., Mitroff, Pearson, and Harrigan 1996 Roberts 1990) contended that in attendance are conduct through which link can stop, run, or moderate the belongings of crises.Accor, which function the Sofitel, Ibis and Novotel brands in the UK, express it will cut 10% of its staff at its French head offices as it seem to make a 15% decrease in maintain costs due to the crash of the unprecedented worldwide crisis (Sharkey,2009). But Parsons (1996) put forward three categories of crises 1. Immediate crises Everywhere small or negative caution survives hence organizations are not capable to contemplate the crisis or arrange a preparation ahead of the problem or disaster strikes. 2. Emerging crises These crises are identified and perchance it can be blocked or restricted through business act. 3. Sustained crises This possibly will carry on for weeks, months or still for longer duration. The Bali terror operations in 2002 probably lost Indonesia half a million Visitors and $4.0 billion in revenue.And also in Jakarta hotels bombed in 17 July 2009 (Telegraph, 2009).Hotels in Indonesia have been bombed which leads to afraid tourists will go to some other nation now, and hotels will have to expend a buttload more money on security to try to calm those panicky travellers down (Telegraph, 2009). In Mumbai, terrorist attacks train situation, a hospital, a caf and two hotels locations used by foreigners as well as local businessmen and leaders (BBC News 2008). It results in Negative travel advisories on India around various countries. According to the compact of Hotels and Restaurant Association of India Booking by overseas travellers mainly from U.S and Europe comes down by 40% to 60% (Singh, 2008). According to Kash and Darling (1998) crisis taproom and planning can be managed by the following tools, strategic forecasting, happening planning, issues analysis, scenario analysis. This prevention and planning are assistive to manage the crisis that affects the organization. According to Mitroff crisis can be prevented, manage, or moderate the effects of crises in the organization will helpful for the future crisis to be prevented. Accor should provided security to their visitors is unavailable very seriously, Sofitel capital of Belgium Europe is endowed with a video recorder observation system communicate by 60 cameras and magnetic keys guarantee secure feeler to the hotel floors (Accor, 2010c). The Crisis Management Strategy is useful for the organisation of Accor in the future to submerge the economic crisis and threats of the organisation.3.2 Market developmentSuggestion with the intention creates a character designed for an intangible body, products tell to customers feeling (Kim and Kim 2004). According to David, 2009 focusing on new customers with the alike(p) product and service but in different geographical areas. Brand justice besides let a group to enlarge and increase the product in a range of marketplace (Maharajan, Rao, and Srivastava, 1994). A hotel brand initially creates an importance for visitors by serving to contain them of a identical stage of excell ence (O Neil and xiamo 2006).The table1 shows Accor hotel brands geographic presence in the world, that there is a huge opportunities for start business in emerging market like Asia and Pacific regions. Because they haveTable 1 Accor hotel brands geographic presence in the worldBRANDEUROPEMIDDLE easternmost AFRICAASIA PACIFICNORTH AMERICALATIN AMERICATOTAL amount of money2,3101434021,0761744,111Sofitel34244599121Pullman25515_146Novotel2642085719395Mercure/MGallery48330105_81699Suite hotel242___26all seasons42_33__75Ibis6913180_59861Motel 6___1001_1,001Unbranded hotels227150145Source Adapted from Accor (2010a)Construction of Suite hotel and Motel 6 in Asia Pacific region, that has largest volume of Travel Tourism Demand in the future prospective and increase the market place and exceeding the geographical perspectives around the globe.World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) says that, Table2. China has climbed two places by defeat japan and Germany and it occupied the second posit ion. Travel Tourism service is lead by China (WTTC, 2008).Table3 Over the next one decade, the image will change to some extent as emerging tourism markets start to gather greater benefits from their investment in Travel Tourism development. whereas the USA, China, Japan and Germany will keep their current top four slots in ground of total Travel Tourism Demand (in absolute terms), India will be the worlds number one in terms of yearly growth in Travel Tourism require between 2008 and 2018, averaging 9.4% per annum ahead of China, Libya, Vietnam and Montenegro (WTTC, 2008).Table 2 Countries expected to generate the largest volume of Travel Tourism Demand (TTD) in 2008 TTD,S.No Countries (US$ bn)1USA1,747.52China592.03Japan514.34Germany505.75France418.86UK403.77Spain338.28Italy302.99Canada231.410Mexico157.6Source WTTC, 2008.Table 3 Expected countries growth in Travel Tourism Demand between 2008 and 2018S.No Countries 2008-18 (% annualised real growth)1India9.42China8.93Libya8 .14Vietnam8.15Montenegro7.46Romania7.17Macau7.18Namibia6.9Source WTTC, 2008.By analyzing the (Table 3) Asian pacific region have a huge growth in Travel and Tourism between 2008- 2018. Where constructing and building of Suite hotel and Motel 6 of Accor brands in Asian and pacific region. Focusing on new customers with the same product and service but in different geographical areas is the Market development. However China and India are the emerging market building more suite hotel and motel 6 for the customers. So, Market development strategy for Accor hotels to develop the geographical extension around the globe.3.3 Functional level Strategy (Human imagination Management (HRM))Hotels are the most important components in tourism business and Human resource issues exist dangerous to examine value, and revolve the answer to global competitive (Jones and Haven- Tang, 2005). The significance of trouble describing to skills deficiency for the hospitality sector is clear shown by (Zhang and Wu, 2004425). Zhang and Wu observed that in China the qualified candidate have to be promoted by the hotelier to handle the decision-making or administrative tasks. So by rewarding and motivating to the employees, customers and reselling by various methods like Gift vouchers, prepaid cards, rewards to enhance the relationships with the customers and employees.ConclusionThe evaluation of past three years annual report, environmental opportunities and threads is set up much helpful information about the conditions of Accor Hotels located in all over the world. However, it is essential for the organization to think again to put into practice the necessary strategic performance for the future business development. The Current trends and issues faced by the Tourism and Hospitality organisation in Crisis thats hits both the economic and the Organization background. So Accor hotels should have the Crisis Management strategy to overcome the threats like terrorism and issues like recessi on that they have currently facing. And Accor have an opportunity to expand their geographic existence in the Asian pacific region by focusing on the new segmented customers. Accor are increasing the rooms per year for the customer to retain with their strong portfolio in nature. Accor have weakness in man power shortage that can be solved by the future Functional level strategy that is managed by Human Resource Management. Rewarding and motivating of staffs in the organisation.
Friday, March 29, 2019
HMMs Pattern Recognition
HMMs Pattern Recognition fitting 3 of Pattern recognition is on HMMs. It should contain a tiny report on HMMs. The topics covered should include1. An introduction to HMM and its uses.1. Problems of HMM, their explanation and semblance to prior, posterior, and evidence.2. Solution to the businesss of HMM and their algorithmic programs.Pattern RecognitionAssignment 3Name Muhammad Sohaib JamalAn mental home to HMM and its UsesA Hidden Markov Model HMM is a stochastic model which has a series of observable variable X which is generated by conceal rural bea Y. In an indirect way HMM consist of hidden defers which has proceeds that is comprised of a set of observations. Simple Markov Model models the states are directly observables means the states are directly output while in HMM the states are hidden and diverse form the observables or output. HMM is very reliable model for probabilistic estimation. HMM feed applications in pattern recognitions such as speech recognition, ges ture and turn over writing recognition, computational Bioinformatics, etc.Suppose we are considering three hales of a coin toss test and the person who is discover only go to bed the departs of the experiment when another person announces the result who is hidden in a closed room from the person noting the results. The result of this coin experiment basis be any set of heads and tails e.g. THT, HHH, THH, TTT, THT etc. The person observing the results can get any rate of heads and tails, and it is not possible to augur any circumstantial grade that leave behind occur. The Observation Set is exclusively unpredictable and random.Lets call for that the third trail of coin toss experiment will produce more Head than the Tails. The resulting installment will obviously return more repress of heads then tails for this particular case. This is called emission prospect denoted by Bj(O).Now we sound off that the chance of flipping the third trail after the first and insur gent trail is approximately zero. Then, the transition from maiden and 2nd trail to 3rd trail will be truly very small and as an outcome yields very little number heads if the person starts flipping the coin from 2nd trail to 3rd trail. This is called Transition luck denoted by aij.Assume that each trail has some chance associated with the foregoing trail, then the person will start the process of flipping from that particular coin. This is know to be the Initial prospect denoted by i.The sequence of number of heads or tails is known to be the observables and the number of trail is said to be the state of the HMM.HMM is composed ofN number of hidden states S1, S2 ., SNM number of observations O1, O2, , OMThe i (Initial state prospect)Output Probability or waiver Probability B P (OM SN), where OM is observation and SN is the state.Transition luck matrix A = aij .Transition probabilities aij.Mathematically the model is represented as HMM = , A, BProblems of HMM and their exp lanationsHMM has three basic causes of problemsThe rating problemSuppose we have an HMM, complete with transition probabilities aij and output probabilities bjk. We need to determine the probability that a particular sequence of observables states OT was generated by that model.The Decoding problemThe transition probabilities, output probabilities and set of observations OT is given and we want to determine the most likely sequence of hidden states ST that led to those observations.The Learning problemIn such problem the number of states and observation are given but we need to find the probabilities aij and bjk. With the given set of training observations, we will determine the probabilities aij and bjk.Relation of HMM to Prior, tooshie and evidenceThe i (Initial state probability) is analogous to the Prior probability. Because the initial probability is given before the set of experiments take place. This property of initial probability is identical to that of prior probabilit y.Similarly, the output probability or emission probability B P (OM SN) is analogous to the posterior probability. The posterior probability is utilise in forward regressive algorithm.In the same manner, evidence is the probability the next state is C given that the current state is state Sj. So the evidence is analogous to the transition probability A.Solution to the problems of HMM and their algorithmsFrom the supra mentioned discussion, we know that there are three different of problems in HMM. In this section we will briefly know how these problems are sourdEvaluation problem, this type of problem is solved the utilize Forward-Backward algorithm.Decoding problem, for such type of HMM problem we use the Viterbi algorithm or posterior decoding pedagogy problem, in case of this type of problem we have the Baun-Welch re-estimation algorithm to solve it.Forward-Backward algorithmThe forward and backward amounts are combined by the Forward-Backward algorithm to estimate the prob ability of each state for a specific time t, and recaping these steps for each t can result in the sequence having the most likely probability. This algorithm doesnt guarantee that the sequence is valid sequence because it considers every individual step.The forward algorithm has the followers three stepsInitialization stepIterationsSummation of overall states.Similarly, for backward algorithm we have the same steps like the forward algorithmInitialization stepIterationsSummation of overall statesViterbi algorithmViterbi algorithm is employ to find the most likely hidden states, resulting in a sequence of observed events. The relationship between observations and states can be inferred from the given image.In first step Viterbi algorithm initialize the variableIn second step the process is iterated for every stepIn third step the iteration endsIn Fourth step we track the best caterpillar trackBaun-Welch re-estimation algorithmBaun-Welch re-estimation algorithm is used to compute the unknown parameters in hidden Markov model HMM. Baun-Welch re-estimation algorithm can be best described using the following example.Assume we collect eggs from yellow(a) every day. The chicken had mystify eggs or not depends upon unknown factors. For simplicity assume that there are only 2 states (S1 and S2) that determine that the chicken had lay eggs. Initially we dont know about the state, transition and probability that the chicken will lay egg given specific state. To find initial probabilities, suppose all the sequences starting with S1 and find the maximum probability and then repeat the same procedure for S2. Repeat these steps until the resulting probabilities converge. Mathematically it can beReferencesAndrew Ng (2013), an online course for Machine learning, Stanford University, Stanford, https// and Hart, Pattern Classification (2001-2002), Wiley, New York.http//en.wikipedia.orghttp// -for-dummies.htmlhttp// help oneself/stats/hidden-markov-models-hmm.htmlhttp//
The Hilton Hotel, Heathrow
The Hilton Hotel, Heathrowthe objective of this appellation to shows the how the presidential terms in cordial reception intent the hybrideting strategies. This assignment inaugurateing evaluation of the trade introduction closely Hilton Heathrow hotel, their loyalty programme, their commonplace relations, e-merchandising, viral and guerrilla selling, variance commercializeing, net decease and client race marting strategies porters louver-spot forces.Definition of trade as succeeding(a)According to Philip Kotler- marketing strategies ar the combinations of whole important marketing goals into a comprehensive plans, it should be from marketing research and its shopping centre of attention should be just marketing go to procure maximum profit and sustainability for the fundamental law.Hilton Hotel and resorts is a Hospitality indus yield founded by Conrad Hilton in 1919 in Cisco, Texas (U.S) and has 540 hotels in 78 countries. Its first inciter was opened in Bu siness locomote and leisure travel be the two marketing emphasis the participation is rivet on. Hilton Hotel and Resorts argon mostly located in city centres, near airports and so forthfor the well-off access for the clients. This assignment is on Hilton Hotel (HHonours) near Heathrow Airport within Heathrow sweep they thrust three branches. Easy access from all conclusions Heathrow central and terminal 5. It has partnership with different skyways and car rental companies. It just 6 proceeding manner of walking away from T4 and 10 minutes away by good manners shuttle bus from T5.Hilton London Heathrow Airport hotel Exterior(http// merchandise marketing strategy plays a vital usage to conquest for business. merchandise in Hospitality industry is unrivaled of the main elements to increase clams and success of the business and it is playing in truth important role in hospitality. It helps the cheek to outsmart success by understand their clients, what they want, their inescapably priorities and quest from the formation and what argon their expectation level from customer service diaphragm of view, leisure and infrastructure and so on It is really well-fixed these days through internet. The agreement sack in like manner put surveys on internet, intercommunicates, websites, social media, etc. For example Hilton hotel is available on casing book where any unitary bed corresponding, input signal and post their views and also customers foot check their updates, whirls etc.http// tincture-blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Facebook-Hilton-Hotels-Resorts.jpg(https// mess upMarketing concoction is a mixture of four fundamentals product, damage, attitude and promotion. That actions used to take on the wants of an schemes tar go about market and at the alike(p) fourth dimension achieve its marke ting objectives. (Stanton) 1994.http//www.marketingt this feature of marketing mix is including planning, sustaining and producing the right category of products and services in the market by an organisation. In short words what is the quality of the product, size of the product? How is it looks like, protrude of the product, value of the product, virtually packaging, testing and range etc?At Hilton Heathrow hotel they confine melted pool, twenty four hour fitness centre thence for heartsease they have sauna bath and steam room and beauty salon as well. They have artificial beach terrace. They have contemporary massive room, executive lounge, executive rooms and suites. Hilton is the foremost world(prenominal)ly friendliness company spanning the housing sector from rarified full services to extended mollify suites hotel. They mostly attract to business pack as a marvellous hotel in the market.Price- To fix a right price of pro duct is a most difficult task. Price of the product should be reasonable and affordable so organisation fucking sell their product easily and successfully in the market. There argon smokes of steps between hard-boiled the right price for example determination of unit price of the product, determine policies and strategies, discounts, credits, cost, terms of deli precise, payment, competitive price credit policy etc.Hilton hotel is so nonp atomic number 18ilr dearly-won and luxurious hotel, their prices be game scarce still whippy according to the seasons. They give some discounts on special occasions.Place- It is called dispersal channels, stock and w arehousing, coverage channel, inventory management, selection channel, distribution logistics etc. Management of organisation is responsible to choose and deal with distribution channels so customers butt get the product at right place at right time. They should develop animal(prenominal) distribution. Wholesalers and ret ailers are most important channels which are used for physical distribution of goods.Hilton hotel is near London Heathrow airport which is lone(prenominal) give bring acees to the terminal 4 airport by walk and shuttle bus to terminal 5. This hotel offers fully equipped business centre of 2,590 square metre banquet hall for special events. Business collection for up to 300 guests of 30 meetings rooms.Promotion- the fourth p is promotion it does admit determination closely direct marketing, sales promotion, advertisements, publicity, exhibitions, public relations operation etc. Most important tools are advertisements and sales promotion which are used to publicize the sale of products of organisations. The better(p) way for advertising strategy, organisation should recognise the competitors what are they providing additional to customers. This bequeathing help to an organisation to do improvements into their values and to set marketing strategy. Promotional activities are free distribution of sample of product, contests etc. These pil number onecases of tools are expressive which does help to beat the controversy in the market to organisation. Advertisements are used to communicate and pass the education to customers and consumers to the highest degree the features of product through television, internet, newspapers and magazines, radio, billboards, banners and posters etc.Limitations Doing advertisements or promotion is pricy tool but at that place is lots of advertisements on the television and internet so people can get fed up thats wherefore mostly people ignore the advertisements on television they just cross the channels when the advertisements comes in front of them. Some people do non read the advertisements on newspapers and magazines.Now a days Hilton Heathrow hotel doing promotion by giving offer to customers because Christmas coming they are giving offer to watch Christmas at Heathrow with their attractive cuisine and enjoyment traditional or bollywood themed parties. Their coordinator exit do the help to customer to organise party for superb occasion.At Hilton hotel in terms of the marketing mix model definitely the people, dish up and physical evidence are very important components of the marketing mix for service providers some(prenominal)(prenominal) as hotels.Marketing strategy to use by Hilton hotels as chaseThey give 20% off on bring home the bacon booking on their best available rate.They do offer bang and breakfast on the weekend package.They give 1000 reasons to customers to love Hilton and soak up thousands points on every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday night vex.They are offering for Christmas party at HeathrowThey are providing exclusive airport parking packages for up to 8 to 15 days. So customer can enjoy hassle free on their door step parking at London Heathrow airport discolourationing- branding is a incomparable name and identity of the company. It is a procedur e of mark and stamp to the product with identify look, design and logo etc. So customers and consumers can get idea about the features of product from the name, look, logo, mark and design. Brand name or design should be attractive, which can attract to the customers. From brand name customers can recognise the product. When they give a symbol or name to the product organisation should always keep in intelligence there is lots of competitor in the market. Brand should be like that which is no one can copy it easily.Hilton hotel have very rum name. Hilton Hhonors have ten different brand which are as side by side(p) Waldorf Astoria hotels and resorts, Conrad hotels and resorts, Double tree inn, Embassy suites, Hilton garden inn, Hampton, Homewood suites, Hilton grand vacation and home 2 suites by Hilton. They have every type of hotel for example budget hotel luxurious hotel, business hotel etc. customers can get love from the name about hotel for example Hilton hotels and resort s are quite luxurious and business class hotel. It is valuable.Customer loyalty- it is about to encourage the customer, attract towards brand, buy the product often and in extra amount. It is about satisfaction level of customers, confidence, and their needs and wants. presidential term should attain relationship with customers using e-market via email, pass on on mobile phones, so customers can stay keep in touch with them. Organisation should give points to the customers on loyalty cards. They should show to customers to accusation for them what are their choices and what they do not want.Hilton hotel they have point system to attract the customers and encourage to stay with them. They have guest loyalty programme and they have membership level as following blue, silvery, flamboyant and diamond. First of all blue, which is just for enrolling. Second one is silver which is for four stays at hotel and 10 nights and then they have gold 36 nights or 16 stays and 60000 outdoor stage points and the last one they have gold for 60 nights, 28 stays and 100000 footstall points. Customers can light up points on all their different brands in 91 countries and at nearly 3900 hotels. They can earn bonus points at airline for the same hotel stay. Customers can use their points on hotel stays, buying and receiving, on travel and transport, ex heighten with family and friends at dining. Customers can donate their points to supporting charities for non profit.Net construct and customer relationships marketing strategies- net working(a) is an important factor for an organisation. Stakeholders and employees with employers and mental faculty of an organisation should inter plug into with each some other. Marketing take place in public relationship. For an organisation should have good and strong relation with society to fight the aspiration in the market. They should build strong network into the market with stakeholders. Now a days every organisation have customer care part to sort out the problems of customers and they have call centres as well as they have online customer care facility via internet so customers can call them or email them regarding their problems. In an organisation network and customer relationship is how does effective staff deals with customers and employers with employees.Hilton hotels have network and customer relationship strategy to using point system and social media. Customers can earn points with them and they can use their points on lots of things with them on travel transports etc. They are using digital technology for example electronic media Customers can stay keep in touch with them using social media.Hilton Hotel alliance appreciates the value of its staff and uses internal marketing to retain them and make them step valued. At the Hilton organisation management realises that the companys team member added value and quality to the business. In fact it is the people working for the organisation that makes the Hilton hotels corporation such an international success. A hotel is an actual physical product, but a lot of the experience of visiting a hotel relates to the service offered by its staff to the customers. At Hilton hotel organisation management realises that staff treat customers with about same spirit level of respect as they themselves are treated by their employers. If staff are not treated and valued well they in turn will not respect or treat customers very well. Obviously this is very bad for an organisation. The Hilton hotel corporation invests a lot of time and money in its staff. It takes training and staff development very seriously. It involves staff in all aspects of its marketing plans and strategy so that everyone knows what is going on and how they make contribution. Organisation gives rewards to its staff for effort with awards and promotion. It includes its staff by allowing them access to extranet which is also grapple with its business partners. Management offers a comprehensive befits packages to its staff, including medical, dental and vision care coverage, life accident and disability insurance, the Hilton stock purchase plan, the flexible work system. Other benefits including vacation and holiday pay plus and special privileges when staff stays at Hilton hotels. At the Hilton group management really try to retain good staff and do everything possible to make working for the Hilton hotel organisation rewarding and satisfying experience.Marketing communication activities and strategies-marketing communication is a way which is used by an organisation to change the behaviour of stakeholders towards product. They kick in to product into the market in such way, people can get information about the product from designing, promotion, exhibitions, advertisements, newspapers, magazines, mobile phone marketing etc. Marketing communication can be develop by direct marketing and indirect marketing. Personal selling, sales promotion, adverti sing, public relations these are all marketing communication. Those all tools are used for communication about product, which tells to public about the features of product. Organisation use marketing communication to achieve the market objectives and target sales. Communication is messages between one person to other person and in marketing it is between seller and vendee.With Hilton hotel customers can stay keep in touch with them using social media.E-marketing- e-marketing is an internet marketing, which is also called as an online marketing, web-marketing. Now a days every organisation use electronic technology for advertisements to gain the objectives. Technology plays a vital role for an organisation such computer immorald technology. Organisation create their websites, they level information about products online. Internet offers unique opportunities for organisation and customers to communicate with each others. It is a good way to build relationship with each other. Compa nies do promotion by direct email, advertisements on internet, by text messaging on mobile phones as well. state can know about the organisations and their manufactured goods to visit on their websites through internet. Organisation can do advertisements through social media for example face book, twitter etc.On other hand some people do not commit on online information. These types of people prefer to go to the organisation personally so they can get information about the product from someone face to face.Hilton hotels and resorts have their own website so people can get easy access with them using internet. They have conglomeration in option on their webpage so people can create their account over there. Hilton hotels have account on face book as well so people can follow them using social media. They do their updates on their website and on social media regarding their discounts, offers, whats new at hotel etc. Thus people can get information through online using internet.Gue rrilla marketing activities and strategies- this type of strategy is a weapon for marketers and it is not very expensive it is low cost strategy. Guerrilla marketing is a unusual methods of promotion. This type of marketing does not focalize on sales just focus profits, on primary success. It does expect highest results from minimum resources.But sometimes these methods of marketing represent the false image of brand, which is not good to get success for an organisation and survive for long time in the future.Viral marketing- it is blog marketing, forum marketing, email marketing and article marketing. This type of marketing is passed from one person to other person for example messengers are used for viral marketing. Social media is the best way for viral marketing.People can join to Hilton hotel to create an account on their website so Hilton organisation can perpetrate them direct email regarding their products, promotions, discounts, new packages etc and they can follow them using facebook and tweeter as well.Public relationship strategies-Public relation strategies are one of the promotional tittup (advertisement, personal selling, sales promotion, corporate image and Exhibition). According to Bill bernbach- People cant believe you if they dont know what you are saying and they cant know what you are saying if they dont listen to you, and they wont listen to you if youre not interesting. either news, planning, presentation, job advertisement etc organisation wants to give to public and any feedback organisation want from public different media such as speaker opportunities (conferences, seminars, public forums), trade show support (press appointments, private demos), public launch, magazines, newspaper, (articles, report), TV, internet, PR blogs (such as face book, twitter, online Pr) etc.Public relationship is a relationship of communion information relation to organisation not only between organisation and customers it is also with employees, staf f, consumers, general public, competitors etc. Public relation plays a very important role and its essential to make public aware and current about new policies, procedures, jobs, vacancies etc.Hilton hotels to create public relation they promote their organisation through media news on the news papers, television, internet, magazines, articles etc. They per centum their information there. So people can know about them. Hilton global media centre users stand for 85 languages English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese, and Japanese etc.Segmentation marketing class of marketing is a procedure which is focus on a group people whose have common expectations, needs and wants. Market class is first action to apply the strategy of marketing. When partition applied, then organisation recognized the groups of customers with appropriate marketing mix so as to arrangement the product , brand, place, promotion, physical evidence and environment etc.Market sectionalization aims at one or m ore homogeneous groups of customers and the marketers try to develop different marketing mix for each segment. The purpose of this segment is to satisfy them all. There may be different demands in different market segments. Marketers may produce higher sales in markets where they have noncompetitive conditions by segmentation. The step towards developing a segmentation is to locate base for segmenting the market. There are different variables which are used for this purpose. The variables relates to consumer demographics, geographical, psychographic and behaviour. Bases of market segmentation as followingGeographic segmentationDemographic segmentationPsychographic segmentation deportmental segmentationValue based segmentationGeographic segmentation- this segmentation focus on the area, the capital size, its majority whether town, city, or country and the (type of persist warm, cold, muggy, dry, windy) because it does matter a lot in segmenting the market on the soil of geographic segmentation. The most important benefit of this segmentation basis that is reflects physical location of the market.Demographic segmentation- it divides the marketplace on the base of period of time, era, gender, matrimonial status, earnings, education, culture, family unit, family life cycle, profession, religious conviction and ethnic group. Demographics as a base for segmentation is working as a proxy for finding similarity in behavioural patterns.Psychographic segmentation- this base of segmentation is widely used by marketers. A persons life style, social class, cultural and personality rest at his mind. But this basic instinct can be tapped by marketers when they conjure up for their products. However the geographical or psychographic segmentation is mind level. It might not click for marketers.Behavioural segmentation- here the geographical, demographical or psycho graphical boundaries do not approach jointly but become more germane(predicate) for marketing. The clients and customers are segmented on the base of their behaviour in the origin of require inspiration, awareness, knowledge participation, attitudes, events, profit, user position, usage charge, loyalty rank and consumer willingness period. Behaviour segmentation is based on the consumer response to his requirements.Value based segmentation- the promotion idea prescribes that segmentation have to the result of competition connecting the goods quality and the needs or wants of the customers or clients. The marketers have to in actuality segmenting their clients so as to ramify persons who give the for the most part to their profits. The marketers are required to compute total lifetime value of their customers and discount it to arrive at the net present value.Michael porters five forces with porters five forces marketers can do strategic analysis of an organisation. They can find out the way how organisation attracts to different industries. Porters five forces does work as a guide to a n organisation before land to market. Michaels five forces are as followingIndustry rivalryPower of buyerPower of supplierThreats of deputeThreats of new entryIndustry rivalry- if enter into the market is very easy it means there is very high competition. Then customers can change their mind easily to go one from other. When competition is high in the market then there is not much disagreement into the products which are customers getting from the companies. All competitors using same strategies, and they have same sizes of product. If situations are like this as mentioned above then it is very hard to leave the industry for an organisation because they have been already spent lots of money.Hilton hotel has number of competitor near Heathrow which are as following Marriott hotel, Renaissance hotel, Ramada hotel, etc. They are also big organisations, but Hilton hotel has his own unique identity and popularity in the market as a luxurious hotel.Power of supplier- to get success fo r an organisation bargaining agency of suppliers is a most important side. Supplier provides raw material to an organisation. If they are the only supplier for firm and there is no power of substitute of that raw material and there is no alternative option, they can bend to provide raw material to an organisation. In that case supplier has much power.Power of buyers- customers can change their mind easily if they have another offer in same price and they go from one to another to get the product. Customers have the power to give pressure to the firm to change the price of product. Power of buyers come when there is not much difference between the product and they can get same product with low price. When customers buy the product they are very possessive about price of the product and they do comparison as well.Mostly business people, couples, and families are customers of Hilton hotel.Threats of substitute- if organisation provides such products which is already have in the marke t so there is threat of substitute is high. Because customers have another option. They can get another product.Threats of new entry- for an organisation to enter into new market are a bit risky because there are some barriers for pick up but for big organisation it is not much risky. When an organisation enters into the market looks at following points do they earn profit or how fast, will government give them approval to do business, do they have overflowing supplier for outputs of their products.RecommendationAs we know around Heathrow airport there lives mostly Asian community Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis etc. it is suggested to Hilton Heathrow hotel they should give them some discounts and offers on their special festivals and occasions. For example to Muslims on their special festival Eid they should offer them discounts on their parties. To Indians they should also give offers and discounts on their special occasion diwali like Christmas they offer special packages and discount for special event.ConclusionAs everyone knows hospitality is a huge industry in the market and Hilton hotels have their own unique name and identity in the market. According to the above mentioned strategies in the assignment marketing mix, branding, loyalty programmes, network and customer relationship marketing strategy, marketing communication activities and strategy, e-marketing, public relations, guerrilla and viral marketing, marketing segmentation and Micheal porters five forces, which were applying to the Hilton hotel they are doing best things to beat the competitors and they are doing their promotion in best ways such as their loyalty programmes. Hilton hotel is a luxurious and expensive and they mostly attract to business people and families so mostly customers of Hilton hotels are business people, families, couples and this hotel doing everything to do their best in the market. They are using digital technologies for example electronic media according to the de mand of modern era.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Essay --
IntroductionAnimal Farm, written by George Orwell, is a pretended story based on realistic events in score. The master(prenominal) report presented in the rule book is the animals wanted to avoid being victimised by their current oppressor however, their own allies exploited the other animals. The originator utilise animal actions to mirror events that reach in the Russian Revolution. The writes purpose is to inform his audience to be mindful of organization decision, to hold out those decisions and learn the events in history because history has the tendency to repeating itself. let off the Relationship Orwells experience in World fight devil caused him to produce Animal Farm. While works as a extend soldier, he developed hate for fascism and Stalinism. His assertions originated from observing the coddle administration of the Russian Revolution and reading literature. Although the authors novel has socialize some students, his goal was to inform readers o f satire of the Soviet Communism. The authors studies concern to Dr. Stovalls social science class, because this novel contains sociology between community and demonstrates charitable nature inside of the text.The elements of the novel expressed the authors observations of a corrupt government. The stolon element is its genre, fiction. The author used pretended animals to imbibe the homophiles of the Russian Revolution. These animals actions developed sources. When the animals overthrew the elevateer, the pigs rose to power and became a corrupt government. This signified the theme that the Soviets government ideas were corrupt. other theme arose when Snowball and Napoleon struggled for superiority. This event was a theme same to the human story where Stalin, who is represented by Napoleon, vanquishes... ...d power and violated the commandments. The animals were uneffective to discharge they were oppressed like in the past, because they did not learn around the past. The book also implies the readers should function bonkledgeable so that they would not become oppressed. My billet about the book is it is a must read for students and hoi polloi who ar a part of the working class. This situation can happen to legion(predicate) people in my generation because students fail to read. Like the farm animals, who could not read, they accept almost anything someone tells them because they do not know their history and rights. While reading the novel, I developed my likes and dislikes. I care the event, when the animals first had the idea to rebel against the farmer. However, I disliked Boxers final stage the most as well as the farm animals working ponderous while the pigs reaped the benefits. Essay -- IntroductionAnimal Farm, written by George Orwell, is a fictional story based on realistic events in history. The main topic presented in the book is the animals wanted to avoid being exploited by their current oppress or however, their own allies exploited the other animals. The author used animal actions to mirror events that happen in the Russian Revolution. The authors purpose is to inform his audience to be mindful of government decision, to know those decisions and learn the events in history because history has the tendency to repeat itself.Explain the Relationship Orwells experience in World War Two caused him to produce Animal Farm. While working as a volunteer soldier, he developed hate for fascism and Stalinism. His assertions originated from observing the corrupt government of the Russian Revolution and reading literature. Although the authors novel has entertained many students, his goal was to inform readers of satire of the Soviet Communism. The authors studies relate to Dr. Stovalls social science class, because this novel contains sociology between people and demonstrates human nature inside of the text.The elements of the novel expressed the authors observations of a corr upt government. The first element is its genre, fiction. The author used fictional animals to depict the humans of the Russian Revolution. These animals actions developed themes. When the animals overthrew the farmer, the pigs rose to power and became a corrupt government. This signified the theme that the Soviets government ideas were corrupt. Another theme arose when Snowball and Napoleon struggled for superiority. This event was a theme similar to the human story where Stalin, who is represented by Napoleon, vanquishes... ...d power and violated the commandments. The animals were unable to realize they were oppressed like in the past, because they did not learn about the past. The book also implies the readers should become knowledgeable so that they would not become oppressed. My stance about the book is it is a must read for students and people who are a part of the working class. This situation can happen to many people in my generation because students fail to read. Like the farm animals, who could not read, they accept almost anything someone tells them because they do not know their history and rights. While reading the novel, I developed my likes and dislikes. I liked the event, when the animals first had the idea to rebel against the farmer. However, I disliked Boxers death the most as well as the farm animals working hard while the pigs reaped the benefits.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Expectations versus Reality in Richs Living in Sin :: Rich Living in Sin
Expectations versus Reality in comfortables life storyspan in Sin Relationships block off for a variety of reasons, the most common be that people come to alliances with certain expectations which, when unmet, start and fuel the domino prepare which eventually leads to the rarity of the alliance. How one perceives a human relationship is altered by various conditions such(prenominal) as age, experience, and personal background. Differentiating between what is real and what is imagined in a relationship is in addition tailored by these experiences in life. In her poem Living In Sin, Adrienne Rich examines how one womans perceptions of her sensible environment, her antecedent for entering the relationship, and the shadiness of the relationship are altered when she differentiates between the relationship she expected and the relationship as it actually is. In her idealistic relationship, the speakers physical environment is empty of daily domestic responsibilities. There is no subscribe to dust or wash the windows because, as she expects in her fantasy life, the studio apartment will grip itself. There are definitely no oozy or cacophonic faucets in need of repair. And in the dream relationship, in that respect are no creeping bird louses, just a picturesque slip found cute by a cat. In actuality, however, the speakers physical environment needs cleanup position she battles dust on the furniture and grime on the windows. A noisy, drafty faucet in the studio needs repair. She also spots an insect in the kitchen that acts as the representative from the village in arrears the moldings. Her dream humanity is infested, probably with roaches. The fibbers designer in the relationship was ab initio the romantic longing to live with the man she loves, but eventually her motive is simply to surrender the routine and break the now boring character of the actual relationship. She cute in the beginning to escap e from restrictive spectral beliefs and live with her thespian boyfriend in his studio. As the title suggests, the narrator believed the relationship was a sinful one. Living with her boyfriend implies a courageous departure from port normally expected of her, either by herself, her parents, or society. Still, the light of apiece solar day reveals just how dull and routine her life has become. The stairs call forth each morning at five oclock with the arrival of the milkman each day she has to make the bed, dust the furniture, and look out fetid windows while perceive to the leaky faucet.Expectations versus Reality in Richs Living in Sin Rich Living in SinExpectations versus Reality in Richs Living in Sin Relationships end for a variety of reasons, the most common being that people enter relationships with certain expectations which, when unmet, start and fuel the domino effect which eventually leads to the end of the relationship. How one perceives a relationship is altered by various conditions such as age, experience, and personal background. Differentiating between what is real and what is imagined in a relationship is also tailored by these experiences in life. In her poem Living In Sin, Adrienne Rich examines how one womans perceptions of her physical environment, her motive for entering the relationship, and the tone of the relationship are altered when she differentiates between the relationship she expected and the relationship as it actually is. In her idealistic relationship, the speakers physical environment is free of daily domestic responsibilities. There is no need to dust or wash the windows because, as she expects in her fantasy life, the studio will keep itself. There are definitely no leaky or noisy faucets in need of repair. And in the dream relationship, there are no creeping insects, just a picturesque mouse found attractive by a cat. In actuality, however, the speakers physical environment nee ds cleaning she battles dust on the furniture and grime on the windows. A noisy, leaky faucet in the studio needs repair. She also spots an insect in the kitchen that acts as the representative from the village behind the moldings. Her dream world is infested, probably with roaches. The narrators motive in the relationship was initially the romantic desire to live with the man she loves, but eventually her motive is simply to bear the routine and break the now boring nature of the actual relationship. She wanted in the beginning to escape from restrictive religious beliefs and live with her musician boyfriend in his studio. As the title suggests, the narrator believed the relationship was a sinful one. Living with her boyfriend implies a daring departure from behavior normally expected of her, either by herself, her parents, or society. Still, the light of each day reveals just how dull and routine her life has become. The stairs shake each morning at five oclock with the arrival o f the milkman each day she has to make the bed, dust the furniture, and look out dirty windows while listening to the leaky faucet.
The Ocean Environment Essay examples -- Marine Environment Essays
Ocean Environment The sea is the most unequivocal feature of the earths surface.Approximately seventy percent of this surface is covered by piddle, in whizz way oranother. Beneath this water atomic number 18 the familiar sands of the beaches, bottoms ofbays, and the inshore ocean. Farther offshore this water covers an fearfulsubshipboard soldier topography of underwater c eitherons, trenches, mountains, and plains.Unlike the continents, which ar physic all in ally separated from one another, theoceans ar continuous and interconnected. Since the "world ocean iscontinuous"(M.J. Keen) it has similar characteristics throughout. In the early1870s oceanographers collected seawater samples from all of the seas of theworld at a variety of depths. When analyzed, the samples were found to havequite similar characteristics. These findings convinced many an(prenominal) that a method ofstudy was needed. The study of oceans was named oceanography. Density, salinity, and temperature atomic number 18 very strategic concepts in thestudy of oceanography. The salinity and temperature of the water influence its density, and the differences in density are the major factor in understandingthe formation of currents and the positions of water masses in the sea. Inaddition, temperature and salinity play major roles in influencing thedistribution of plants and animals. The depositorys of the sea floor may be divided into lithogenous,hydrogenous, biogenous, and cosmogenous sediments. Lithogenous sediments arethe major sediments on the ocean floor. They are derived from the chemical substance andmechanical weathering of rocks. biogenous sediments are composed primarily ofthe protective outter covering of small marine animals and plants. If theseremains comprise at least thirty percent of the sediment it is called an "ooze"."Oozes" were named for the types of organisms that formed th em. Hydrogenoussediments form as a result of the chemical reactions that occur in the seawater.These reactions result in the formation of small particles, which are depositedon the sea floor. Currents move these particles and cause them to collide withthe other particles. If many of these collisions occur they may form nodules.Nodules are found on round portions of the deep-sea floor. The sediment typefrequently determines the type of organ... ...discarge of cover fromships, and the schooling of emergency response systems to oil pollutionaccidents have contributed to the decline of ship-based souces of oil pollutionover the last two decades. The moratorium on dumping of hot waste atsea under the London Dumping ruler also represents another response toconcerns about the risks posed by much(prenominal) diposal. Some regions have concludedagreement which ban dumping of any radioactive waste at sea. In theMediterranean and Red Sea, all discharge of oily wasted from ships is alsob anned. The differences between terrestial regions are hale known. Less wellknown are the features that distingush the Atlantic from the Pacific Ocean, orthe coast of South America from those of Southern Africa. Regardless of this,the various regions of the worlds oceans are all affected by human activity,with pollution and harvesting of resouces of resouces being common to all seasand oceans. The various marine resources, as well as the extent of humanimpacts on them, are examined region by region, illustrating hos stresses on themarine environmet treatened the very resistance of some habitats and species.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Analysis of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays
depth psychology of To shoot a Mockingbird by Harper Lee natural in Monroeville, Alabama, on April 28, 1926, Nelle Harper Lee is the youngest of three children of Amassa Coleman Lee and Francis Lee. forward his death, expend Lees father and her older sister, Alice, practiced law together in Monroeville. When one considers the theme of honor that runs throughout Miss Lees novel, it is perhaps monumental to note that her family is related to Confederate General Robert E. Lee, a man especially noted for his devotion to that virtue.Miss Lee received her early information in the Monroeville public schools. Following this, she entered the University of Alabama to study law. She left in that respect to spend a year in England as an exchange student. go to the university, she continued her studies, but left in 1950 without having completed the requirements for her law degree. She go to New York and worked as an airline reservation clerk.CharacterIt is said that Miss Lee personally re sembles the tomboy she describes in the character of Scout. Her dark right away hair is worn cut in a short style. Her main(prenominal) interests, she says, are collecting the memoirs of nineteenth century clergymen, golf, crime, and music. She is a Whig in semipolitical thought and believes in Catholic emancipation and the repeal of the corn laws.Sources Of To Kill A MockingbirdAmong the sources for Miss Lees novel are the following(1) study events This novel focuses on the role of the Negro in Southern life, a life with which Miss Lee has been intimately associated. Although it does not deal with complaisant rights as such - for example, the right to vote - it is greatly concerned with the difficulty of human dignity - dignity based on individual merit, not racial origin. The bigotry of the characters in this novel greatly resembles that of the people in the South today, where the fictional Maycomb County is located.(2) Specific Persons Atticus Finch is the principal charact er in this novel. He bears a close resemblance to Harper Lees father, whose middle physique was Finch. In addition to both being lawyers, they are similar in character and personality - humble, intelligent and hard-working.(3) Personal Experience Boo Radleys preindication has an aura of fantasy, superstition, and curiosity for the Finch children. There was a similar house in Harper Lees childhood. Furthermore, Miss Lee grew up amid the Negro prejudice and force out in Alabama.
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